Broken Hearts

17th May 2016 I don’t know why I am writing this letter but I feel that it is something I need to do for myself to help me move on. I don’t even know if I will give this to you to read. I can never describe to you and you will never know the pain that you have caused me throughout all of this. I was completely and totally in love with you and believed that you were too. I thought nothing could break us and that we would be together forever. Now, I feel empty, alone, ugly and just sad. Really sad. It hurts me so much that you are now going out every night because I’m constantly thinking ‘who is she with?’, ‘has she met someone else already?’, ‘why has she changed so much?’. Then I get sad because you are doing things that I always wanted to do but you didn’t. I would always...
To the boy I secretly love, Ever since our first conversation I knew you were going to be important to me. I just didn't know how important you would actually become. You've become my best friend and it's really hard. I try to be there for you when it comes to girls but I just hurts me in the end. I can't stand to see you hurt because I know I would never treat you like that. We haven't talked in days because it's hurt me a lot lately but I haven't said anything because of our friendship. I don't think I'll ever get over loving you and I don't think you'll ever love me as much. I hope you find a girl who truly loves you back because you deserve the best. Even if you don't think the best is me. No I don't hate you. I could never hate you. I just can't hurt like this anymore. Trust me I'm...
To My Abuser: It may seem strange that I’m writing to you at all. I doubt that you’ve given me much thought in the time that has passed since I decided to say goodbye to you for good. Maybe you do, but you’ve probably moved on much quicker than I was able to. After all, you weren’t the one who had to deal with the mess that you made; you weren’t the one who had to put me back together. So, yes; I have thought about you a lot since our relationship has ended. No, don’t flatter yourself. None of these thoughts have been good. Mostly they’ve been along the lines of me hating you for every single thing that you are, and every single thing that you’ve done to me. Other times it has been hatred for myself. I hate that I gave parts of me to you that should be reserved for someone who truly...
From the first sight of you I knew I wanted to get to know you then as we got to know each other I fell in love with,from that moment on wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, so I asked you to be my wife as I was trembling trying to give you the ring and you quickly said yes. I know that things have not been perfect along the way, we both have said and done hurtful things to each other and I realize we can not take them back, I am sorry. We have a wonderful son together and I thank you for blessing me with him. Even though you no longer live at home I still see you everywhere, I miss your smile, your touch, your smell, the taste of your lips, I miss telling you good morning beautiful every morning or even calling you by the sillylittle name I gave you, but most of all I miss you....
To whom it may concern May 1 2016 I decided I needed to figure out how to live the rest of my life without my wife. Let me start from the beginning twenty two years ago I met this beautiful woman, we immediately hit it off, she was not allowed to go anywhere with me so I could only visit her at her house. One month later I was leaving the company where I worked so I told her that I loved her and really needed here to come with me , we told her father and he said that she was 18 and could do what she wanted to do. She came with me and I was on top of the world. Everything was going very well for us romantically and financially then five years later we were married. A few years after we had the most handsome son anyone could ask for, when he was two weeks old we went home to Florida...
“You know, I would really like to know how it feels to be the one taking care of you. I don’t have much to offer. I’m not pretty, not so confident like all those girls you’ve liked and you’ve made your girlfriends. They all seemed to be sure of themselves. Me, for sure I barely know who I am, or what I want to be, for sure. I am still a girl, pretending to know things. And I am rude. I’m not kind. I’m blunt and overcritical. Too sensitive and too proud to admit my flaws. But, if you’d give me the chance, would you give me the honor of being the one that knows you the most? To be the one who you message or call when you need someone, be someone you trust the most. I will do my very best to make you feel like you are never left alone. And to listen to you, and learn all the things that you...
Dear Ex Boyfriend, Well, here we are. The last words I texted you were, "I love you, Goodbye." Even though that won't be the last message I send to you, I still need to get my stuff. There was always an air to this relationship, I must admit. Maybe it was the lingering feelings for multiple girls you had when we first started dating. I didn't get to know you that long before we did, anyway. Although, the same goes for me. Allow me to introduce the old me, just about to enter high school. Hi, my name is ------. I just got out of a relationship I broke up because I wanted a "fresh start," I will later figure out that that was awful of me and I will regret it for a long long time. I'm a 1st year marching band member, and it takes up a lot of my time. Most of my relationships haven...
You were my best friend, I was always there for you. I knew a lot about you and never told a soul. I confided in you when I had relationship issues. Did you ever even care? You knew all about my verbally abusive relationship, you knew where I stood with my feelings. You were the only one I could talk to. You hurt me beyond words! Two years later, here we are, here you are telling me what happened more than once. It cuts deep, you watched me cry, you watched my life spiral away holding the secret that you to, actually slept with my boyfriend. You hung out with me often after the fact as if nothing was wrong. You said that you felt below me, you know what? You are below me. Friends have friends backs and you don't deserve a friend like me. I am better off without you, and your evil...
I was young. You were a few years older than I was. I had never met you. Looking back on it now, the whole situation seems a little stupid, maybe even a little odd at the time. It's become almost natural for people now though, meeting someone online. Except I met you through a friend. I didn't know any better. I never thought anything of it. I remember when you told me about how beautiful I was and how you thought I was an angel, how I was saving your life just by being in it. It was nice to know someone thought I was beautiful. I was overweight and no one particularly favored me back then. I was used to people spitting on me, pushing me over and telling me how I reminded them of King Kong or a cow...but you didn't tell me that. You told me I was perfect. We talked on and on into the...
Mom, you raised us on your own. We both had different fathers who were not as big in our lives as you were. You did everything we needed. But you are all I really had. I loved every minute of it. We never had it tough or hard or anything like that. You made good money for yourself and basically always had given us what we wanted. hen my older sister had gone away to college I realized that I was gonna be the one who had to take the blame for everything. I figured out that you and I would never be as close and you and my older sister are/were. That was okay with me. I had to keep you on your toes somehow. We fought and fought and fought. There were many times were we both "hated" each other for an entire day. That was so tiring. But we were just too similar AND different for our liking...
