
Dear Mr. Tim Cook...
Hi guys! I'm writing this open letter to you, as well as to myself. I hope this open letter will inspire you to make most out of your life. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Frank and I've been a computer gamer ever since is was about 8 years old. In my case, that means 31 years of gaming (and counting). I've seen the games develop and grow from the very beginning. Nowadays,we can walk through entire worlds that the computer projects for us. We strife to complete our missions, alone or in (wolfpack like) clans. It's like a whole different world out there, in which we (ahem) can be the superheroes we are destined to be. An experienced tank commander, a fighter ace, railroad-, transport- or roller coaster tycoon. We can colonize strange new worlds, discover new...
How TCS works Baiting freshers: CTC is very low. Fresher salary will be good, so when freshers get TCS job in campus placement, they take it without second thought. But after a couple of years, when you compare your salaries with your friends, 80% of the time the TCSer will have the lesser salary. Shady appraisals and promotions: Performance appraisals and promotions are entirely in the hands of managers. There in no transparency in the hikes and policies related to appraisals and promotions. Colleagues in the same team, who work less or equally and are less experienced, end up getting more salary just because you got a low performance rating years back when you were a fresher. You will be always envious of colleagues who were lucky enough to be in a "good project". Gender...
Dear Mr. Ta'eed, I am writing regarding issues I have encountered with your quality services team. As a web designer, I have long admired many templates found on Themeforest. In 2013, I signed up myself to purchase one. Unfortunately, your payment processing system is far from ideal, and has actively discouraged me from purchasing templates from you for many sites. More on that later! Last year, a client wanted a hairdressing website, and I showed her many options. We initially went with a Wordpress theme, but it turned out to be rather difficult to get it looking right. There was a nice HTML template, Cutting Edge, but the WordPress version kept getting disabled. Rather ominous. Even the HTML template author didn't know what was happening and hoped it would return soon...
Subject: How come Electric Scooters/motorcycles aren´t a thing yet? Dear Elon Musk, I personally consider you one of my favourite persons through all time. Right up there with Nicola Tesla :). I wish you better success in your business adventures and you should feel free to use me if you think I can help in any way. You are a freedome-fighter of the highest level, and I wish you all the best in all of your endeavours! May you be blessed, always. I once read a tweet you wrote some time ago, where you used the term “How come ……. are´nt a thing yet”.. it stuck with me, although I don´t remember the subject :). It´s a “Why not”-thing I guess.. and that simple phrase is magical man :)! My subject is ELECTRIC SCOOTERS (sorry for the caps). How come electric scooters are´nt a thing yet...
When I consider the subject of privacy, I believe that individuals could be divided into groups, reflecting the degree of impact that privacy has on their everyday lives. I would rank them as follows, in order of importance of privacy to the group, with group 1 being the most impacted: 1. People or organizations that are doing something illegal, immoral or just plain nasty 2. Everyone else Examples of individuals and organizations in group 1 would be: Terrorists, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, smugglers, arms dealers, bank robbers, pimps, adulterers [not to be considered an exhaustive list, and the order is not to be construed as any indication of the severity of the wrongdoing]. Many of those in group 1 [in particular, drug dealers, terrorists and members of...
Dear Mark Zuckerberg, Please give me anywhere between the value of Kanye West's debt ($53m) and the amount he asked you for ($1bn) just to spite him. You may ask what I would do with it. I would certainly buy a new VR rig with at least one VR headset (you know which one) to go with it, and spend my time making hopefully awesome VR content. I used to spend a lot of time on personal projects such as, but since starting full-time work I have a lot less time for things like this. I hope you can agree that we would all rather see more VR content than more of Kanye's anything. Please consider my semi-serious request. Many thanks for reading, Simon White/ shwhjw.
Dear Master of ‘A Master Key,’ ‘I don’t have sympathy for terrorists,’ either. I don’t have sympathy for those who wish to instil fear and unlawful intimidation in pursuit of a justified aim. I don’t have sympathy. I don’t have sympathy for those who have destroyed another’s right to live a peaceful life. Too many have already lost. But to you, great master of a master key, I don’t have sympathy for you the most. To protect and secure is one matter, but such power must come with its own restraint. How far different are you than the attacker? Taking what is already not yours, and striking until you reach your own. And in the moments when you are offered information at the expense of my own, you’re welcome. And...
A Message to Our Customers The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand. This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake. The Need for Encryption Smartphones, led by iPhone, have become an essential part of our lives. People use them to store an incredible amount of personal information, from our private conversations to our photos, our music, our notes, our calendars and contacts, our financial information and health data, even where we have been and where we are going. All that information needs to be protected from hackers and criminals...
Dear Adobe: As president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) I represent more than 70,000 Photoshop users around the world. However as I’m writing this open letter to you today, I would say that most of our 70,000 members have no idea about the upgrade policy changes you just announced, or about how these changes will affect them. From the information I’ve gathered, it appears to me that this new upgrade policy for the next version of Adobe Photoshop and the Creative Suite (presumably called CS6) will leave a significant number of your customers with no affordable upgrade path to Photoshop CS6 or the Creative Suite. It’s my understanding that when the next version of Photoshop and the Creative Suite is released, if you do not already own Photoshop...
