
To the ones That have blocked me or remove me from following them on their social media accounts some part of it is my doing for being very rude saying horrible things to the person that was following or not following on social media for that I regret my actions . The ones that remove me from following them on twitter or facebook where to those all I can say you're probably not worth following on social media anyway not like I stop following some social media accounts particular on twitter either so I know how this works. The ones that I'm not following on twitter or facebook it nothing personal it just either I'm not familiar of the social media accounts person...
I have spent nearly 18 months running a gauntlet of the American healthcare system, being passed from doctor to doctor and put through a battery of expensive and uncomfortable tests with no answers whatsoever. I have come to the conclusion that our healthcare system is absolutely broken, and they should remove the word “care” from the name. Unless of course, we’re talking about money because that is what they care about. While our politicians argue about insurance coverage, which they call “healthcare” and being able to abort an unborn child in the third trimester, which they also call “healthcare” – actual healthcare has been largely ignored. Running the Healthcare Gauntlet A year and a half ago I started having issues with dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. My first trip to urgent...
I’m not buying the things being advertised in your ads. I’m not too curious about the other articles linked on the side which jut out into my reading space. Your soundless news video insert isn’t helping me learn anything that I can’t find out from the article I’m trying to read, or other articles listed elsewhere. Your pop up ads make me click off your site. If I try again to return to your site, I am reminded of why, despite the interesting link title, I did not go through with reading it (hint: the pop ups). (Yes. I know how to enable my pop-up blocker. No, it is not enough). I’m not going to spend half an hour signing up to pay you real-world dollars from my bank account right off the bat, so don’t ask. I don’t care that you are trying to block me from reading your article with...
Dear sir/ madam, I know this most likely isn’t the correct email address to use but you have made it bloody difficult to find an appropriate one. You, Wattpad as a whole, have taken something I loved, something I used to build up anticipation to go on after school. Something I spend many nights staying up just to read the classic ‘one more chapter’. Something that allowed me to put my writings out there. Made me feel apart of something bigger. I joined Wattpad three years ago, but the Wattpad I knew and loved then is no more. Just a mere ghost of itself. A mere memory in the brains of millions of people. As though it just another forgotten victim to the changing sands of time, another victim to the web that is the internet....
Dear literally everyone, I am writing to you guys for there is hope for Vine, my friends. Although they have taken down the six second videos that we all enjoy, there are ways to resurrect this entertainment app. Vines made us laugh and cry, it put us into amazement and excitement. We all had our favorite Viners and knew the which ones were the viral videos. References were made countlessly. Then Twitter bought Vine and things got interesting. Now everyone can tweet vines and caption it. This expanded the community’s content by a ton. Throughout the years, Vines created trends and expanded different types of culture for us. Later down the road, Twitter decides to kill Vine and put it to its end. Vine needs to come back because it was an iconic database of quality entertainment videos....
To the publishers, developers, and consumers of the Games Industry, First of all, greetings. I do not believe it would be very polite or proper without at least giving you my greeting. Especially since I am speaking to an entire entity. I will admit, this is one of the first times I have ever done anything like this. Putting my serious thoughts in writing, plastered for all to see and examine on the internet. It is amazing to see just how much technology has progressed over the years, how much the internet as connected, brought us together and even better, made revolutionary advances in the industry. But alas, I am not here to praise you or those advances. That is from a time much passed, unfortunately. Like many others, and I am sure both developers and publishers are sick...
Dear Social Media, What's wrong with you? Now, I'm not saying everything you do is bad, but for the most part you make people feel like the worst person on this earth. Everyone loves you and is addicted to you as if you were some god of some sort. But in reality you’re not, matter in fact no body likes you, you’re a waste of time to most people and you’re a huge excuse as to why us teenagers/ adults don’t get our work done. The world would end without you. You like us to visualize things that can’t even be real at times, for example a picture of a huge mansion or a lifetime vacation with the caption being follow your dreams, or one day you’ll get there. There’s some days where everyone hates you. There’s no avoiding you you’re all around, EVERYWHERE. I personally even use...
UVNAmerica is a unique integrative medicine company. We offer the first state of the art, sublingual, non-invasive UV light device.UVNAmerica is confident that our UV light device can aid in your health initiative towards curing diseases around the world. The Harris UV Lamp has successfully eradicated bacterial infections, viral infections, autoimmune diseases and certain cancers. Located on our website, there are three clinical data studies demonstrating the efficacy of the Harris UV Lamp. In 2007-08, the Harris UV Lamp lowered the viral load of 25 HIV/AIDS patients to undetectable levels. This treatment is non-invasive and can be utilized in the privacy of a own home, clinic or hospital. Should you be interested, we will have a doctor from our office speak with you directly regarding...
DOD Government Secrets and Stolen Property (In honor of my father, Philip D. French, born this day) Did you know the U.S. Government has loopholes in Patent Law that allows it to steal intellectual property? Better yet, corporate America can take advantage of this loophole to reap profits and avoid compensation and recognition of U.S. patents and intellectual property. Such is the case of a patriot, my father, who served in the military and helped to put a man on the moon and walk in space, and supported our nations military and aerospace industry throughout his career. He was a modest man with a brilliant mind. The case law is cited below. Briefly, Lucent Technologies infringed on Crater's U.S. Patent No. 5,286,129 (the " '129 patent"). The '129 patent’ is directed to an...
  Dear Inphi CEO Ford Tamer,   I am writing you this letter to express how sad and disappointed I feel about Inphi taking back my unvested RSU stock compensation when selling the Memory Business and transferring me part of this sale, and to show you that you could have transferred us without us employees loosing tens of thousands of dollars.   I am one of the 70 employees transferred (as you mentioned in the press conference on June 30, 2016)   I was shocked when after you wrote in the press release on June 30 that it is a "win-win for our employees" the next day I found out that I will loose tens of thousands of dollars. (press release SEC Form 8-K,Exhibit 99.1, June 30, 2016)   Inphi only compensated us, the transferred employees, "partially" for our unvested RSU compensation,...
