
Dear Sir, New Zealand sheep farmers have seen their share of the retail price of New Zealand lamb in Europe shrink from 80% 40 years ago 45% in 2001 to less than 20% currently. Compare sheepmeats to the poultry industry where chicken producers get nearer 50% of the retail price of their product. 75% of the world across border sheepmeats trade is New Zealand grown yet due to the highly fragmented structure of New Zealand’s industry we are failing to take advantage of this position. In fact it is the supermarkets, who have themselves consolidated into a few, powerful buyers, that are taking advantage. We now have a chance to finally cooperate as farmers and form a company owned by farmers that can make the most of our strong position. We beg our cooperatives and especially their...
Dear Barter Professionals, Just when I thought things were getting better, you had to go out and prove me wrong. Video is already the chosen internet medium of now, not some future thing that will be beneficial ten years from now. The net has caught up to and passed your creative prowess a decade ago. It is unacceptable to produce terrible videos now. A year ago, heck even six months ago, I would post those videos on this site as an example of good business practice…from now on I will be posting only two kinds of video: the examples of fantastic work, and the examples of terrible video. I will be clearly marking each video as such. Allow me to suggest that if you don’t want your video ridiculed for the whole barter industry to see, make something good, make something classy, spend some...
Dear Sirs, This evening, as the Second Reading of the Digital Economy Bill was heard in the House of Commons, you were watched by a great many people. Many of these people had never watched Parliament in session before. Almost universal was the horror and anger at the affront to the democratic process which was unfolding before our eyes. This letter is addressed to you because you stated your support for the bill, and helped ensure its passage to the compressed “wash-up” stage of proceedings, despite the wide-ranging, contentious and to many unknown provisions it includes. Some of you expressed your dismay at the contempt shown for the House, the lack of scrutiny which has been afforded, and your deep concerns with respect to certain provisions. Despite this, you pledged your...
Dear Ministers, I understand that the new Scottish Planning Policy is due to be announced on Monday 23rd June 2014. I am writing to you to express my support for the Concerned Communities of Falkirk (CCoF) position with regard to planning controls for unconventional gas developments. Their assessment of this industry and proposals for its de facto self-regulation, as well as their concerns about the potential public health impacts of such developments (including impacts on mental health and well-being as well as physical health), are based on some sound evidence. The economic, social and energy arguments for the industry do not convince yet the hazards and risks posed by the industry are potentially considerable and will not currently be regulated effectively. Organisations such as...
Dear NATE Members, Welcome back to another great year with NATE, the National Association of Trade Exchanges. Our organization is stronger than ever thanks to members like you. NATE exists to give you a voice and to help advance the Barter and Trade Industry. Can you imagine our industry without an organization like NATE? Most of members tell us that networking with fellow industry professionals is priceless…. the power of a simple new idea can take your business to the next level, thanks to the contacts and friendships you make thru NATE. Our Industry is small but powerful thanks to the power of Trade Exchanges working together to advance and promote the business building power of organized and professional barter. NATE also promotes high standards of education and excellence...
Dear sir, Read your pronouncements on the autorickshaws of Delhi with great interest. You have restricted the powers of Delhi police to suspend their permits and given them the right to refusal on their way home. You have announced an annual hike, constituted a welfare board and spoken of financial assistance up to Rs 5 lakh for a fresh vehicle. We know the autorickshaw drivers are among your core supporters. They kept the faith even during in your dark post-49 days phase. Like many other politicians, you have rewarded your key supporters. Indeed some measures are fine examples of social welfare, a touchstone of democracy. Nonetheless, there are two sides to every story. And in your city—or is it the LG's?—the autorickshaw narrative is incomplete without the version of the...
Dear Sir/Madam, It has been brought to our attention that an announcement was made on a rail service to the effect that the use of ecigs was banned on the train as a “legal requirement”. Furthermore, in response to an email of complaint from a Scotrail customer, published in part on the Rail UK Forum, Scotrail stated: “We have taken legal advice on this matter and believe we are within our rights to exclude e-cigarettes under the existing railway bylaw that refers to a “lighted item”. The bylaw does not require the nature of the lighting to be an actual flame. In addition, the definition of “cigarette” in the bylaw is not restricted to a classic tobacco cigarette but covers any cigarette. There is no reference in fact to tobacco in the bylaw itself.”[1] We do not believe that...
Dear Mr Kejriwal I understand that you have sent an open letter to Narendra Modi on questions that are bothering you. I like your inquisitiveness and eagerness to know such details, but it should be obvious to everyone that the basic purpose of sending "open" letters is usually self-publicity. As a politician you are entitled to self-promote, and I certainly don't grudge you that. You have asked three basic questions of Mr Modi: whether he will go ahead with the UPA government's decision to raise gas prices to $8 per mmBtu; what his relationship with Mukesh Ambani is; and how much his election campaign is costing. I obviously cannot answer questions two or three. If you have any information that the relationship between Mr Ambani and Mr Modi is not proper, or that excessive amounts are...
Dear Sirs, I write to express my profound dismay that Chicago is considering regulating Uber out of existence. Uber is an middleman that connects limo drivers to customers in a way that is convenient, flexible and safe. The Uber rating system keeps limo drivers on their best behavior: this benefits riders, but also the wider community because safe driving saves lives! Chicago taxis are a disgrace to our great city. I realize that the city tries to monitor drivers but it does not have the resources to pursue anything but the gravest complaints. I walk around the city every day, either with my dog or to and from my office. Almost every day without exception I see taxis driving unsafely — running lights, not yielding to pedestrians before turning, straddling lanes, changing lanes...
Dear Sir Geoffrey On the Sunday programme on TV One on 17 May 2015 you said: “I think there is no doubt at all that there is a big trend around the world – in places like Oregon, in places like Canada, in places like the Netherlands, and Switzerland and other countries - to allow doctors to help people who are incurable and who are suffering enormously to terminate their lives early and for the doctor to assist.” In the interests of providing all the facts to the viewers, you might have mentioned the cases where euthanasia and assisted suicide has recently been rejected, such as in the United Kingdom Supreme Court and the Irish Supreme Court. Then there are the dozens of American states where such laws are regularly rejected, and the nearly 40 failed bills in Australia in the...
