Struggling gym owners around the world

Subject: Struggling gym owners around the world
From: A struggling gym owner
Date: 2 Apr 2019

We might have flaky paint in places we might need a new mirror ? Occasions a little dustySometime because we are small we might not be able to do things others can’t ? We can’t charge silly money because like cabbies or others the corportes have driven the prices down because it’s not about you it’s about when they float and makes millions.
We can’t advertise in between Corrie we can’t afford to spend 1000s on google ads! We can’t bombard you with Facebook ads! But! What I can promise you is the most value for money based Results’s gym around! The best personal trainers the best therapists We actually have more technology than that lot put together (believe it or not) try us if you like us ? join.!!!!
If you do join it won’t be adding to my overfilled bank account or my holiday home in the Bahamas.
But what I can promise you is a hello and a smile and it will help me reinvest in my passion which is running my gym which serves you.
Thank you for reading.
