
Dear Fellow Citizens, Many moons ago I worked one year for the IRS here in Florida when Democrats used to wear the white hats and we all cursed the criminal war-mongering empire of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Some things have changed but not the IRS which has for at least for 5 decades, has been used as a political weapon to specifically target outspoken dissidents, political opponents, protest organizers, and off course whistle-blowers and witnesses of government crimes. This massive corruption persuaded me to work elsewhere or sooner or later, I would be compelled to participate in it. To be clear, a signature of a single IRS CID, Audit, or Collections agent can and will cause the following to happen within 48 hours; * Freeze or seize all your personal and business bank...
Notre nation est plus ancienne que celle de tous nos envahisseurs. Nous les avons tous combattu et chassé, un par un, pour reprendre notre étendard et poursuivre la construction de notre nation. Hélas! Notre dernier colonisateur a été le plus dévastateur ; il a tout fait pour effacer la mémoire de notre peuple en l'arrachant à ses racines, en brulant et en dérobant son histoire, en attaquant ses croyances et en détruisant sa culture. Il ne s'est pas contenté que de cela, mais il a empoisonné une nation avec son venin colonial, il a réduit un peuple instruit en le transformant en un sous homme et le classer en indigène durant l’occupation. Après de longues et dures années de combats sans répit et un grand tribut de martyres, de veuves et d’orphelins, notre vaillant et vigoureux peuple a...
This letter was sent to Governor Murphy of NJ during lent of this year after passing abortion expanding legislation. March 9, 1922 The Honorable Philip D. Murphy Governor of New Jersey State House PO Box 001 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Re: Abortion Law Dear Governor Murphy: When I was a little girl, I loved Bible class and I remember being delightfully captivated when first learning of the story surrounding the birth of Our Savior, Jesus, on Christmas Day and the journey that Mary and Joseph made when there was no room at the inn. Poor and homeless (as some mothers-to-be are today) our Blessed Mother lovingly accepted poverty and placed the infant Jesus, our God and Redeemer, in a manger in a stable in Bethlehem. That same excitement and joy of Jesus’ birth that I...
Let me say this to Tim Scott who the hell are you to speak for me a Georgian citizen in voting for Herschel Walker . Herschel Walker is nothing more but a Liar...
It might be worthwhile to consider from whom this opinion comes. I find it easier and more comfortable to describe what I am not. I am not a woman, not a lawyer, not a republican, not a democrat, not religious, not poor, not a member of a protected class, and not someone under the age of 70. I was surprised with the court decision but as a believer in the strength of our governmental experiment I thought it important to read the decision including importantly, the dissents. I admit to not having yet completed the reading and investigation it requires. The decision and its dissents are to some degree both correct. The reconciliation of those seeming opposing viewpoints should and can be reconciled. Rather than protesting the result, I would recommend a more sweeping and...
To the Paychex Executive Team: Today is a very scary day for many of your employees. There has been a never-ending assault on minority rights, and today that assault took a drastic escalation. We ask that you take a public stance on these matters, to prove true to the company values of integrity, to take a stand for the respect and dignity of all your employees, and work in partnership with us to be accountable for our actions (or lack thereof) and work to improve not only the lives of your employees, but the lives of many other minorities that desperately need support in these dire times. Signed, Katė Tiana Wootel (The Spectral Kittie Collective)
Joe Biden is a bumbling, incompetent, and demented fool who never should have stepped foot in the White House. Overwhelming evidence in the documentary "2000 MULES" proves beyond doubt that the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen. https://ussanews.com/2022/05/08/2000-mules-video-full-movie/ Whether you love or hate Trump makes no difference because under Trump, no American mother had to spend hours every day trying to find baby formula to feed her baby! https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/illegal-migrants-first-to-get-pallets-of-hard-to-find-baby-formula Since Biden stepped foot into the White House, he has followed the selfish guidance of his far left radical handlers, most probably headed by Obama, and put our once great nation into an economic...
Millions of Americans are sharing a common feeling of angst, anxiety, and outrage these days. Letting this negative energy get the best of you can lead to depression and submission to those that want to control your life and finances. No, you are not helpless although some leaders would like you to believe that you are and need them to "rescue" you. To be frank, YOU control your own destiny when you join and share with others who also feel burdened or oppressed. Here is how YOU truly can make a difference, even if you only influence or provoke the thinking of only 10 other people... 1) End your silence and be not afraid to share your feelings and beliefs with your friends, family and colleagues. Share these below links for starters and see how they respond! (Everyone is capable of...
To Carolyn D. Meadows, current president of the National Rifle Association I am scared to go to school. Everyday when I walk into the building where I learn, where I get to talk to friends and make memories I don’t feel safe. I need to be prepared to react to hearing a gunshot everyday, and that is your fault. It is the fault of a country who has been shaped to not value my life, or that of all of my friends, my sister, and my cousins. You are one of the people who shaped this country this way. You fight for your guns, not for our lives. You go against people who only want to make sure their children come home from school everyday. You don’t think their opinions matter because they are different from yours. My opinion matters most. Because I am the one who has to be scared for my life...
Will Honorable Scheduled Caste Commission (herein after referred as "NCSC" explain to Scheduled Caste persons in India as: I) Why NCSC was in hurry in protecting Mr Sameer Wankhede even whose belonging to Mahar i. e Scheduled Caste is not confirmed? II) Why NCSC is NOT in hurry in protecting the writer of this open letter Mr Yeshwant Sadashiv Hotkar even whose belonging to Scheduled Caste is not controversy? III) from above whether it is a commission to protect those who: 1) are non scheduled caste persons (at the time of representing with it) such as Mr Sameer Wankhede? 2) have largesse? 3) have support from ruling party in Central Govt. i. e BJP which comes over road for supporting Mr Sameer Wankhede? 4) are bigs and who can manage influences 5) can manage...
