
I want to say to all minorities voters across the USA country you need to vote in the upcoming 2020 election regardless which party you support .all registered voters should vote your vote count don't let the Trump administration or foreign country with their false misleading actions doings on social media take away your right to vote. It's very clear that Donald Trump isn't going to do anything about Russians interferences in 2016 election as well the upcoming 2020 elections .Trump hoping that the Russians will do the same thing by presenting false misleading info on social media that would make those believe in them so that your vote want or you're just stay home it happen in 2016 where minorities voters stay home in states like Michigan Ohio reason that trump won thanks to Russians...
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) When I was second year at the university I got pregnant. I was confused because I took precautions, it was not meant to happen. My boyfriend begged me so much to keep it, he promised me the world and proposed to marry. I was shocked but at the end decided to give it a chance. I believed him. It was a mistake. We got married and the kid was born. I realized I have no idea what to do and that it really is a hard job. Long story short - I couldn't make it handling two things - nor the time, nor the money to finish my education. I had to work a low paid job and nothing looked promising in my future. Me and my husband, we started arguing a lot. He was sure he owns me and showed his true colors...
In a perfect world we would have children when we were ready, both the mother and the father. There would be no children born to parents who didn’t want them and would never grow up feeling unloved. No child would be abused or mistreated because no persons with addictions or mental health problems would conceive a child. No woman would be raped or molested. No woman would feel as though they had to maintain an abusive relationship because she felt as though that was the only way she could keep her child fed and off the streets. In a perfect world birth control would be 100% effective and the foster care system wouldn’t overloaded with children. In a perfect world women wouldn’t die in childbirth and parents would never have to choose to abort one fetus to save another. In a perfect...
I heard you on ABC referencing the American people as being against investigating the president. I am, at 87, still a part of the American people. I think Trump is a criminal, a traitor, and a sexual pervert who has skated on abusing a 13-year-old. I think he is classically unfit to manage anything but a hot dog cart, and he would probably screw that up too. Or do you defend him because you too are a racist and an abuser of women? Do you also think destroying immigrant families is the way to go? Are you so delusional about his financial “genius” that you believe him when he lies about his successes and says it was using existing tax law that was the reason for a billion in losses over a period of ten years? Do you think hiring small contractors who do not have the resources to sue,...
Senator Walsh, I hope this Easter message finds you well. This message comes to you from far outside of your district, and I understand you're likely to not read this message due to that reason, but I hope that you do. My family and I were dismayed last week to hear your comments characterizing a subset of nurses in rural hospitals may perhaps have some more opportunities to take rest breaks than nurses in more urban areas. I can understand your assumption perhaps never having been a healthcare worker yourself. My wife and I are and have both been healthcare workers working 12+hr shifts for many years. I also perhaps understand you may want to treat this negative publicity by turning the cheek and offering some solutions to our overburdened (and increasingly so) healthcare system. I...
World War 1. World War 2. The Battle of the Bulge. The Vietnam War. All major wars that took place in another country and took the lives of many. About 603,068 people perished from just these four wars, leaving about 1,221,376 people injured mentally and physically (www.gettysburgflag.com). While death is sad and grieving, it is only one of many effects from war. Physical effects can leave someone immobile, trouble with talking and learning but the mental effects is where it gets tough for the veterans. PTSD is the most common mental condition, but others include memory loss, depression, insomnia and anxiety. In the novel “Slaughterhouse-five”, written by Kurt Vonnegut, the main character is a war veteran who was also a POW (prisoner of war) struggles when he comes home after serving in...
Enough is enough! In a society where medical physicians make enough to buy big houses and live a comfortable life, take their kids on vacation and buy cars out of pocket, they should also be able to treat every patient to the best of their ability (as they promised under oath). For many of us, who spend hours in the emergency room it is not easy to take hours off our schedule to fix a health issue over the counter pills can't solve. Some of us have small children, jobs to attend, life. As a person who grew up with a doctor as a parent, I understand the stress and responsibility that being a doctor requires. I'm not a doctor myself, I have chosen to teach children instead but that also means I know being responsible for a life takes a lot of patience, dedication and passion. In...
In Anthem by Ayn Rand, the government is based around communism. This is a form of government in which all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. In theory this sounds great because everyone has about the same money and everyone is equal, but in practicality this falls apart. Not only in Anthem but throughout history has this failed apart in a revolution. I believe that communism is a terrible political ideology. If we simply look history where there is 21 failed communist country’s that now have turned to other superior forms of government. Right now, there are only 5 remaining communist countries (China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea and Laos) that still are functioning’s. So That means that the communist percent of...
To DNC You made a decision on not having your dnc 2020 primary debates on fox news and which I see why that the canidates may not treated getting the chance of presenting political agenda without getting attack by fox news...
Racism is a huge part of today’s society. People are being profile just on their race. Growing up, being told to lower my voice and to follow the crowd was a norm for me. I was told to not speak up because of my race. There were multiple times where I was racially profile and I couldn’t seem to understand. Why am I being treated less just because of my skin color? This is a huge example of what minority face every single day. They are being told that they are less than other because of their race. This prove to us that we need to do more. The Help, a novel written by Kathryn Stockett shows the racism between white and black; and how people were being treat during segregation and the negative outlook on them. These treatments which are still present in today society proves that there...
