Open letter to my little SISTER

Subject: Open letter to my little SISTER
From: Your big sis
Date: 18 Jun 2015

My dear sister,

My baby, why did you grow up so fast? Before you were born, mom promised me a doll and our middle sister wished you were a little elephant! I loved you from that moment. You are a young woman now. Little sister, I want you to know that you are perfect just the way you are: body, soul and mind.

In one more week you’ll be finishing school but don’t be scared my little one, you don’t need to have it figured out. I hope you follow your dreams and I hope you have the courage to listen to your heart.

Stop looking for your “other half” because you were born complete; look for someone who makes you happy. Guard your heart but don’t be afraid to fall in love. Boys will hurt you, friends will leave, promises will be broken; don’t let pain make you bitter. Trust the Universe and always do your best.

Always follow your intuition and take care of your body. I hope you have the chance to read many books, travel to many places, watch thousands of sunsets and dance to many songs. I hope you encounter interesting people through your journey and share with them your passions. Don’t forget to talk about your culture and our country, help people look through your eyes so that you can look through theirs. Open your mind and most importantly, open your heart.

Remember that family is the most important thing in the entire world. Be brave, embrace creativity and if you ever feel weak and that your world is falling apart, don’t ever forget you can always come back home. It is okay to make mistakes. Be kind. Be caring. You are so smart and so funny my little girl, you are everything I wished to have in a little sister…I’m so proud of you! And I hope you are proud of me.

I loved you, I love you and I will always love you,

Your big sis.
