
Dear Jonathan, Long time no see! The same way you enjoy writing open letters to IBM and others in your blog -- I wanted to write an open letter to you and Sun, and see if I can get a little clarity about your open source software strategy. As I am sure you have noticed, there has been quite a bit of momentum around LAMP in the industry, ranging from innovators like Google, Yahoo!, and Amazon, to the "Web 2.0" crowd like Friendster, MySpace, and Flickr. In addition, LAMP has increasing usage in the enterprise. The "P" languages in LAMP -- PHP, Python, and Perl -- are all open source, and each provide their own virtual machine. It would be ideal if the Java JVM was open source so that open source projects like PHP could join up with the Java Virtual Machine. In turn, Java would be...
Dear Apple: We miss you. Once upon a time, back before you got real popular, you used to take part in the public square. You may have been less forthcoming than most, but at least your employees would speak at industry events, have unscripted conversations with journalists, and engage in the world a bit here and there. But over the past few years, things seem to have changed. You pulled out of MacWorld and began hosting your own strictly scripted events. You forbid any of your executives from speaking at any public conferences (save one victory lap with Bill Gates a few years ago). Employees blogging, posting to social networks, or offering academic papers for public comment is actively discouraged. In the words of an employee of your one of your former partners : Apple...
Dear Target Guests, As you have probably heard, Target learned in mid-December that criminals forced their way into our systems, gaining access to guest credit and debit card information. As a part of the ongoing forensic investigation, it was determined last week that certain guest information, including names, mailing addresses, phone numbers or email addresses, was also taken. Our top priority is taking care of you and helping you feel confident about shopping at Target, and it is our responsibility to protect your information when you shop with us. We didn’t live up to that responsibility, and I am truly sorry. Please know we moved as swiftly as we could to address the problem once it became known, and that we are actively taking steps to respond to your concerns and guard...
As you know, Infor is a private company and our financials are not publically available. Yet, given the current state of the economy, I have been asked: “How is Infor doing these days?” So, I’d like to provide you with some insight on the overall state and health of our company. Let me reassure you that your investments in our software, services, and maintenance are safe and secure for the long run. Infor is built to last. Infor’s targeted acquisition strategy has been a core component of our historical growth. We have been, and will continue to be, selective about which technology businesses we acquire. We only acquire products and services that offer incremental value to the customers and markets we serve, drive a lower total cost of ownership, or increase our long-term financial...
First, I want to thank all of our end-users who have patiently waited for me to write this letter. In an effort to minimize unnecessary confusion, and out of an abundance of respect for everyone in the HSMWorks family – all of whom have been impacted by the acquisition, I wanted to make sure we had the best and most complete information available before making additional statements. This letter is intended to address the list of questions that our existing end-users need answers to. 1. What is the future of HSMWorks and HSMXpress? Both products were re-released as Autodesk HSMWorks 2012 and Autodesk HSMXpress 2012 on Monday, 1 October 2012, the same time the official announcement was made regarding Autodesk’s acquisition. Both products were released with feature enhancements,...
The most controversial issue in the information technology industry today is the ongoing battle over software copyrights and intellectual property. This battle is being fought largely between vendors who create and sell proprietary software, and the Open Source community. My company, the SCO Group, became a focus of this controversy when we filed a lawsuit against IBM alleging that SCO’s proprietary UNIX code has been illegally copied into the free Linux operating system. In doing this, we angered some in the Open Source community by pointing out obvious intellectual property problems that exist in the current Linux software development model. This debate about Open Source software is healthy and beneficial. It offers long-term benefits to the industry by addressing a new business...
Hello, My name is Stacie Huckeba I have been a customer of Comcast for over eight years. I realize that it’s a dirty little secret and you don’t like to talk about it, but c’mon, between just you and me, you can admit it. Basically you have a monopoly on internet service, at least in terms of speed. It’s ok, I like money too. Nobody is happier than me when I deposit big fat checks. Sadly, I’m not quite as “connected” as you guys. I’m a photographer and I think I’m really good, unfortunately, I live in a town with a plethora of talented photographers so I can’t just sit back and be lazy. I’ve sent emails to the Mayor, and Governor and even my Senators and Congressmen asking that they put in regulations to make sure I am the only photographer who can use professional and top of the...
As the world leader in plate imaging, robotic and optical register control, plate bending, and plate-to-cylinder-press-register, we are proud to present our CTP In-Line Automation Products. Our products and services represent countless hours of on-site analysis working with our customers, providing them with proven solutions that eliminate the challenges of implementing and integrating new CTP technology. Through constant evaluation of our customers' needs, Burgess recognized early on that a critical element in workflow automation was missing.... "CTP and Press technology would never reach its full profit potential without systems that could manage a continuous output of plates, eliminate operator involvement, and guarantee integration of the press cylinder's register requirements with...
Dear Raven customer, A little more than a year ago, I wrote that I was astonished by how quickly Raven had been adopted by Internet marketers. Since its inception, Raven has transformed from an SEO-only toolset to a full-fledged Internet marketing platform. What astonishes me today is the continuous dedication of the Raven team. The speed at which we’ve been able to grow in 2011 has been directly influenced by our smartypants development team, our customer care team and our marketing team—and the clear focus of all of us on our product and our customers. We’re passionate about Raven. We have fun working on it. We enjoy talking about it. And we love our customers. If you need proof or want to get an idea of who or what Raven is, watch this video I made with my videographer friend...
Dear Mr Pramit Jhaveri , Last October an incident happened with me , on a fuzzy evening I went to the nearest ATM near my home - Deutsche Bank ATM where I provided my card to my cousin who went inside ATM to take money as I was on a concall with my office...
