An open letter to the parents of high school students

Subject: An open letter to the parents of high school students
From: Shahla Gailani
Date: 18 Sep 2019

I am writing to the parents of high school students with due respect to pay attention and care about their children’s online activities that they are busy with it daily.These activities can have possible impact on your children’s future educational life.
This is important to know that some of the online activities are addictive, such as online games, and social media networks. These activities can waste your children time and energy. It is also important to know that some colleges investigate student’s background to see how students spent their time online and what kind of languages were used in their day to day activities.
Parents should make their children aware of this important subject and let them know how it could affect their college admission in the future. As Neeraj Agrihotri, an Indian artists said, “social media not only snatches your time, but it also teaches you attention deficiency.”
I argue all parents to spend more time monitoring their children’s online activities and try to convince them to better use their time and energy for their future goals which is admission to a great college.
