
Dear Ex Best Friend, We first became friends last year and then we became to grow closer and closer to each other. After a couple of weeks we became so close that we considered each other best friends and we would say “love you best friend.” We had a fun time going to the mall and I thought it would last forever and we would never part. I thought you were always there for me like a best friend should be. I told you a lot of funny stories and you told me a lot of funny stories and we even told each other personal and in depth stories that we would never share with anyone else. I guess I was wrong about this whole friendship situation because you were only my best friend for 5 months then you didn’t talk to me anymore. I would text you and ask you what I did wrong and you never replied....
Dear Best Friend, I know I tell you all the time that I love you, but I want you to know how much I really mean that. You are one of the most important people in my life, and I don't know what I would do without you. And honestly... I don't want to know. I know if I ever have a problem or need someone to talk to you're right there. I can call you anytime and you always have time for me. I can talk to you about anything: boys, family problems, personal problems, my fears, school, life in general, or even stupid things like my favorite food or tv show. We are so different, yet at the same time so alike. It's kinda confusing. But so is our friendship. We are both crazy, even if you don't want to admit it. I think we confuse our friends. We can go from having a serious heartfelt...
Dear “My Best Friend” We have known each other since elementary school. We were in the same classes for so many years, yet we did not consider each other as friends. I would say we were acquainted, nothing more. At recess we would hang around the same people, but we would hardly talk. We never had any problems until it came to 5th grade. The problem was with a boy that we both liked and he liked me and not her. However when we went to middle school we had almost every single class together and became really good friends (or so I thought). At one point we had a conversation about the boy we used to like and we were like why did we ever have a fight about this, it was so stupid. She and I had befriended a girl named Sarah. Sarah and her were becoming closer and closer, and I was feeling...
Dear ex bestfriend You once said, “your my bestfriend forever” and that all changed. Izzy herself changed, You are not the girl I first met a year ago. We used to go to the movies and throw popcorn at random people just for laughter. We would go to haunted houses for halloween. We would have lemonade stands up to sell lemonade and earn money also because it was fun of course. We would always paint each others nails and help pick out each others outfits. You lied to me even though I thought i had your full trust. When Emma announced to me you were talking about me to her, It put a bomb in my heart. Thinking to myself “my best friend, talking about me?” she told me you said you were envious of me from my hair to my outfits to even my eyebrows. What really broke me down was the...
Dear friend, We were used to be always together to each other. We never be apart from one another we were always like sisters and I still think of you as my sister. When we were in school and some of our class was different we both miss each other we didn’t want to be apart because we were friend from little.When there was festival called dashain we always put new same dress and we run all the way to roads and when our parents tell us to walk we say no and hold hands and run more fast laughing.One day we found a money and we ran to market and buy paan which we were not supposed to eat paan but we did.When we spent a night together we didn’t sleep whole night we were awake all night dancing laughing playing games make lots of foods. We always ate in same plates we never ate anything...
Dear ex-best friend, we used to be so close, until you betrayed me, you betrayed our friendship the moment you texted him. We called each other “sisters”, because that’s what it felt like. I felt like i knew them my entire life. We sat by eachother everyday in lunch, we’d go outside and talk about boys and life. We told eachother everything, even if we felt like things were best untold. But we trusted each other with any and everything. I never had a sister to tell anything to, not like how we told each other things. We laughed over the dumbest things, i never had a friend as goofy as me. You were another me. We met up at “our place” every morning. I loved our friendship because there was literally no drama between me and you. We just had a cool friendship, but like all the other...
I’m so glad that I have had you all in my life. We’ve created so many great memories. I fondly remember keeping each other up late during sleepovers at each other’s houses, always making drawings for gifts when it came time to be one of our birthdays, arguing about who’s turn it was next to write in our shared green notebook filled with stories of our own silly characters, texting throughout entire days during the boring parts of summer, drinking hot chocolate at the corn maze as the few brave members of the group traversed the “haunted” house, and so many more. We’ve had so many conversations about how we felt about middle school, books, going into high school, crushes, the world. They’ve all been all been so formative to me as we grew up together. When I was in kindergarten meeting some...
It's not my fault. I can't help that I'm like this, but every cell in my body tells me I'm guilty.
The majority of my fondest memories are with you. Given that, some of the most devastating moments in my life also involve you in some way. Nothing I ever hope or dream turns out the way I would like, so to think I would always have your shoulder to lean on was overly dramatic. We shared incredible moments that seemed to last for hours and amazing years that felt like decades, but for some reason we drifted apart. Not that the people we are today are bad, but obviously not meant for each other. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was just me being oblivious to your emotional and psychological needs. I wish to ask you how you're doing, what you're up to, who you've been enjoying since we drifted; but every time I look at you and see the happiness painted across your face like a beautiful work...
I love seeing you grow right in front of my eyes. "YOU, to me, are one great SURPRISE." I didn't know surprises could come in human forms too. I did not expect you nor ask for you to be part of my life but then you came in that uniform saying "Hi, I am...", which basically marked the beginning of our friendship. Who would expect that having such kind of people would greatly change one's life? Yes, you are one of the greatest surprises I had ever encountered and right now, I can't even think how my life would be without you in it. "I'm glad I met YOU who miraculously possess the same level of craziness flowing in your DNA like I do in mine." If not for you, I wouldn't realize how funny I actually am. I wouldn't realize how good of a joker I can be. All the inside jokes we made about...
