
Dear happy person, Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be depressed or unhappy with life? You see, not everyone around you is happy with themselves or with life.. Instead of talking about how amazing your life is, try taking into consideration that not everyone has what you have and instead try talking to them, try to make them feel better. You as a happy person, obviously enjoy the company of others, but the sad people tend to be alone because they feel judged. Depression isn’t the best feeling in the world, it makes you feel like you’re alone. It makes you life tough to function and it won’t let you enjoy life the way others people do. People that go through depression don’t enjoy ice cream the way you do, they don’t get excited for a new music album that’s about to...
To whom it may concern: I would like to take a minute and tell you that life is not all about you. There ARE in fact OTHER PEOPLE on this planet that exist outside of your snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, or whatever else strikes your fancy. The way you walk around with your nose in a phone, oblivious to everything around is not only a disservice to those around you, but to yourself. Insulating yourself with like mined people, in like-minded communities, makes for sheep, cattle dumbed down masses or whatever you want to call them. How can you expand your perspective on life if you refuse to hear any perspective that contests or challenges your line of thinking? In good debate we should always be on the line of offensive, for if I am not pushing your belief system then how would...
To those who struggle, Every day we make decisions big and small about everything and everyone around us. Our lives are full of decisions and risks within those decisions. Those risks are something we have to take in order to move forward, they are a part of our everyday lives. while that is something a majority of us learn, there are still those who do not and maybe don’t even realize that they have and this is why I’m writing this letter, to incite change and change how you think of not only yourself or the people and things around you, but also how you can make decisions and what kind of impact those decisions have. In my class British literature, we were assigned a classic to read and from this book we were to find a connection with an issue. my book was Watership down and the...
Stop!! Just stop!! The secrets, the lies, the cover-ups and worst of all the denial... The blame game and finger pointing and complete refusal to accept responsibility... It's the Irish way. it's spanned back generations and though we have come this far, it would seem some things just won't change. Amid the media circus regarding the Tuam mother and baby home, people are losing their minds. They are all seemingly shocked and dumbfounded and cannot believe what's happened... I CALL BULLSHIT! This story of the poor babies buried on the grounds came out years ago, only to be brushed off and forgotten. People are going mad at the disgrace that is the Catholic Church, blaming them for every problem the country ever had. I ask you to stop and think about who is really to blame... and the...
"There is NO such thing as "transgender" it's a made up word. This is a Mental Illness. Period." "They're disgusting and they should be isolated" "Thats nasty. If my wife were in that bathroom, I would have kicked its ass for being a pervert." "You shouldn't arrest someone for killing a tranny, you should give them a medal" I realize these quotes will be difficult for some people to read. These are direct quotes from the comments section on Facebook and YouTube posts about transgender issues. The problem isn't that "some" people will find these quotes difficult, it's that "all" people won't. What would cause someone to say something so hateful, so vile, about another human being? Undoubtedly the...
What is a stay at home mom? It's not as self explanatory as it may seem. A stay at home mom has lots of responsibilities and taking care of a baby is only one of them. A stay at home mom works 24 hours a day 7 days a week. She may get an hour or two break if she has a significant other or someone who is willing to watch the baby while she goes shopping or goes and gets a coffee with a friend but she's lucky if she even gets that. Now I know what you're thinking, she gets a break at nap time! No. In my case, my newborn will not allow me to put him down without screaming. If eventually he does take two hour naps in the future I'll have to clean. Clean the living room or vacuum or do the dishes. The list goes on! So no. We don't get breaks. Some of us sahm are blessed with...
Dear Students, I feel like no one ever notices anything or anyone. I know what it feels like to never be noticed. So, I try to notice everything even though it hurts sometimes. I notice the beauty in the rain that many people frown upon. I notice that one person who is always sitting quietly by themselves. I notice that the smartest and most beautiful people are the anti-social ones. The ones that know how trusting someone can end in pain and suffering. Sometimes noticing things can hurt. It hurts me the most when I notice myself because when I do, I hate myself for it. I always notice how I'm sad and lost on the inside, but on the outside, I fake a smile. I wait for something interesting to happen to me. I don't care if it's good or bad. I just need change. My life is dull and boring....
In British Literature, I chose to read the book Hamlet, I chose this book at first because it’s a classic. I’m a theatre student so it was an obvious choice for me. The story of Hamlet, for those who don’t know, is a Shakespearian tragedy about a young prince whose father has died. He learns through his friends that the ghost of his father lives on. He eventually talks to him and the king sends him on a quest to get revenge for him, he ends up dying in the end and accomplishing his goal at a hefty cost. But what led me to the issue I chose is a quote from Hamlet. ““Seems,” madam? Nay, it is. I know not “seems.” 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected...
For a High School English class I read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The project was to write an open letter based off a topic the book we read. The book was about this futuristic utopian society where happiness is (figuratively) shoved down your throat! And it all starts with structured child programming. “Till at last the child’s mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child’s mind. And not the child’s mind only. The adult’s mind too — all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides — made up of suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions!” (Huxley, Ch. 2) The test tube babies are decanted (born) in specialized government-owned factories and, from infancy, taught their likes and dislikes. Even before birth the children’s fates...
So I had to read this book The Scarlet Letter for my honors comp and lit class. I didn’t really care for this book at first it was super boring not very entertaining. It’s a romance book I’m not really into that kind of stuff I like action like people fight and stuff like. But as I was reading this book I started to realize that there is a bigger problem than I noticed. The big thing I took from this book was that there was this double standard going on with this woman named Hester Prynne and her husband. So she had a kid with a man that wasn’t her husband and back in the day that was a very bad sin and you could be killed for it. But instead of killing her she had to wear a red A on her chest and she had to stand in this spot in town for hours so people could see what she had done. They...
