
Hello Parents of America my name is Taylor Morris I just got finished reading a book I was assigned call Oliver Twist and found it interesting but I also found a very drastic problem in it that even our normal life has Child Abuse and in reading this book I found these couple of area’s where Oliver is abused as well. Oliver is born into the world and his mom dies with him in her arms during the next 10 years Oliver has been beaten kept in a basement to starve and has been abused all his life, during his time in a factory he gets sentenced to death for asking for more food which isn’t much food at all it wouldn’t be able to feed a growing child Oliver is later on beaten by one of the families who took him in for getting angry at another resident who made fun of his mom and was lied...
The things they carried was a book about all sorts of things. It ranges from war, death, guns, food, love, and emotional distress. I’m here to talk with the people who don’t generally understand or grasp the concept of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In the book the men in the squad go through hell they see and hear things that no human being should see or experience in his life. The team went through so much that they were all rather scarred for life or dead. Emotionally the things they carried were heavy and weighed them down. In one section of this book a man gets his girlfriend at the time shipped over to the Song Tra Bong medical camp where he was stationed. In short time the war had already taken its toll on the young lady. Mentally it had damaged her and changed her. “Her body...
To my sister, To love an addict hurts. It hurts too much to think of what you are doing to yourself. It’s like a dark cloud hovering over top of my life; just when things are going good for me I remember the demons you are battling and I hurt for you. I don’t stop worrying. I worry about the people you hangout with. I worry if you’re hungry, or cold. I worry if you’re being treated right. I’m worried you feel alone. I’m worried you think you are too far-gone, because you’re not. I try not to feel. I try not to think about how you got here. I remember my sister from the past, and it hurts, it fucking hurts. I miss my sister I spent every weekend camping with. I miss my sister who was a momma bear, who protected her kids with all she had. I miss my sister who was happy. Life got...
I don't know if you'll ever read this. I don't know, if somehow you even find this, you'll even want to read it. But if you do, if you ever happen upon this, I just hope you'll look at my words and think about them, I hope you make the connection that this letter is for you. Because if you read it to the end, if you take the time to look at it and think about what I have to say, that would prove me wrong. It would prove that you aren't the person I think you are. And truly, I hope I'm wrong. And since I want you to read this and not feel alienated, to not feel attacked, perhaps I should take this opportunity to say words I would otherwise leave unsaid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I never accepted you into my life. I'm sorry I never liked you, and I'm sorry how obvious it...
Frank, You finally did it. You finally followed through with your therapist's recommendation of cutting contact with your toxic father and his toxic, sycophant wife. Going no contact with your abuser and his enabler/flying monkey has been very difficult for you. Your father is your only surviving parent and the timing of your loving grandfather's passing has made this transition more traumatic. You will heal. Your father on the other hand, will always be a narcissist. As you have said, his malignant narcissism has worsened with age. Remember when we thought it was just "bad" that your father was bitter about your growing independence? How envious he would get when you would participate in new activities and travels that he hasn't experienced? If you participated in those...
Here's an open letter to you, mom. I can only hope that you read this. I hardly remember you because even when you were here, you weren't around much. But I do know that I looked up to you, and you were my bestfriend. This letter isn't to make you feel bad for leaving my dad. This isn't to make you feel like a monster. This is for you to recognize me, because it has been 5 years since you left. I know you'll never see this because you don't search for me everywhere you go like I search for you. When you left for the 3rd time (you were always so good at leaving, just to come back), I knew you weren't coming back. When I woke up only to find that the pictures were off the wall, the furniture was gone, and so were you, I knew that this time you weren't coming home ever again. And...
(Date Omitted) Dear Step-Mother-In-Law, Since neither you or your husband "have the balls" (your words to MY husband) to contact me, I have decided to reach out to you about your history of disrespect and trespasses. I am taking the initiative right now, to inform you of where you stand with my family and I. I understand that you and your husband are intimidated because I am a strong woman. I do not adhere to a dated, subservient view of women as a fawning and submissive species whose sole purpose is to cater to men. When you and I first met, you really liked my strong personality and the fact I do not tolerate disrespect towards me or my loved ones. I never judged your relationship with your husband, as we have vast cultural differences and initially you were supportive of me as...
It's been 7 years now that you have fought so hard to keep the promises you made to your Daddy on his death bed. And everyday you fight and fight to make sure you take care of your mom and the rest of the family. You try to resolve the issues for your own children because that is what Daddy would do. You have worn yourself out trying to be Daddy. When will you realize you are not Daddy? When will you stop and understand no one could ever fill his shoes? When you made a promise to take care of your mother, he did not expect you to handle everything the way he would have. He knew you were your own person and he had faith that you would do what you felt right in your heart. He had faith in you because he knew you were raised by a father that believed in you. You have spent so much time and...
The harsh reality of life is that we will come to an end of our time on earth. There was a time when the most common cause of death was the flu. But our society has advanced far beyond that point... that we have had man walk the moon. However, in two thousand and seventeen, cancer is still at a rapidly fast pace taking countless lives. Many which that are young. Vast majority of people have been touched by cancer and when one person in the family has cancer, the family fights with them. This letter is to my loved one and the millions of others who are now at rest from their battle, from me and you. To my dearest loved one, cancer is a horrific disease that doesn’t pick and choose you by deliberate but rather doesn’t discriminate and it could have been any one of us. It is a type of...
Dear dad, It's been almost two years since you left us behind. But there was not a single day passed when you was not remembered. I still remember the last time we were together went for shopping. You was so happy that day. Saw you proudly talking about me with people around you. Years back when one day I fainted and not able to walk, you had picked me up and walked to the home through whole market. You had cried when you left me in the boarding school for first time, you was hiding your tears. I always found you very strict, but when today people praise me for what I am, I know it is your discipline which has made me such a person. You made me so strong that I can handle every situation of the life. But still I wanted you to be with me. Today when I took over every responsibility...
