You Bastard!

There is this girl that the whole town has been talking about. Everyone that has come into contact with her says shes the spawn of Satan. Some haven't lived to tell their story. Some say she makes them feel good. Some feel as if she makes them invincible, others can't sleep without her. Most give their all to her and receive nothing in return. Selling all their possessions just to please her, stealing from family and friends. Owing money just to satisfy her every waking call. Feeling like you're going to die when she's no where to be found. Mothers and fathers neglecting their children just to be with her day in and day out. Some quit feeding their selves just to feed her one more time. They say the rush they get when with her is like no other. This girl has been taking a toll on everyone...
I don't even have the joy of calling you "Dad" because according to you I'm not your child. I didn't get to have a relationship with you because you weren't there for me and didn't try to be. You let the issues you had with my mom stop you from being in my life, and because of that you broke me before anyone else ever had the chance to. I reached out to you, 24 years later and you're still bashing my mom, only bashing her to me is worse than bashing her to your family. You don't realize it but I didn't let her say anything bad about you, I just wanted you to give her the same respect but you couldn't put any resentment you had towards her to the side instead you let your pride or whatever you wanna call it stop you from being in my life when I gave you the opportunity TWICE. You don't...
Dear alcohol, my worst enemy, I have known you my entire life. You took over my parents. I never truly got to know them, but I knew you..... God did I know you.... Late night fights. Constant police visits. Destructive words. You made my dad disappear. Many times. Your poison flows through their veins and infects their minds and rips me apart. Thanks to you, I. Will never know who I am. Thanks to you, all I know is that I will never be enough. What did my family ever do to you? How could a small innocent child make you so upset that you had to ruin her life? My parents aren't atrong enough to let go of you. And they believed you when you told them to give up on each other. I hope you are satisfied. Sincerely, The girl you destroyed
Dear former employer, I just wanted you to know how working for you for the past 22 years has impacted my life...for the worse. Before I worked for you I had no cares or worries in my life. I was young, single and had my future to look forward to, that is until the fateful day I came to work for you. Before working for you I had no idea what backstabbing was, or being terrorized was or what harassment was. Well I found out quickly just what type of hellhole I was in. I worked with two women, and they were sisters, and I really do use the term women very loosely, that you would have thought were the spawn of Satan. They ruled the shop and all of management; whatever they did was the way it was and no one was going to tell them any different. They told the supervisors what to do,...
Dear Tobacco Executive, Let me start off by saying, I don’t necessarily blame you for others’ choices. People will do what they do given available options. I am a former smoker and very much enjoyed the habit, to the extent of considering growing my own tobacco illegally to bypass the government's growing tax and societal restrictions. But I quit smoking 2 years after my mother (which is both the hardest thing to do and, in hindsight, quite easy). I could complain about the added nicotine being an unfair hook (as natural tobacco has nowhere near the ‘kick’ of brand tobaccos), but I won’t. I will not defend you but can say the ads were not what hooked people. The scare tactics, graphic pictures, PSA’s and high taxes aren’t helping people quit. The government - against big tobacco,...
Hi All, This letter is to let you know that it is utter nonsense when you are told that going back to school to obtain a degree is beneficial and will open many doors. I am here to tell you that after working for over 20 years in a factory, I did go back to school, and I did receive a BA in psychology. But guess what, no one wants me! I have a 3.3 GPA, all while working full time and raising a family. I scour the job boards on a daily basis, apply for each and every job I know I am qualified for, only to be turned down every time. I have an excellent work record with no blemishes, references that can vouch for me and no criminal history. I can tell you that once you are over a certain age, you are pretty much useless in the white collar workplace. So, in summary, don't bother...
You thought she was your friend. You moved in together, watched Netflix together, you played in the snow together; you did everything together. Until she started staring at you and chewing with her mouth open constantly. You wanted to come home, sit down, relax and unwind from your college classes but you couldn’t. Not without her eyes burning into the back of your skull. You try to sleep, but you couldn’t not without the constant echo of her teeth gnawing on flaming hot Cheetos. You couldn’t even step out of the shower without making eye-contact with her and immediately screaming, “Why the hell are you in my bathroom, it’s 3am for God’s sake, I thought I could have one minute to myself?” She was your best friend. She loved One Direction, she never felt emotion, she barely ever left the...
So, where do I start? October 4th 2015 seems like the best spot. It’s the day my life as I knew it would completely change. Wow that read like the beginning of a period drama on lifetime. But it’s true, that was the day and unfortunately, it was the lack of a period that was to come the following week that changed everything. In short, and as of today, I am 21 weeks pregnant with your child. I’m not happy. I tried to be happy. I wanted to be happy. I’ve accepted the fact that this child is coming. Parts of me think I should have aborted it. It would have been very convenient for my you whom has explicitly expressed to me just how much you don’t want this child, and how I should be ashamed like “it”. How I’ve trapped you into taking care of someone you don’t want around. Telling me just...
You seen me, smoking my brains out in uniform. That was not an invitation to ask to "bum" a smoke off me. For anyone who is reading this - when I said "in uniform" it isn't a soldier, police officer, firefighter, etc. uniform I wear. I work at a fast food restaurant. Anyway, back to writing to the men who asked me for a cigarette... I seen you, for a brief few seconds - just long enough for you to annoy me without knowing it. What you probably didn't know was that I was only on break for 15 minutes just trying to get my nerves back to where they should be. It wasn't even 15 minutes by the time I punch out, get outside, and get back inside to punch back in. I deal with the public and I'm actually very good at it, in fact, I got promoted to supervisor because I'm so good at it. What...
Thank you for choosing me Those aren't the words you expected to hear but I am truly thankful that you didn't pick my sister's. Thankful that you didn't have the chance to try and ruin them. Those nights you came into my bed and thought I was asleep. The days that you thought I didn't realise what you were doing, on public transport, in broad daylight. I was young, I didn't know any better. I was so scared. I wanted not to disappoint everyone. So they remained blind. But now this is not just between you and me anymore. Everything that is in the darkness comes to light. For so many years I've been living in fear. For so many years I've suppressed it. For so many years you have affected me, tainted everything I am. You made me move away whenever anyone came close. I...
