Dear Tech People,
This shows how much as a society rely on technology and how many sacrifices we’ve made to have come this far. Technology is what drives us to do better because of the emergence of internet and of that reason it is beneficial to keep technology and not turn away from it.I know that people will think different about it but it's good to have opinions to justify weaknesses and the good things about technology. I strongly want technology to strive longer and evolve better than before because of new issues between using it too much and viruses.
Although I could see that in some area's technology is really in need like for an example, computer programmer, video gamer developer, and other related jobs towards technology.
Technology has changed...
After publishing this article last month warning people that TOR was no longer safe in concealing your identity online I received dozens of messages, and two of them came from former Microsoft Cloud project developers and a Cisco network engineer with links to white papers written by IT Expert Bruce Schneirer, Edward Snowden, and EFF members that all confirmed the claims of my article and came with even a bigger shocker… The Cloud technology developed ostensibly to provide a safe and secure storage, gaming, and general interface platform, was from the very onset, designed to be an undetectable world-wide NSA spy tool that become especially effective when paired with the...
Dear Friends,
By both accident and personal experience, I learned about this breach in encryption security technology and by necessity I learned even more about it from a top Chinese White Hat hacker in Beijing, before I was kidnapped by the FBI (Google it if you think I am blowing smoke up your butt.) Since I do not want to be charged with any NSA violations I will be careful with what and how much I tell you here today. If my experience interests you, can visit…
First, I will start with Skype which was once a privately owned company and was semi secure at that point. It was then sold to Ebay and user information was sold on a limited basis, until the company was bought in 2011 by Microsoft for $8.5Billion.Think why would anyone spend so...
An Open Letter to
Tim Sweeney
Picture this your 6 year old cousin is on your fortnite account because let's face it;that's the only thing that you can do so that he stops annoying you about the newest fortnite skins. Then you leave him by himself in your room with no supervision at all, just completely by himself, all alone secluded. Then he decides to go to the item shop and he buys v-bucks then he buys some more then he buys even more v-bucks. After all of these transactions, he had bought all of these v-bucks and spent around 100+ dollars on your account. You see a lot of parents and siblings face problems like this when games heavily feature microtransactions and loot boxes, games such as Fifa, Fortnite, Red Dead Redemption 2, Overwatch, the Call of...
We all are living in the period, where every second service, is just a click away. And it won’t be wrong to name this trend as the technological detonation. Sardonically it seems that this technological boom might take over the corporate world as rapidly as it has been dominating our lives since its breakthrough.Slowly but surely we’ll find ourselves totally engulfed within its web, and symptoms have recently started to evolve.An early indication is the use of the fancy buzzword ~ DIGITAL MARKETING and ~SEO everywhere.
Especially if you are a resident of a metro city like Delhi, you can’t deny of receiving mails and calls from companies claiming to provide you with Best Digital Marketing Services I can figure out the big question mark on your face.
To explain “what digital...
Hi Bill Gates,
We realized that you are a jerk. You have a PC with a broken OS. Your big house is a much less gain than the loss of your computer to have a broken OS. Your job did you more loss than gain. You looser. In opinion of one programmer you did around 20 trillion damage to world economy including yourself.
Many people considered it useless to write you because they assumed you are the Antichrist. Just like Napoleon you have 666 in your name:
print(sum(ord(c) for c in "BILLGATES"))
prints 663 and you have III in your full name. The sum is 666.
It could be all useless, but as one preacher noted the Apocalypse is addressed to slaves of Christ. If we cease be His slaves and become His friends, then there is no reason to assume that the Apocalypse will be accomplished....
It not my place to tell anyone out to who should listen to or read online about news stories but, if you're listening to or reading of what a lot of this conservatives presents online it very possible that is probably isn't going to be true. People like the conservatives have a agenda they want people like me...
I don't know if anyone at Bungie, or anyone at all, will read this. I am currently listening to a video on YouTube entitled "Relaxing Destiny Music". As I listen I am flooded with nostalgia for a game which I've hated and loved all at the same time and has become a part of me.
It started when I was about 7. My oldest brother had purchased an Xbox 360 and with it came Halo 3. For hours I would sit with him and just watch him play this game. I felt engrossed by the Halo universe, a universe created by Bungie. When I finally purchased my own Xbox 360 I bought all the Halo games I could; Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, Halo reach and even Halo Wars. My love for the franchise was unmatched by any other in the world of video games.
Naturally when I heard Bungie wouldn't be creating further Halo...
Dear Driver,
Everyone remembers their first time taking their driving test, the nerves, the sweaty palms, the shakiness as you grip onto the steering wheel. You become vulnerable with the vehicle moving along with your motions. It’s hard to believe that Americans when handed their license also vowed to obey all the road laws, along with not texting and driving. Putting people in harm’s way, as some would say, should be an action that is forbidden. The driver’s test not only should have proved your ability to drive well, but to drive with caution. You can put as much confidence in yourself believing that you can drive as safe as possible, however there is no guarantee that someone else can as well.
Texting while driving is more common than you believe. According to the National Safety...