
Most of this letter got written at 2:30 in the morning on 1/8/2021. I couldn't sleep because my mind was trying to make sense of the events that transpired on Capital Hill on 1/6/2021. I've come to realize that we have all now seen the writing on the wall. There is no denying it, the message couldn't be clearer. The question is, are our leaders and us getting the message? Because if you don't get it, we are all going to continue to suffer, and these types of events will become more common, and who knows where it will lead. Maybe a military state, maybe the collapse of our democracy? I urge you to deeply consider what I am about to say. And let me say that I'm not here to bash Trump or his opponents nor am I hear to defend him. I'm only looking at the events to try and...
Dear Congressman Tonko, Senator Schumer, Congresswoman Gillibrand, Speaker Pelosi, Governor Cuomo: I am a lifelong conservative supporter. I am requesting that you and the Congress COMPLETLEY support President Trump and his efforts to overturn this sham ficticious election. All Americans and Patriots need to stand behind Mr Trump and the Legal election process. As my Representative you need to muster all resources and the backing and the support of all Americans towards this endeavor. The schemes and efforts of these election fraudsters need to be exposed, not rewarded. This is not about the elections in 2022, but about the election of 2020 which President Trump won by a Landslide. If the fraud and policies of this Democratic Party, or any party for that matter, are allowed to exist...
Congressmen Hice do yourself a favor just shut the F*** up about making a case for Donald Trump getting a second term. You have no case regarding voter fraud because perhaps their is none voter fraud if so it would have been reported . You and congressmen Jim Jordan and Matt Gaezt as well a hundred of republican house representatives is just sore losers that your president loss fair and square people come out to vote .your next move is to suggest to Trump to use the military physical force to stay in power that probably the only way he can stay in power hopefully the military want to along with this just for one man Donald Trump. Donald Trump loss you guys know that he loss to Joe Biden and yet you're going along with this nonsense about voter fraud using the military for intimidation...
Dear Republican Senator I am appalled that you, LIKE SO MANY of your colleagues, are so quick to accept and/or dismiss, without any meaningful investigation, that this current national election is sacrosanct and/or devoid of significant fraud. Even those of us not educated in law and judicial procedures can see the ever increasing evidence, which is damn blatant, and amazingly obvious, while continuing to mount. What none of you realize or can reconcile is that a very large swath of the electorate is not happy, convinced, and/or satisfied that this was an HONEST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. AND WHAT YOU HAVE NOT GRASPED IS THAT WE, THE ELECTORATE, ARE EMPOWERED TO ELECT OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIKE THE SELECTION BUT YOU MUST WORK WITH AND...
To: the new Biden Administration Attention - the honorable Cedric Richmond Senior Advisor to the President Greetings elected officials, diplomats, and honorable people, Last time I wrote my elected officials it was under a circumstance of distress. I'm pleased to say that my experience with that situation was resolved with the help and assistance of some good people in public service. I dont write these letters often because Im often not feeling up to putting the kind of energy it requires to express the situation in terms that are solution oriented. But I seek solution oriented strategies often to remedy strife and stress that people in my community live with. It appears to be a time once again to update on the latest issue that we need serious intervention. My name is Ty S I...
Georgia GOP state senate...
El 5 de septiembre de 2020, el obispo Joseph Strickland de la Diócesis de Tyler publicó en las redes sociales, una homilía pronunciada por el P. James Altman, pastor de la iglesia católica St. James the Less en La Crosse, Wisconsin. La homilía se titula “No Puedes Ser Católico y Demócrata: Punto. En él, el P. Altman instruye a los demócratas católicos a "Arrepentirse de su apoyo a ese partido y su plataforma o enfrentar el fuego del infierno ... Habrá sesenta millones de bebés abortados parados a las puertas del cielo impidiendo su entrada demócrata y nada de lo que pueda decir lo excusará jamás por su apoyo directo o indirecto a esa agenda diabólica ". P. Altman classifica el cambio climático como un "engaño", y llama a los recipientes de la Acción Diferida Para los Llegados en la...
On September 5, 2020, Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler posted a homily given by Fr. James Altman, pastor of St. James the Less Catholic Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin to social media. The homily is entitled You Cannot be Catholic and a Democrat. Period. In it, Fr. Altman instructs Catholic democrats to “Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell…There will be sixty million aborted babies standing at the gates of heaven barring your democrat entrance and nothing you can ever say will ever excuse you for your direct or indirect support of that diabolical agenda.” Fr. Altman continues to label climate change a “hoax”, before calling recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) “criminal illegal aliens.” About the homily...
Dear Mr. President, With all due respect, I would like to call you out on your insensitive remarks on the LGBT community. The last time I checked, we were living in 2020 where 193 countries are signatories to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), with Burundi being one of them. Protecting the rights of all citizens, irrespective of age, ethnicity, religion, disability, race, gender identification, or sexual orientation, is a key part of that agreement. Respecting all people and their rights isn’t even about what world we live in. it is not time-bound as being tolerant towards each other is taught by the Bible itself: “Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. Therefore, as God’s...
