
Addiction hurts.. You,me,your kids , your husban, all who truely love you. We never thought this disese would take over , or maybe we just hoped it wouldn't. We all seen it coming , we want to help , we want it to stop , we want mom back on top! You are still around but the person walking in that body is no longer the mother , the wife , the friend we all know... I know its hard; we know your hurting , but do you see how hurt we are? Do you see who you have become? We dont know who you are anymore.. We know your somewhere deep down inside .. We still have hope you can find yourself .. We still pray everyday that these demons will leave you alone and you will come back as the mother , daughter , wife ,and friend we all know and love . We know your strong ; stronger then most women i...
To All Entitled Partners I don't know what people definition of monogamy is anymore. In the past, monogamy was one person for life and now it is one person at a time. Things that defines relationships and marriage have changed so much throughout time. What is the universal definition of infidelity? I supposed, there is no such thing. Do sexting, staying active on dating app, watching live web-cam show considered as infidelity? I think the definition varies from couple to couple. But personally, once there are 3 elements of a secretive relationship, a degree of emotional connection and a sexual chemistry (both imagined and an actual act); an affair is there and infidelity has took place. In this era, it has never been easier to cheat yet never been more difficult to keep a secret...
I have recently been reading a book called, The House of the Spirits. At first glance of the cover and reading the introduction to it, I knew it was going to be one of those books where I have to take my time and read slow. Really understand and remember what its saying and keeping that in mind for future events that happen in the book. Once I actually got into it though, I started to relate to it and related the characters in the book to people in my life. At the end, I actually didn’t hate the book, and that’s a lot knowing that I don’t read at all unless I’m assigned to read a book in school. The House of the Spirits was a book about a few generations of a family and all of their successes, struggles, and everything everyone went through over a lot of years. It went into topics like...
As I sit up at 2 am and look out a dark window looking into the dark night thinking thoughts that nobody can hear I cry. My days are long and my nights are short. I have to keep silently reminding myself to breathe deeply and stay calm. My feet hurt from work and my heart is broken from the people I once loved who left me behind. We cannot choose out parents, God hand picked them both for me ? At 2 am I ask him why did you choose them both for me? All my parents ever did was hurt me. My mother was on drugs and left me in a soiled diaper as well as my sister locked in a dog kennel at 3 years old. My sister and I had no food covered in flea bites dirty hair starving and had rotted teeth. All that haunts my memory tonight is childhood memories of digging through garbage cans to find food for...
I never thought ever two years ago that I would meet someone like you. I don't recall how it all played out. But it wasn't long until you found out I was self-harming. I asked you if you were going to leave. You told me to trust you. You said you would never leave. You didn't understand it. You tried everything. I remember that part clearly. You were not my mom. You weren't even family. You never had to stay. I didn't believe you. I thought you would leave as soon as things got hard. You talked me through my nightmares and tried to help me reach the best person I could be. and it wasn't long until I learned to love and trust you. It has not been easier. Sometimes I know I'm a burden and you may at times wish you never met me but you never let that show. The first time I remember...
Growing up, I knew things weren't the way they were "supposed" to be. I didn't have that story perfect family that all my friends talked about. Though, then I didn't understand, as the years went on and I got older, it all became clear to me. My closest family fell deeply in love with poison. It completely consumed their time, thoughts, and feelings. At some point that's all that mattered to them. They became so selfish. They lied to, stole from, and hurt the only person that was truly routing for them; (me). The one person who secretly searched for help without getting them in any trouble. It all seemed so impossible. For months I never told anyone what was really happening. I forced myself to make excuses for them and I defended their name, as if I owed them something. I sacrificed...
My entire life has been made up of you popping in and out. Making promises you rarely ever kept. You were my Daddy, though. No matter what, I loved you. Last year we reconnected and it was great for a few months. Then it was back to normal. Rarely hearing from you. Unanswered phone calls and texts. Seeing you once every couple months. I honestly believed this time you just decided the drugs were more important than your daughter. Tonight I found out you haven't even really been doing the drugs. Now THAT makes me feel even more angry. You are CHOOSING to ignore me. I'm moving out of state and you still don't care. I've made enough excuses for you in my life. I truly hope you enjoy your life without your kids in it. With your bitch of a girlfriend that YOU can't even stand. Good luck with...
Dear, Layla You are beautiful. You are beautiful inside and out and whatever you do, I need you to stay that way. Do not become like everyone else. Our mother, our sister, all of the influential women in your life right now. They are wrong. They do not think. They wear wigs to hide their natural hair. They wear make up hide their natural beauty. They bleach their skin for no reason at all. They wear heels that hurt their feet. They act dumb to hide that they are smart. They get surgeries and they starve themselves to look thinner and more "beautiful". They do these things because they think it is what is expected of them. They think it is the right thing to do. But as I said before, they are wrong. You are beautiful. You wear your natural hair and let everyone see your natural skin...
To anyone who has been taken advantage of in a relationship and felt they were alone, In my honors composition class, we were each given a book to read. My book was “The Woman in White,” that I was left to find a real life connection with. I found some personal connections and also real life connections that could relate with this book that I hope could help whomever is reading this also relate. I want this to help show you aren’t alone. “The Woman in White” is by Wilkie Collins who was in fact a fan of women’s rights. The book itself is about multiple characters’ views during this period of distress they go through. As for the main character, Walter is a man continuously trying to find answers. Laura is a woman nearly fading away in this book. She struggles to stand up for herself...
Dad- While you may not deserve that title, for all intents and purposes you are technically my dad; only in the sense that you took part in my conception. I am calling this an open letter as I plan to air it out to some type of public forum where it can be found and read by others who fell victim to abuse and struggles due to the lack of responsibility from their father and see it is possible to come out of the ashes a better person, also because I deserve to be heard. You won’t find this letter to be one that ends in forgiveness, or me thanking you for doing me the favor of not being around because I turned into a better person without you than I ever would have been with you. While it is true that what I have had to endure has made me a stronger person, you will never be excused for...
