
Dear Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister Eric Hoskins, I am a Family Doctor, starting a new practice in Ottawa. There are 700 patients on the waiting list at the clinic I joined, who are in need of a family doctor. Many of the patients I am meeting have not had a regular physician in years. Yesterday I saw a 55 year old woman who felt fine. She hadn’t seen a doctor in 8 years. Her blood pressure was elevated, she smoked, and had a family history of heart disease. I will be working with this patient to control her blood pressure (with lifestyle changes and/or medication) and assist her in quitting smoking. I am confident that without such interventions she would be at high risk for a heart attack in the future. The price of a few family doctor visits (A007 = $33.70, soon less), or...
Always been a big Bob Geldof(Boomtown)/charity fan/supporter and along with his other millions of fans have probably helped fund the lifestyle and homes he is now handing over to the refugees. While this is a most admirable thing to do I have a Daughter and Granddaughter who have been waiting to be re-housed for 3 years from a two room flat that has damp, ASB problems, fly tipping and drug dealing/abuse in the block etc. Just wish my Daughter had a chance to have a secure, safe home, a bedroom for my Granddaughter and a little bit of garden. How about helping the needy in this country, the people that have contributed to the community, paid their taxes and worked hard and still cant get a decent home. T. Evans
Dear Governor Brewer, I love Arizona. I grew up there, a proud honors graduate of Saguaro High School, where I was president of the Teen-Age Republicans. Indeed, I was such a good teen-age Republican that in 1976 Sen Goldwater named me Arizona State Teen-Age Republican of the Year. I still have his letter. Not only do I love Arizona, but I love religion. That might sound odd, I know. But I hold three advanced degrees in the subject: a college minor, a seminary MA, and a Ph.D. in the History of Christianity from Duke University. I have spent my adult life as a professor of religious studies, a best-selling author of eight books in the field, and an internationally-known expert in religious trends. And, more humbly, I hope, I am a serious, practicing Christian. I was confirmed in...
Your Majesty, I first wish to congratulate you on your milestone record reign over England. May your good health continue. But I wish to bring something to your attention - an issue of integrity within the rule of Canada. Specifically, PM Harper promised transparency when he was last elected but a nine year old secret is still be hidden from Canadians who were swindled by the U.S. Justice Department for $43 million by a cut-out company called American Financial Group. I know the inside story because I worked there for 2 years and was the guy who reported them to the FBI in 1996. Again I repeat the date - 1996. Now this story was published in the Toronto Star in 2001... http://www.investorvoice.ca/PI/229.html What you don't read in this Toronto Star article is that an honest FBI...
Dear Governor Bush, On this historic day as marriage equality comes to the State of Florida, I was saddened that your statement [quoted below] reiterates the false dichotomy that providing equal protection for same-sex couples and protecting religious liberty are two "sides of the gay lesbian marriage issue." Nothing could be further from the truth. We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law. I hope that we can also show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue -- including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty. With all due respect, this statement...
To meet human need, a political revolution must take back the billions diverted to the U.S. war machine and the military-industrial complex. So where does Bernie stand? Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has taken off like a rocket, with huge rallies and an outpouring of enthusiasm for his condemnation of corporate greed, inequality, and rampant social injustice in the United States. Bernie openly says he’s a socialist, and much of his program is flatly unacceptable to the ruling capitalist “one percent” and the Democratic Party leadership. What he’s saying about what’s wrong with our system is catching fire, especially among young people and workers hit by the economic crisis. And after a problematic start he’s taken important steps in reaching out to...
Dear England Today I read an online disagreement between two people about whether or not we should allow the migrants in Calais into our Country. Both sides equally as passionate to express their opinion, but neither fully succeeding to find the words or evidence to support their argument. Now, usually I don’t bother to read things like that which people post online. I see it as a cry for attention. Boredom maybe. Clearly wanting to get a response out of somebody and start and uneducated debate. I am not a political person and I am not a religious person. But I am a lucky person. I am lucky enough to have been born into a country of safety and freedom. I am lucky enough to have a warm house, an education and food in my belly. I am lucky enough to have so little worry in my life...
Honourable Helena Jaczek, Minister of Community and Social Services 80 Grosvenor St, Hepburn Block 6th Floor, Toronto, ON M7A 1E9 [email protected] Shafiq Qaadri Chair, Standing Committee on Justice Policy [email protected] September 12, 2015 Dear Minister Jaczek and Mr. Qaadri, Recently, it has been brought to my attention that Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, and the related provincially-incorporated Egale Youth Housing Inc. had several individuals that were requested to speak before the Standing Committee on Justice Policy on June 3, 2015 as guests of Cheri DiNovo, MPP for Parkdale-High Park. In the testimony provided, the Chair of the Committee opened by stating, “I invite our next presenters to please come forward from Egale:...
I am a white #blacklivesmatter supporter. I support the movement and what it stands for, black lives do matter. The movement has raised awareness of police brutality along with #sayhisname and #sayhername. As a white person I cannot speak for black people but I want to support the fight against our society's blatant racism along with microagressive racism. I am not a black voice, I know I am unable to speak from the same perspective from being silenced, I am acknowledging that I am still speaking from a place of privilege of having a voice. But I am trying to talk as an ally as well, I don't want to offend any POC by speaking for them, but I also do not want to stay silent on this. I am a #blacklivesmatter supporter not an #alllivesmatter supporter not because all lives do not...
Dear David Cameron, I am not against refugees. I think if there is a genuine reason to flee a country and seek safe haven then that is alright. However, an engineered crisis on the same level as the non-existent swine flu is a different matter. Do you remember Swine flu? A non-existant illness with a click-word for the sheeple - H1-N1, to make them think they knew about it? Do you remember the damage to the world that deserted shops and frightened vulnerable people did? All for an illness that wasn't even serious, if it even existed, a mild form of flu at most, that didn't even kill like normal winter flu can. I remember the desparate fight by the NHS and the press to make deaths into Swine Flu deaths, and my horror that people en masse could be stupid enough to live in fear of...
