Love Letters

Dear Ben, My dearest. My love. My heart. My Ben. What to say? How to say it? Will you even read it? I’ve spent the last week knowing that I’m going about this all wrong. Knowing that my actions are pushing you away: but completely unable to stop myself for fear of losing my Ben. I’ve spent the week in a sick panic. My heart racing; my body burning up; my stomach twisting; with a horrible taste in my mouth. And it’s because in every fibre of my body I know this isn’t how this is supposed to be. But what’s worse is that you are adamant that it is. You made the decision and have been full steam ahead ever since. Have you stopped to think about it properly? What is it that is making you so sure that this is the right way to go for you and I; us? Why won’t you talk to me...
Our meeting is just a normal one. A hi and hello is enough for our everday encounter. Until the day that we click and seems to have the same persona. Months passed and friendship was built. Never a dull moment, only laughters can be heard. Until the day we decided to open up to each other. The fun talk goes to a serious mode when we climb the hill. In its cold weather and cigar, we loosen up until we finally took out our burdens. It was nice to have someone who will not judge you after the story was told. Days passed and we decided to face our poisons. It is such a bumpy road but we had each other as a support system. Weeks passed and everything went normal again. Fixinf our own poison and decided to move back to the life we once gave us heartaches. Never thought that this day will come...
Dear online guy, The day that I was on that dating app and saw your photo was the day a spell was cast. We began to text and I started to believe that something magical was about to happen. The first night that you stood me up should have been it. However, hope springs eternal and I refused to let go. Deep inside though, I knew. I realized that something about your story was not adding up and you misrepresented yourself online. However, my fantasy of what could be was strong and I carried on. That day that it happened again was so painful that it was hard to breathe. I felt so ashamed of myself for trusting when I knew the truth inside. Still didn't let go though... Everyone can think that I am insane for not letting go. The fact is, you are a human being whose fingers are...
J. You smoke too much. You're in denial, but it's true. When I see you, it's always the same: your head in the clouds, cigarette balancing between your fingers, or your lips. When I see you, I see everything. I wish I could be honest with you, but this love feels like stealing. I don't know how to help it, I feel like I've tried everything to stop it. You don't want this, don't even want to know about this. How can I be moderate around you? You are my favourite thing. We danced together, table and sofas pushed back. You lead, I followed. I would follow you anywhere. We listen to the same music, you and I, and it makes listening so much sweeter because I know now that we share the same ears. I miss you always. Even when you stand right beside me. Even when you hold my...
Hi! It's been a week since your Mother died. It's been six days since I last saw you. This might be the saddest and probably the hardest week you're having. I wish I could comfort you or message you in a way that can make you ease the pain/sadness you're going through. I miss the times that I can just say HI to you over messenger and you would reply back. Today if I do that you won't return my message anymore. Not unless it's important. #workrelated I'm worried about you. Sorry I can't help it. I hope you're getting enough sleep from all the wakeful nights. I know you're tired. You are so much tired that night I saw you. You need to rest and you know that. I wish I know how to make a restless person be okay as well. But I don't know because I too myself is tired. I hope you're...
Dear colten, after hours of thinking of ways to write a goodbye letter, I’ve come to the conclusion of just giving you an unscripted version instead of a “perfectly written” one. So here goes: who would’ve known I’d be writing a letter to a guy I barely know/knew? Not me, that’s for sucks to hear you are moving
The thing is she loves fiercely, harder than any person.. So don't go beating yourself up thinking you're gonna lose her, because I promise it'd take a hell of a lot. The thing you gotta understand about her is that she, despite having brothers and sisters, grew up alone.. in the big sense of things.. she grew up entertaining herself, being by herself, comforting herself.. that's why her love is so rare and beautiful she doesn't need anyone or anything else for it to exist in her every fiber. Her purpose for existence is to love and heal, to bring peace to those who have searched their entire lives for it. She isn't a rose or daisy, not even a sunflower or morning glory...she's a wild flower...hard to find...
I’m constantly talking to a wall I can’t talk to you about things that are important to me Or even things that are senseless My words don’t matter to you Everytime I try to share my thoughts or express myself You disregard them You ignore me You disappear You’re a fucking wall My voice only matters to you when I’m screaming at you You hear me but you don’t listen You’re not present but your presence takes up space You’re a fucking wall If I punch a hole will you listen to me now? Maybe if I break it down I’ll have freedom of speech Freedom of me
I’m tired of loving you It drains and consumes me You take all my kindness and turn it into anger You leave me with emptiness and sadness You take everything good in me for yourself I’m tired of loving you I’m exhausted of trying My body aches from the pain My brain feels fried My eyes are drained You only love yourself I love you but I’m exhausted
I never thought this day would come. We met so many years ago. Almost 7 to be exact. I remember meeting you at a church youth activity. You picked me to be on your volleyball team and you had no idea who I was. That was March 2, 2012. We started texting and talking in the phone. Then we started dating April 15, 2012. To say the least, I was head over heals for you. You were my first boyfriend and I was smitten. Then you were my first kiss. Let’s be honest, I had no idea what a I was doing with myself when you kissed me in the church parking lot after church one day. I didn’t know this is how things would be. You told me you loved me and I was so far deep in now. On July 6, 2012, you broke up with me for the first time. Well actually you didn’t. You just stopped texting me. I remember...
