Love Letters

I remember it like it was yesterday, 3am laying in bed because I had that feeling, you know the feeling you get when you know something is wrong but you can't figure out what it is. Luckily for me I got the call at exactly 3:24am. "Something's happened, you need to get here." Instantly my heart drops, what happened? What do I do? So I rush out of bed, put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and rush to the hospital. When I got there there it was mass confusion, just as you would imagine a typical Emergency Room would be. I walked to the front desk and told them my name and they tell me they already brought you to a room, so we walked down a maze of hallways to finally get to your room. You don't look good, I've never seen you so weak and lifeless. They tell me you crashed your...
It's not too late. I know you think that we're over. I know you want to be honorable. I know that you are loyal, but just this once, please don't do it. Don't let us die. We have a future. You don't find what we have every day. We are a rarity. We deserve forever. Come back. Come back to me. I love you. I love you always.
To my second love, the one that really matters in this book of mine, I want to thank you. There are so many things that the first love gets credit for, but you deserve some recognition, too. You made me believe in love again after my heart was crushed into a million tiny pieces. You made me laugh again. You made me stop believing that all guys treated girls badly because of how you cared for me. For that, I am eternally grateful for you. I know it wasn't easy. I know I'm hard to love. But you did it. You pushed through the walls I used to protect myself because I had been hurt so badly before. You were patient, caring, understanding, and protective every minute of every day. You brought me so much happiness that I never thought I would feel again. For everything you thought went...
To be honest, I’m not sure why I’m writing this. Maybe a confession? Maybe to just get things off my mind? Although the reason escapes me for the time being I feel the need to say it nonetheless. I can’t recall a time I’ve had to turn to others for help. I tended to be the “strong, emotionally distant” type who thought he could conquer the world without letting anybody in; then after many years when I was finally ready to let somebody in I was reduced to rubble in the blink of an eye when that person made the choice to leave my life. I didn’t know how to handle the situation, or even myself at that point. Emotions flooded through me like they never had before, but then you somehow managed to make it all okay. The funny thing is I don’t even think you realize that you’re the reason I...
This is not written because of any heartbreak, lost love or sadness experienced by me but rather a little bit of wisdom which I have received through observing others’ situations… What is love? It’s a stupid feeling right? I have fallen in love but it never lasted so love can’t make one happy. The dictionary describes it as an intense feeling of deep affection, but that makes no sense. You can’t feel, see touch or hear it so how can it be an actual thing? Some say that the L word cannot be used early in a relationship because then your partner might think that you are too hectic or ‘jumping the gun’. I think that some already experience love at the moment of their first kiss or maybe in the first few weeks of their relationships but are just too scared to admit it. Some don’t believe...
I just want to say that I'm so sorry for leaving a love as pure as ours behind. I thought I was doing what was best for you and for I at the time and I was dead wrong. It took my heart getting broken more than a few times to realize that the kind of love we shared, I may never find again. I miss when you would call my phone over and over again until I answered when we would fight because 1) you cared...
Dear First Love, Sometimes relationships don't turn out the way you had hoped or planned. Sometimes they don't last forever. Sometimes they end abruptly. Sometimes things change and people change and it has to come to an end. And when the time comes to move on from that person, you'll face an endless amount of obstacles, but nothing is impossible. With pain comes strength. Someone will inform me that you’re seeing someone someday and that you’re happy, and my hands will stop working. I'll have to work hard to hold onto whatever I’m holding. Hopefully, it's not breakable. Suddenly, I'll remember everything I ever loved about you--everything that ever moved me to tears, and made my insides feel like they were tying themselves into knots. I'll remember that you were loyal, that you...
I know we aren't on good terms, we haven't been in a long time. But if by some chance you read this, just know this is coming from the heart. I don't regret meeting you, the only thing I regret is being naïve. You picked me up when I was down, and you were the first man to ever do that. I over analyzed the entire 'whatever' we had. I would be lying if I said I didn't fall in love with you. I was so in love with you, and it took me a long time to fall out of love. I know you didn't mean to hurt me when you told me that I wouldn't be able to satisfy you, but for awhile, I felt like I was never going to be good enough for anyone. But as of now, I'm over you, I don't hate you. If you called me and needed help, I'd still be there for you. You'll always be my first true love,...
Hi honey! I wrote this letter for you because I don't have the courage to say this to you in person. I know we've only known each other for a short time, but in that time you have made me happy. I remember this "thing" with us started when you first accompanied me to the train station. Yes, I'm calling it a "thing" because we never really had the courage to confirm whatever this is to each other. Then we started texting each other sweet things and sharing our lives to each others. Then we just started calling each other endearments that only the two of us knows. I'm old enough to know what we've been doing, but the thing is I don't know if you do. We both know that I'm five years older than you. And even though you said it doesn't matter, I still felt like it should matter...
I know I never told you, but I loved you. I know you gave me no reason too, but that’s implying that love is reasonable. It’s not. I have learned that now after having endured your silences, absences, and illusions. I don’t blame you. I understand that you were too busy to love me back, too full of hurt from the past. And I don’t mind. But sometimes… When it’s late at night and I start thinking about the way you used to smile at me, I tear up. I loved you so wholeheartedly and pathetically that I wish I could regret it. But I don’t. Because you were worthy of my love. You taught me lessons I otherwise would have lived without and you gave me the time to heal while I figured that out. You were the first boy I had ever met that didn’t want me for my body or its benefits. You...
