
Dear Cardinal Tagle, Greetings in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ! Your eminence, I must go direct to the point in saying that my family is a victim of land grabbing by the Catholic Church!... This is the conclusion I now have after several failed appeals made to Archbishop Jose F. Advincula of Capiz, Roxas City, (Phil) ; and to Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, President of the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). Very briefly, it is about our family-owned lot (with TCT# T-25437) located in Baybay, Capiz, Roxas City, Philippines, but which is illegally and unjustly occupied by the Archdiocese of Capiz by building a chapel without our knowledge and consent. This illegal construction was discovered many years back when I personally went to the province to sell...
Now is a hard time for the Catholic Church in Australia, with the first stage of a “Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse” held in the regional city of Ballarat this week. Cardinal George Pell has been the focus of a lot of attention because he was a roommate of a notorious pedophile ex-Father Ridsdale. While the ex-Father continued to be moved around by the church to shift that problem on, George went onwards and upwards to become the Archbishop of Melbourne and then the Archbishop of Sydney (more of a sideways step I think) and then he really started picking up some interest in Rome where he has now risen to the dizzy heights of Head Honcho of Economy for the Vatican (some say he was just pipped to the pope by Francis!). Even though His Holiest George has now been implicated...
I often wonder if dementia was a person, what would I say to you? So often I'm filled with hate, anger, sadness and frustration towards you, that I wouldn't know how to put it into words. I think I'll start with I hate you dementia. I hate that you've made my kind, selfless, loving mum, into a person that can't express any of these things anymore. Instead over the years you made communicate with us less and not be able to share emotion. I hate that you've made my once sociable mum, lonely, isolated and unable to communicate with friends and family. I hate that you've taken this once independent, inspiring, and passionate woman, and turned her into someone that can no longer look after themselves. I hate that you've turned each of her children, family and friends, into carers, from...
Dear former friends, I am publishing this on the internet as I am very deeply distressed. For me this is not just the end of a fellowship but also the end of my Catholic Faith, because I fail to see from your example, that there is anything to be gained from such faith. My friendship with Pam was always against the odds, and Micheal, her husband has never been my friend. And I always felt that one way or another, the fact that I met you in a place where I was shunned and hated because of what my all-powerful enemies had to say about me would eventually mean you would not be my friends, although Pam gave me great hope by saying that neither you nor my enemies could judge me, that was up to God. I had so little faith in friendship or anyone or anything after what I had been...
Throughout history times of prosperity have always been times of fair government, education of the masses and freedom for the people to pursue their interests. This is exemplified by the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, the Renaissance, and the USA up until the ‘60’s. Periods of darkness tend to be characterized by corrupt rulers, fanatic religion, and decimation of the people for the purpose of conformity. The subject of this essay is the interconnectedness of Darwinism and religion. Contrary to popular thinking that Darwin negates the ideas of religion, they are rather two sides of the same coin. In Darwinian thinking evolution is based on genetic improvement through the needs of survival. Every change is somehow motivated and supported by this one principle. It is a cold view,...
Dear Mike Higgins, As you have failed to respond to my emails and concerns about your harm to me, and indeed you blocked me for my distressed response to you, I thought I would write to you publicly. In 2013 you repeatedly harmed me by raising my case in the States of Jersey, baiting and goading people in the States who were protecting my abusers and the associated wrongdoers who covered up for the abuser and the Dean who protected him. The most notable person you baited, but failed, as Bob Hill did, to tell people that this man was a church reader and friend of my abuser, was Home Affairs Minister, Ian LeMarquand. And although Bob Hill kept nonsesically saying you were helping my case, all that happened was that you gave Ian LeMarquand an opportunity to slander me and lie in...
Dear Bishop Butler, Following my phone calls, I thought I would write to make sure that you understand fully how much distress you are causing by your lies about safeguarding. While the situation remains that you are protecting and supporting my abuser, Jane Fisher to remain in safeguarding positions in the church, as well as remaining a church reader, after her misconduct, which even her whitewash cover-up, the Korris report, cannot completely cover up, and while complaints against her have been made to the police and safeguarding bodies as a result of her continuing to harass me, and while she has caused other safeguarding failures even while stitching me up, and while the Church have been notified very clearly that the Korris report was an invalid report and the Steel report...
Dear Dioceses of Winchester and Canterbury, As yet I have not had a reply to the first letter of questions, which I sent directly to you, but that is pretty typical. You have made me an object to scapegoat, and in Church of England style, you have failed to realise that I am a real human being with feelings and a life. I gather that if there is no money and no status, the Church cannot view a person as a human being. Let's launch into the questions. Which of course are exhaustive and so I am doing these letters at the same time as music theory revision. This matter is of a major scale in my life. 1. Can you explain the conflict of interests where Dame Steel represented the Jersey Deanery against you for your misconduct? If she was supposed to be investigating FOR you, how could...
Dear Dioceses of Winchester and Canterbury, This is a letter of questions. Some of Which I have already asked you but have decided to share with the general public. The list of questions is exhaustive, because what the Church of England have done in their crazy showing off has brought up many many questions, and as you continue to subject me to harm and damage to my life, I am answering with questions. 1. Diocese of Winchester, Don't you think it was ultimate abuse of power that you liased with the police to destroy me for continuing to fight both your refusal to deal with my complaints and your illegal violations of my life, and then you used the same police to have me illegally traced so that you could go on destroying me? 2. Can you explain why, if your reports were about...
Chapter 1: Discovery You brought this on yourself. Had you refrained from broadcasting logical frameworks and philosophical arguments I never would have learned how to think. I’d still be stuck in the arrogant quandary of religiosity; the sleepless slumber of mind. It was you that pulled me out, I employed your methods of thinking and by the light of skepticism discerned my way out of the labyrinth I had once explored and loved so dearly. For I had loved my religion, my supposed super reality that sat atop all that I could see as something my mind, but not my eyes could comprehend. My mind, my imaginative faculties combined with what I knew of logic were put to the task of writing a book; an essay, and a second; a novel, both to this end: to extol the virtues of and...
