Public Notice: CFTU impersonator trying to sabotage our operations with false spoof posts

Subject: Public Notice: CFTU impersonator trying to sabotage our operations with false spoof posts
From: China Foreign Teachers Union (CFTU)
Date: 13 Sep 2017

To those familiar with the CFTU and those who subscribe to our monthly newsletter, we hope you are astute and intelligent enough to realize some clever TEFL teacher job recruiter has recently been caught impersonating our staff in an effort to portray us in a negative light with their spurious posts of fabrications.

One was just recently posted here on by someone claiming to be a "CFTU Insider". How you can know they are an impostor at play?

They cannot provide specific information about our office locations, details about recent events, nor even provide a telephone number for our office.

To be clear we have no volunteers assigned to posting anything online which is the sole responsibility of me - their webmaster, and I certainly did not make any unauthorized posts - ever.

Those who visit our website at will quickly learn at our blacklist link that we have outed over 300 black school employers and shady job agents and recruiters. All of them lost clients and prospects because of our many scam warning posts over the years. In short they have an ax to grind with us.

So if you see any posts that supposedly come from the CFTU please check our sub at Reddit and we will have a sticky post of all the REAL GENUINE POSTS officially put out by the CFTU, so whatever is not listed here at or our website can be assumed to be a bogus smear attempt.

To the editors of, please read the email sent to you from our official website address so we can stop the false dissemination of information by sly guys impersonating our organization.

For those who have not noticed, there is a big controversy in China right now concerning 10,000 fake teachers who wrongly were hired using fake diplomas and fabricated TEFL certificates provided by the TEFL job recruiters simply so they can collect $2,000 for every teacher hired, real or fake.

At present there are just over 30,000 foreign teachers working in China, and we openly admit that we are cooperating with the Chinese government to ensure that every student in a Chinese classroom has a REAL teacher who has a REAL diploma and taught classes before coming to China. Every child in the world, in every country deserves a genuine education.

To this end, we will endure any and all dirty tricks launched by the crooked TEFL recruiters and schools being identified at and Those we exposed in the past have been trashing and bashing us for years and here is what most people have to say about us

As for why these recruiters are now being so vindictive and vengeful, you can get a good idea by reading here:

In closing, we remind anyone planning to work in China, that you will be safe from violent crimes, but there are 389 known scams that will be targeting you. Learn them all at

Welcome to China foreign teachers! Learn your employee rights ASAP and make yourself scam-proof by reading this very carefully and taking the time to always know who you are REALLY dealing with in China Anyone who gives you only a Chinglish name (English first name and Chines family name) has something to hide and should be considered a potential scammer. Ask to see the original plastic ID card or passport of anyone and everyone who offers you any opportunity in China or wants you to pay them any sort of fee or "deposit".

For the record, the CFTU is a volunteer organization founded in 2010 by expat foreign teachers living and working in China, We do not sell any products, services, nor advertising. We do not promote nor endorse any third party causes and we are apolitical and agnostic. We have only 1 paid intern and other staff members donate their time. Our membership has always been free and do not solicit moneys for any purpose. Anyone who has any doubts, questions or concerns is welcome to send an email to admin(at)
