To my oldest daughter

Subject: To my oldest daughter
From: Mom
Date: 15 Dec 2015

You recently moved out of our family home. I miss you but I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. I am proud of your artistic ability and your independent nature. I am proud that you are respectful to people who have earned your respect.

I hope you laugh every day.

You will always be my firstborn, my first experience as a mother. In many ways, that makes you so special. I remember the fear as I held you as a newborn. The immense responsibility of caring for another human being wasn't real to me until I held you in my arms. In that second, I was filled with doubt and fear. I wanted you, more than anything. But, I was afraid I would really screw it up.

But I didn't. You are a wonderful human being. You make people laugh and you care about people. You are not vicious or deceitful, or manipulative. You are honest and loving.

You are as precious to me now as you were on the day you were born and you are infinitely more delightful. I love being able to talk to you in a more adult way and see you respond thoughtfully and with intelligence. I look forward to lunch dates and coffee mornings and conversation with you.

I am sorry it was a rough road for you in a lot of ways growing up. I cannot be more proud of the way you have handled challenges that have come your way. You have so much to offer the world and I hope your art continues to be a big part of what you offer.

Thank you for paving the way for your siblings and for teaching me how to be a better parent. I hope our bond continues to grow stronger.

I love you.
