
Dear father,This is the first time ever I am going to beg something from you besides money.... Please please I beg you.... Can’t you ever get back together with mom.... I think she has suffered enough... Even if she did wrongs in the past... Its high time that you forgive her now... Won’t I ever see my parents being together?? This is a question which has been going through my mind for more than 10 years.... Do you think that I am happy like this?? Even though I have everything, nothing can ever fill the emptiness of a father for me.... I have never said anything about this before but I think now i have to express what has been going through my mind for the past years... I pretend that I really don’t care about this family business but I really do care i just hold back everything without...
Dear father, Before you read this, know that I am not a kid anymore. Do not read this and stress on the language I use. This has been a long time coming. I know this, and so do you. First I want to thank you. Thank you for leaving and not putting me through what you put my mom through. Before I get into that though, I want to tell you a little about my life. Since well, you don't know me like mom does. WHEN YOU AND MOM WERE MR....
Here's to all the birthdays that I celebrated, all the trouble I created, and all of the nasty nights I went through. Cheers to me. Cheers to you. Cheers to all the things you told me, that wound up untrue. The sleepless nights I fought the tears away while lying in bed going through the toughest heartbreak, the toughest battles, the toughest wounds, and the toughest ride. Although you were nowhere to be found, I followed in your footsteps. I ran away from all of those problems, and became a problem of my own. Because of you, I ran far from them. I took after you. I learned that dealing with problems isn't necessary, and dealing with you was close to the impossible. As time moved forward, I was states away. I constantly wondered if you ever thought of me. As a big problem...
All my life as long as I can remember I've had a void. I knew I had a part missing from my life. For 22 years, almost 23, I have lived a life without you. I was suppose to have you here. Through my rough years, high school homecomings, and proms, the break ups and the make ups, being grounded, and going to college. I was suppose to be able to take your clothes and get yelled at, use your old dresses. Get all your hand me downs. I know God had this planned, this was suppose to happen, but I still don't know why. I catch myself talking to you when I am down or stressed. I dream about you and think about what you would look like. Would you look like dad or mom? Would you have blue eyes or green, dark hair or light? I remienece about what ifs all the time, but the one thing I can not let go...
The first thing I want to say is, Thank you. Thanks to you I have grown up knowing I will always have someone standing behind me to step in and protect me whenever it is needed. You guys may be way to overprotective at time, but I know you are just looking out for what is best for me. I know I get on your nerves a lot. Especially when I talk about boys. Or growing up, but lets face it it's going to happen someday. Soon I will be going away to college and my protectors will be away from me. I don't know how I'm going to live without having someone to yell at for stealing my food, or having my best friends to stay up all night and talk about childhood memories with. Thanks to you I know to let some guys in. They aren't all bad... except your friends they're pretty...
Dear BFFB: Hi there. We're going to jump right in and save ourselves the awkward introduction. Ok? Ok. Buckle up! First, you aren't good enough for her. Now don't get me wrong, I think you're a pretty decent guy. You make her smile and for that I am thankful. I mean no disrespect to you when I say this, I'm just stating the facts. If you disagree and think you are good enough for her, then you DEFINITELY are not. The only man worthy of such a woman will never believe he's good enough, because he will be in awe of her. As he should be. If this isn't you, please don't let the door hit you on the way out. God bless. If you're still reading, I'll assume you're smart enough to know you're NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Let's continue, shall we? Second, she will always be loving and...
Dear Daddy: I now know what you were doing. I didn’t at first, though. I didn’t know why you went to the bathroom so often when you were home, especially when Momma had to go to the store or visit a friend and it was just you and me. You’d take your smartphone in there with you and I wouldn’t see you for a long time. I heard noises from behind the door that I didn’t understand, faint moanings mostly, that confused and scared me. I knocked on the door and asked if you were OK, only to hear you scream that you’d be out in a minute. And you were, but then you yelled at me louder about privacy and respect, then you spanked me and told me to never bother you while you were in the bathroom again. I ran to my room and cried because I was your little princess and you were my prince,...
A mom is supposed to be protective, caring, and always there for you. You were none of those things. You were dark, bipolar, and only in my life when it was convenient for you. A teenage girl needs a mom in there life, they need someone to tell them they are beautiful, they need someone to hug them when a boy breaks their heart. But you were never there for me, instead you would rather go shoot up in someones basement, you would rather go sleep around with people that werent dad. You were a terrible mother. The worst part is I cant hate you. Even though you did so much to hurt me, and dad. I cant hate you. I wish I could.
Dear sales lady at Dillard's Towne East Mall, This is my teenage daughter who wanted to try on dresses for an upcoming formal. I found this dress and asked her to try it on. She told me this was not her style, but tried it on for me. I told her how grown up it made her look and she smiled, and told me this made her look too old but still, she let me take a picture. Right after that, you entered and told my daughter she needed to wear SPANX if she wanted to wear this dress. I told my daughter to go change. I told you that she was just fine without SPANX. You continued to argue with me. We left soon after. I wish I had told you how many girls suffer from poor self image and telling them they need something to make them perfect can be very damaging. Girls of all ages, shapes and...
I once asked my mother why she married my father and her answer shockingly didn’t surprise me. Her marriage wasn’t based on a deep love affair but instead was a reaction to living under her father’s roof. She got married to get away from him. She explained that during her childhood my grandfather was a strict man. He was a “my way or the highway” type of guy. Not really someone you could have a conversation with. It seems that his controlling style is what pushed her to run away with whoever she could find despite her reservations, which she had when dating my father. This story is not uncommon and some of you may have been biting at the bit to get away from your prison you call a home. I can empathize. I couldn’t wait to move as far away as I could from Maui. You heard right even...
