Love Letters

I was maybe in 11 th grade when Id first seen this quote which went like “the more you love someone , he came to think, the harder its to tell. You don’t go and say ‘I love you ‘to a complete stranger.” As naïve I was to quotes and reluctant in lovey-dovey stuffs, it didn’t strike me as much. I had simply refuted it as “clueless”. Well at this juncture of life, however, I do admit that it was the only” legitimate “ quote I’ve seen so far in my life.It really is the hardest thing to confess love to the only girl you love and who also happens to be your best friend. Girl its really tough to tell you , trust me on this. Call me silly but I have been in love with you since I came to know you, Not the day I first met you. I saw you from across where I was sitting in guitar class and you...
You typically don"t see a lot of letters to a loved one such as this that isn't romantic and/or lovey-dovey. This is not that kind of letter. Don't get me wrong--I love my boyfriend. I could go on for days as to why I think he is amazing, perfect, etc, as well as why I am in love with him. Those words are for him though. I don't need to prove my love or share it with the world via a letter. Therefore I'm going to avoid that. What I really want to talk about is how my life has changed upon meeting him. Because without him, the course of my life would be going very different. So, to begin: My boyfriend, I have to thank you for all that you have done. It's only been a few months together, but your impact on my life will quite literally last forever. To start off...
It's been awhile and we've all three gone our separate ways now. It's probably for the best. I remember the first night we met. I was having problems with my boyfriend who you also knew so you were helping console me. I used to be very shy and from that very first moment that very first night I already felt so comfortable with you. That's how I already knew you weren't like other boys - you were different. You were funny, you were caring, you were warm. She was lucky. I was so jealous of her. She had this wonderful man who treated her like a queen while I had a boyfriend who was never good to me. He was always out with other girls and was never faithful to me. Every time my boyfriend and I were together, all we did was fight. Every time you and I were together, all we did...
Dear Love of my Life, I hope you know how very sorry I am for the times I have done you wrong, and the moments that I know I ripped your heart out... I hope you know, i'm so very sorry and I hate myself every day for the decisions I've made. I hope you know how much I truly have always loved you, even though there were times that I didn't show it. And that even though I have come to realize that I'm the only one who believes that our wedding day truly was the absolute best day of my life... I hope you know how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to be in your life, I now walk around with 3 new beautiful hand prints on my heart... Thank you. You have truly given me some amazing experiences, that I will always cherish. I hope you know that even when my mind should be...
Hi. So you don’t really notice me. Well, actually, that’s not totally true. We are friends. Just friends. I wish we were more, but I know you’d never do that to him. I like to blame him because it makes it easier in my head. In reality, I know that you just don’t think of me as anything more than a friend. I see you too often. It hurts me. I wish I could hug you and kiss you and talk deep things with you. Instead, I stand a good number of steps away and chat about the weather. You don’t know what goes on in my head every time I see you. I just wish that I could be with you. You are constantly on my mind. Please get out of my head. I tried getting over you. I tried hooking up with other guys. Even then, you were all I thought about. Why is this so hard? Love is supposed to be...
I love you, and I think about you every single day. What is love? how could I possibly know that I've found it? Most importantly, what does it mean for each of us, going forward, with this knowledge that I love you? What is love? Love is not a feeling, it's an action. It's often accompanied by feelings, but it goes so much deeper. A part of your soul becomes forever concerned with the well being of the other person. It's putting their needs, hopes, and dreams before your own. To truly love is to lay down your life for another, not because they deserve to live and you to die, but because the suffering you will endure could not compare to watching the other person suffer. Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not give up. It does not fail. It endures all things...
It's been a long time since we spoke. Years have went by since I've seen your face. All of this time has passed and I just can't stop thinking about you, not a day goes by that you don't pop up or something that reminds me of you. I learned to let go of what was and start living for what is and if it wasn't for you I would not be the person I am today. You taught me so much about myself in the time we spent apart. Even though you aren't around it seems like I'm still chasing you trying to better myself everyday just praying that one day I might run into you again and show you I'm not the boy I was. It's been almost three years and I seen you for the first time. We smiled, we hugged, we spoke for hours. It was like time had paused and picked up right where we left off, not a thing had...
It was always you. You were there for me since 8th grade, now we’ve both graduated high school and are doing things with our lives. I never chose you like you chose me. I put you in the friend zone almost immediately (sorry about that). I remember when you told me you rode your bike to my house which is a good 30 mins. We fell apart shortly after a year of being friends. I started dating someone and thought I was in love, typical 8th/9th grade girls. A few years later and I think I’m dating the love of my life (unfortunately it wasn’t you), little did I know I was completely wrong. You were there for me throughout the whole horrible break up. Always supporting me and hanging out with me when I felt down. Always knowing what to do without having to say a word. But after opening up to you...
Dear Guy, I have loved you since the seventh grade. I didn't know it then, and refused to acknowledge it years later when it dawned on me for the first time. I "liked" other guys, I had "crushes" on other guys. But you were always that one Guy. You were the Guy that, when asked who I would marry out of every guy I knew, I chose even though I was completely infatuated with someone else. You were the Guy who could make me smile on any day of the week, at any time, no matter what mood I was in. and You were the Guy that I went to when I was hurting and trusted just as you trusted me. I listened to you as you went through the same heartbreaks I did, and I watched you mature and grow into a better man every day. And every day I fell a little more in love with you until I realized...
Hey, there, sailor. I wanted to start off with thank you, for everything that you do. I hope you get thanked so much on a regular basis that it actually becomes something you expect, but never get tired of hearing. You signed your name on a dotted line at 18, and to a lot of people that's just the same as signing any agreement for just any employer in the civilian world. What does it actually mean? It means your life is not your life. You've agreed to be yelled at, moved around, called underway whenever your commanding officers deem necessary (even when you just got back from being underway a week ago), to deploy to wherever you're told to go, for however long necessary, and to live by a code of morals and ethics that sadly America has seemed to lose sight of. You're tired. You work 12...
