
Dear President Putin, As you are aware, in Bremerhaven, Germany this week (July 11th – 16th) there will be a special meeting to consider marine protected area (MPA) proposals for the Ross Sea and several areas off the coast of East Antarctica. The Ross Sea remains one of the most intact marine ecosystems on the planet, with robust populations of whales, penguins, seals, albatrosses and other species. East Antarctica is a remote region of high ecological importance, home to a significant proportion of the Southern Ocean’s penguins, seabirds, seals and whales. Russia’s position will be crucial to the protection of these areas which are amongst the most iconic areas for marine wildlife on earth. Russia was a founding member of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living...
Dear Mr. President of the Parliament: One hundred years ago the Hungarian 20th infantry, one of ten Hungarian divisions to fight in the Great War, was mourning the death of 535 officers and 30,232 foot soldiers since the outbreak of hostilities earlier that year. That war would go on to claim the lives of some 516,095 soldiers of the Hungarian crown. March 22, 2015 will mark the 100th anniversary of the 117,000 soldiers of Hungary’s 23rd infantry division being taken captive by the Russian army, along with 30,000 wounded. Many would never see Hungary again. The First World War had a multiplicity of causes. But ultimately its outbreak was the product of irresponsible behavior on the part of leading European politicians and government officials. People like you, Viktor Orbán, and...
Mr. President, The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the FIDH and the OMCT, is deeply concerned by the decision of the Vladivostok Military Court, on 25th December 2001, to condemn Mr. Grigory Pasko, military reporter for the newspaper of the Russian Fleet, Boevaya Vakhta, to four years’ imprisonment and suppression of his military rank. Mr. Pasko was first arrested in November 1997 for the crime of « high treason », after the diffusion by a Japanese TV Channel of one of his reports on the dumping of nuclear waste, and after the publication of several articles on boat cemeteries, nuclear waste and the promotion of some generals. On 20th July 1999, the Vladivostok Military Court dropped the charges for « high treason » but Mr. Pasko was...
Over the past few decades we have seen many problems caused by greed. Many of the rich have used the "greed is good" as an argument and business practice. However there are many problems with that philosopy. The first is that "greed is good" is only circumstantial. Greed is only seen as bad if there is a negative outcome, but other than that it is seen as good. The chemical spill in West Virginia for example, the company last inspected their facility in 1991, but until the spill acutally happened that was seen as good greed. Second, people assume all the money we give to the rich through tax breaks will be funneled back into the economy. Some may invest in the stockmarket or spend it on luxurys that don't produce many jobs, while most hold onto it for the rest of...
Dear Party Leaders English airports make valuable contributions to the regions we serve, providing vital connectivity for local economies, supporting jobs, driving inward investment and promoting inbound tourism. We operate in an international market, competing for aircraft to serve routes with other airports across Europe. Air Passenger Duty (APD) puts us at a significant disadvantage versus non-UK airports. Continued calls for devolution of APD to both Scotland and Wales risk distorting the UK-wide level playing field on which we currently operate, jeopardising up to £1.2 billion in GVA and over 2,500 jobs in the North East and South West of England alone over the next decade according to economic impact assessments carried out by air transport consultants, York Aviation. In...
Dear America, Happy Birthday! How was it? Did you party hard? Do you feel another year older? Are you like, “Whoa, okay, cool it on the celebrations, guys” or are you like, “PARTY ON AMERICA” because it’s your birthday and you can do what you want? (For the record, the 4th of July is my half-birthday but yeah, I mean, your birthday is obviously what we are celebrating here, I just wanted you to know. I didn’t expect a gift or anything). How are you feeling about the fireworks this year? Americans love fireworks. The promise of a fireworks show is probably just about every American’s favorite part about your birthday party. Fireworks and also the food. How was the food this year? What did you make? What did you eat? How much of the food was red, white, and blue? Hot dog, hamburger,...
Dear President Obama, On behalf of New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution, its members and supporters throughout the region, I extend you a warm welcome to Vermont and thank you for your advocacy of a much-needed comprehensive national energy plan. We believe, Mr. President, you will understand why we cannot support an “all-options” energy approach that is compromised by what we see as the chimera of “safe nuclear.” What nuclear utilities now propose depends on “tricked-up” 1960s reactor designs which have totally failed the test of the free marketplace since the 1975 fire at the two at Browns Ferry reactors in Decatur, Ala. Just as the marketplace recognizes its money is not safe invested in nuclear, we citizens recognize that our communities are not safe with uninsurable...
Dear Mr. Cameron, I hope that you will take the time to read this, that it finds its way into your hands. You see, I’d like just three questions answered, and if you can answer them to my satisfaction, I’ll really might consider a ‘No’ vote. My first question concerns the currency bit. You see, the media, much of whom I believe you effectively control (well, your lot in Westminster did ‘reserve’ broadcasting after all) are pounding on about this currency thing. Now, allowing broadcasting is reserved to you, they are delivering your message, which makes me curious. My question specifically about the currency bit is, well, why should I care? Now, let me tell you why I'm asking that. You see, for me to care about something, it has to have some sort of value and since about 1930...
Dear Mr. Ambassador: We are writing this Open Letter to you in connection with the “Ground the Drones”[1] protests against combat drones that will take place in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on April 27th.1 We represent the German Drone Campaign, which is against the establishment of drone technology for combat, surveillance and oppression. The German Drone Campaign (Drohnen-Kampagne[2]) was launched last month by a coalition of numerous national and local peace and civil rights groups and organizations. It has already been endorsed by more than 120 organizations in Germany, including several political parties, including two in the current German parliament (Bundestag). In our Appeal “No Combat Drones”[3] to the German government and parliament, we demand...
Where to start? The right part. "To America, if you really believe in ethics, human rights, and love of diasporas, people like me won't go through so much humiliation". 1. Why arrest and lock someone up for speeding? 2. Why must a foreign student report 3 different senerios of break INs' without no action? 3. Why must it be a law to arrest foreigner and make them pay a lot on fines',leaving them choiceless just to be lawful,and then use the money on road renovation/repairs?. Finally, "we cannot change the world untill we change ourselves"-2pac Amaru Shakur (R.I.P) God bless America, God bless Nigeria, God bless the world in general.
