
My childhood was not really nice. Didn't get beat or anything but the verbal abuse from my father was something that I though was normal. Years later, when I was a single mum with you, I did somethings better but also abused you verbally. Motherhood overwhelmed me. Now I am almost 70 and after my father died in 88 I still had the feeling that I wanted to tell him what he was responsible for in my life - eating disorder, depression, feeling worthless. As for my mum I couldn't understand why she did not protect me from him. And when I tried to talk to her about it she always avoided the subject. I developed a grudge. Therapy brought some relief, but basically it was only when I realized that both of my parent, born 1928 and 1929, had their own past with my fathers father being a...
At the time I did not think much about the fact that you did not ask me to come when you went wedding dress shopping. You went with your best friend. It is only since I sometimes watch those shows about brides in the shops choosing theirs and their mum being there with tears in their eyes because they see how beautiful their daughter is, that I am sad about me not being there when you were out buying your dress. You now have a daughter yourself, who at 8 told me that I can come when she chooses her wedding dress. I have no doubt that she will want you there too. That will save you the sadness that you could not anticipate by me not being there.
Another year has gone by and I have still not contacted you. The last time we saw each other was when Matilda started school and we all were out to lunch. There had been a few situations that really irritated me about your attitude towards me and my life and I guess your comments on the fire in our town where foreigners were targeted and my comment that I am not doing anything about this got us into the situation again where you could not understand my standpoint of living in a small town with conservative people opposed to you living in Berlin, a very diverse and tolerant BIG city. After this I decided that I will not let myself get irritated by you anymore, which means having as little to do with you as possible. Do you remember a few years ago when we went away for a few...
Dear Future Adopting Parents, Having a child is a great endeavor and opens the door to a new way of life, but for many people getting a child through traditional means isn’t very easy or even possible, and for these cases, there are alternative family planning methods. These people tend to go for one of two popular methods: In vitro fertilization (IVF) or adoption. With adoption, parents have the choice of either foster care, independent agencies, international, etc, to adopt a child that lacks a permanent family. I write this to help you consider and ease your decision of adopting a child to give them a forever home. Adoption has many benefits for parents and especially the children, giving them a much-needed intimate connection, as well as saving money for the parents compared to...
SabLem is a portmanteau, which involves blending parts of two names to form a new name. In Pop culture, we have (or used to have) Brangelina. The disgraceful, SabLem has carved a hole in my heart. It is carved so deep that I do not think I would ever be able to erase it. It is the name blend that my husband and his mistress had formed to celebrate their despicable and inappropriate “friendship” behind my back. To Sab, the mistress, I’m giving you the courtesy of not naming you fully. I do not know where to begin. Millions of years have gone by and yet humanity has no definite answer about why a woman would lower herself to get involved with a married man, especially when he has young children. There is no answer on how she can become SO heartless especially when the...
Happy birthday, Mom, Hope you have been well. Your mother says that you’re still being a total b*tch to her. I don’t really know anything about your dynamic. I just like filing information away. This is probably not the best way to start a letter ... Your youngest seems to be thriving! She got that boss lady tat down her spine and appears well adjusted: Healthy body image, healthy lifestyle, good school, good grades, grounded yet optimistic outlook on life. Looks like you did a great job, and she’s been doing a wonderful job too. Though, it’s not really my place to judge your parenting (or anything about you really). Came across an open letter site (what an interesting genre). Thought about posting there. Really, I secretly wanted to find a letter from you (or someone I...
To The Mother of His Children, He’s ok. He says he’s the happiest he’s ever been. It’s taken a while to get there, most of our relationship in fact. But I’m so glad he is at peace now. I hope the children are ok? We haven’t seen them in a while. You’ll say this is our fault. But ultimately, I fear that this may have been your plan all along. It started with the little comments about how he’s moved away, how he’s a rubbish dad and then it snowballed into threats of not seeing his children. There were sly public digs about how he needed to focus more on the children rather than his new girlfriend when in fact, nothing had changed. He was still seeing them on a regular basis. I could go on and on about the things we had to endure. But to be honest, I think my therapy has...
I apologize for my attitude and the lack of respect I have shown you for the past 20 years. I assure you that I would never lie to you and would respect my commitments to you from now. I would like to find my place that I had in your hearts.
The unheard screams of a mother and child. After getting myself into a rut of about a month along with illness and obviously covid19 it's been a emotional rollercoaster. The house a mess, rent arrears all of which are admittedly my own doing but I had my beautiful little boy aged 6 and 4 months and my 17 year old hormonal middle son and we were happy together. At aged 4 I had decided to home school my youngest as he was a little speech delayed and still not fully potty trained (he would wee bit would not poo out of a nappy). Did some online research and it's not uncommon for speech delay or for boys to have potty training issues up until around 5 so I wasn't worried as my other 2 grown boys hit their milestones at different times as all children do. Then came covid19 and the lockdowns...
Grandmother: Thank you for laughing when you told me my brother tried to have sex with me when i was 2 years old... not knowing he succeeded when i was 4. Father: Thank you for being so wrapped up in your own problems, that you completely ignored your girlfriend's son beating me until i let him have sex with me, every single day, and making me take naps with him in the same bed, perpetuating the act. And Thank you so much for calling me a liar when i told you about it, because i was "only 9 and didnt know what sex was" and there were no bruises to prove the beatings. --Because of you, i always take my kids claims at face value and believe them until proven false. Brother: Thank you for knowing this was happening and not only not doing a thing to stop it, but finding ways...
