Love Letters

Hi Mr. Forever ko "sana", I've known you for 7 years now, though it's not a stable relationship for us, it's definitely one hell of a ride for us. In every journey has it's destination and this destination for us has to end. As you handle my steering wheel, I thought you'll lead me to forever but I was wrong. At that time, I'm still hoping that you will lead me to our destination of forever
First of all, I'm not sure if you'll be able to read this... I know I told you that if I ever write an open letter I would send it to you but I can't seem to do it. Isn't it crazy how we met? You forgot why you added me and I don't know what has gotten into me when I messaged you the first time. (Don't forget that after that one time you were the who initiated another conversation which led to us talking everyday until now). I believe we met because we were destined to. We even get intuitions that we have to message each other without knowing why. I don't know if I'm not clear enough that I LOVE YOU more than a friend. I know we are miles and miles apart and we only know each other through social media(We've been talking everyday but as you said, I still feel the same way as when...
My sweet handsome man, I hope and pray that I'm right and this is you. I want you to know that I am still here. I told you more than once that I wasn't going anywhere. You need to know that yes you are strong enough. You got out once, you can do it again. I don't blame you for what you did. I forgive you. I understand. I only wish you would have been honest with me. We would have worked it out, figured out something together. We still can. There is nothing that can't be undone, but you have got to be brave enough my love. All you need to do is open up to me. You can still call, text, email me. Just do it. You need to know that you really are my soul mate. We give each other something that no one else can. My love for you runs deeper than any harsh words that have been said between us...
Dear You, I dreamt about you last night. You were dating someone already. And it hurts. The other scene in my dream is we were together. In my dream, we are on our way to a cinema. You asked me what do I want to eat. We were having fun. And then I woke up. I realised it was a dream. It is just a dream. Love, Me
For a long time, I was convinced that you didn't exist and I was doomed to be alone all my life. I just want you to know that even if you're "messed up", angry, sad, anything really.. I'll be there for you. I can't promise that I'm perfect, or that I can cook much besides spaghetti, but I'm willing to do the best I can for the ones I love. And if I can tell that you fit the bill, then you've got a partner for life, no matter what happens and I'll be there for all the roller coaster moments. Here's to hoping that we bump heads someday soon. P.S. I'm crap at dishes so that'll be your job.
If your like me, you see these open letters online and they either do one of 2 things. Laugh or cry. And sometimes you come across one that really makes you feel what the writer is saying. I hope this is that type of letter for you, my daughter. On the day you were born I looked at you and thought "That is the prettiest little girl I've ever seen!" And do you know how sometimes when you know something, you just know? Well, I just knew you were gonna be something special. Even as a baby you had this personality that just wouldn't quit. You were so soft and sweet and people used to long to hold you. I saw you turn some of the hardest people I knew to mush. Then you starated to grow. Every year you got older that feeling of certainty that you were going to do great...
There are times when you rise.. when you are in control.. when things and circumstances around you are in favour - and not always/ everyone can handle this:- they do things that they should'nt have.. that they do as a direct result of inability to handle success. Trust me, it was not what happened in this scenario. You loved me, and i know the extent. I know when u avoid egg, when you open about your health issues, when you drafted and re-drafted my cv, when we spoke all night and knew what was happening with the other person - even though we were miles apart. I might have told you this before, or maybe not. But i did like you. I did consider if we could be together. If there was a future. And i could not risk ruining another persons life. I have some peculiar moving on issues...
Dear Life, I am sorry that I trash you, berate you, blame you and damn you on a regular basis, I am sorry too that I never say thank you when you bring me gifts like a loyal cat. When was the last time I told you that I loved you? Or that I’m grateful for all that you do for me and all that you help me with? Have I ever told you I am truly glad of your support and that your vastness moves me and calms me and leaves me feeling wonder for all the blue skies, sunny days, breath taking landscapes, emerald oceans, nope I don’t believe I ever have, least not out loud, but oh how we both know I have berated you, blamed you, raged against you, even tried to delete you once! All voiced in hateful, exasperated anger. Well, now I hang my head in shame, I know now I was wrong to judge you,...
It hasn't been a year yet, but we're slowly getting closer to it. Everything lately has been kinda hectic. I never thought that after everything I had been through, that it would ever get better. I spend a lot of time thinking about the things that have happened between us and what might happen in the future. It means a lot to me that you always try to contribute to anything that makes me happy. It also means a lot to me that no matter how many times we start to get attitudes, we can always fix things. It takes a lot to go back after an argument and I'm really glad that you always do. I can never tell you enough how much I appreciate you, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm not always the nicest person in the world.
It hasn't been a year yet, but we're slowly getting closer to it. Everything lately has been kinda hectic. I never thought that after everything I had been through, that it would ever get better. I spend a lot of time thinking about the things that have happened between us and what might happen in the future. It means a lot to me that you always try to contribute to anything that makes me happy. It also means a lot to me that no matter how many times we start to get attitudes, we can always fix things. It takes a lot to go back after an argument and I'm really glad that you always do. I can never tell you enough how much I appreciate you, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm not always the nicest person in the world.
