
When two people get married, their lives change; the lives of the people in their respective families also change to an extent. But, the biggest change comes in the life of the girl, who leaves her home, family, lifestyle, habits and what not behind, to live with the man she dreams of spending a beautiful life with. Even though this equation looks a little sad for the bride, but as it is the norm of the society, nobody says anything against this rule. Nonetheless, we all accept this, but what is unacceptable is that a relationship like marriage gets a bad name when the word DOWRY comes into it. The system of gifting things in cash and kind to the groom and his family has gone so out of hand in so many communities in India that people asking for dowry, have basically become...
This is a letter I thought I would never write but as I get older I am learning that sometimes the most deepest cuts are from the ones we choose to let into our lives, either by birth or circumstance. So here it goes, dear Dad I am not your personal bank account, I refuse to fund your gambling addiction. Asking me for $10,000 at 2:00 am in the morning, selling grandmas land that she left for me to pay off your gambling debts, lying to me when I needed help to go to the casino instead, taking the mortgage money to the racetrack, constantly reminding me that you could have walked out on us and I was lucky you did not .It’s just not bloody cool. I have come to realize from some of the things that you said that when I turned 18 I was basically on my own but also responsible for you. I...
This is a letter I thought I would never write but as I get older I am learning that sometimes the most deepest cuts are from the ones we choose to let into our lives, either by birth or circumstance. So here it goes, dear Dad I am not your personal bank account, I refuse to fund your gambling addiction. Asking me for $10,000 at 2:00 am in the morning, selling grandmas land that she left for me to pay off your gambling debts, lying to me when I needed help to go to the casino instead, taking the mortgage money to the racetrack, constantly reminding me that you could have walked out on us and I was lucky you did not .It’s just not bloody cool. I have come to realize from some of the things that you said that when I turned 18 I was basically on my own but also responsible for you. I...
Dear Mother of the Year, First I want to thank you for giving me one of my greatest blessings in my life. My little boy has changed my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Being his (step) mommy for the past 3 years has been an adventure for sure, but has also been a great learning experience, and has given me a chance to truly see how a mother's love is supposed to work. You failed. You failed my husband, who used to give you the WORLD! You failed me. The only person who tried to help you and stand by your side even when you were in the wrong. Most failed MY SON! You claim that he is your "world" and your "sunshine". You claim that you put him first, you claim that you would never "abandon" him...(your words exactly) yet here we are...2 (almost 3)...
Dear Mother of the Year, First I want to thank you for giving me one of my greatest blessings in my life. My little boy has changed my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Being his (step) mommy for the past 3 years has been an adventure for sure, but has also been a great learning experience, and has given me a chance to truly see how a mother's love is supposed to work. You failed. You failed my husband, who used to give you the WORLD! You failed me. The only person who tried to help you and stand by your side even when you were in the wrong. Most failed MY SON! You claim that he is your "world" and your "sunshine". You claim that you put him first, you claim that you would never "abandon" him...(your words exactly) yet here we are...2 (almost 3)...
You may not want to hear from me, but I would like to have your attention for a moment, even though you may not read this. When I sent you that friend request, you had several options to choose from to allow you to properly handle the situation. You could've ignored it, declined it, or blocked me all together. You could've sent me a message stating that you weren't interested in staying in contact with me, your ex sister in law, and I would've respected that. I didn't send it to annoy you. I didn't send it to bother you. I didn't send it to be a jerk. I saw you in the "people you may know" list, and I mindlessly tapped the 'send friend request' before I continued to scroll through Facebook without a second thought. And, to be honest, I had totally forgot about it until you sent...
My son, with his gorgeous shroud of copper hair, a smile of an angel and a heart of gold. He makes the best cup of coffee i've ever tasted (bar from costa coffee). He lights up a room. He is also a genius.... not Mensa genius but getting there. He came top of his class in his recent exams, and uses words that you have to get a Thesaurus out to understand what they mean. He challenges himself and isn't happy with second place. My son, is also living with Tourettes Syndrome. Most of the time he just gets on with his life the best he can, never letting anything get in his way. His Tourettes was always mild, little motor and vocal tics until recently. Over night, he developed Corporalia (swearing), this was always my biggest fear ever since he was diagnosed at the age of 6. many nights were...
Dear Cancer, I guess "dear" really isn't even appropriate considering all of the damage you cause people. I've heard about you my whole life, but never really gave you a second thought, until that cold day in December. When you came into my life, you chose to attach yourself to one of the most important people in my life. Around Christmas 2016, we found out my grandma had bladder cancer. I'll never forget all the anger and confusion you made me feel in the moment when the doctor said your name. I'll never forget how scared my grandmas eyes looked and how that made me scared, too. In the weeks following, we set a plan. A plan to take you out of our life, send you back to the dark hole you so rightfully belong in. When my grandma started her treatment, the number one rule I had for...
First of all I just want to thank you for bringing my child into my life. Without you my child wouldn't even exist. Here are some things I wish that you could understand about your child. Our child is special ..special needs is just a label.. Day to day dealing with the constant tantrums and the really bad meltdowns that sometimes get violent while you do not have to do anything is really starting to get to me..I love our child..our child was given to US for a reason..their special needs do not make them harder to love or a burden..Being a child of divorce or a broken home is bad enough but when your child has autism it can be so much worse..Autistic children need routine they need to feel safe and secure and need things reoccurring and as scheduled as possible..When they are used to...
Dear Ethan, As I look at your baby photos I can't help but think how did we get here? How is it possible that you're now 10 years old. How did 10 years pass so dang fast? I have fully enjoyed this beautiful adventure as your mother. I have loved guiding you through life and being able to love and encourage you along the way. I know you are not perfect but in my eyes your so amazing! From the moment I held you and looked into your eyes I knew this life would be full of adventures. I admire your imagination and creative mind. You have always been such a smart little boy. You have a love for animals that is so sweet and kind. I am so proud that you have chosen to follow God and I am grateful he chose you to be my first born! I fear how fast these next 10 years will go by so fast but...
