
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PM FOR JUSTICE Respected Pradhanmantri Narendra Modiji, With due respect and faith, I am writing this letter because I know you are a justice loving person. In India, it is a crime to be honest, to oppose injustice and to rise for ones rights. Having seen the country, I hope you will agree that self-respect of an employee today is just like a football, only to be kicked and crushed by those in power. But everything has a limit. My father is an Ordinary Indian. He works as Head Commercial Clerk in Raipur (SECR), Indian railways, always overtime and underprivileged. Even in spite of acute staff shortage and suffocating working conditions, it is the handful people like him who have still kept the railways breathing in the ICU. He worked 12 hours a day, but...
TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES November, 3, 2014 An Open Letter to President Obama Mr. President, Is it compatible with the United States professed belief in Democracy and the protection of Human Rights, that the same United States run by its own active agents, appointed by President Reagan and President George W. Busch as US federal judges, a veritable WANDERZIRKUS in Alaska's Office of the Attorney General, and in Hawaii's District Court in Honolulu, both, which pose fraudulently as the Supreme Court of the sovereign nation, the Republic of the Marshall Islands? Some facts supported by evidence of public documents: For more than 30 years, active and semi-retired US federal judges, mostly from the Ninth Circuit, deprive the Republic of the Marshall...
As this terrible week closes, and condolences pour in for the families of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Corporal Nathan Cirillo, it is my wish to also offer you condolences on the loss of your sons as well. I am troubled with the polarizing language used by the media to describe your sons this week. I only imagine that the guilt, anger and shame you must already be feeling is only compounded by the hurtful language used to describe your boys. I understand that Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau especially has repeatedly asked for help, and was denied. I am so sorry that he went unanswered. As a nation we failed four men this week. Two of those four we continue to fail, by attaching labels and vilifying. I thought, mistakenly, that as Canadians we were somehow above that. I offer my...
I do not claim to be a professional writer or an expert on defamation law by any means. I simply want to share my opinion/experience when I was cyber-libelled and hopefully provide some information or help to other numerous victims of this crime. I am an immigrant to Canada, and as an immigrant I always relished in the immense privileges that I posses now as a Canadian citizen. I always took pride in the fact that this country offered me the freedoms to reach my potential and achieve all my goals and dreams. I also believed that as a law abiding, tax-paying Canadian citizen my rights and freedoms were protected by our Justice System. Unfortunately my beliefs shattered when I became a victim cyber-bullying , defamation-libel and breach of privacy . To this day I am speechless at the...
The Rt Hon David Cameron MP 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA Dear Mr. Cameron, I am writing in regards to the UK Government response to ISIL. I have spent the last few weeks and months horrified at the unfolding tale of ISIL and their progress through Iraq and the surrounding countries. I have often pondered as to what the appropriate response to this should be, with many tears shed and prayers cried out. Military action is certainly an appealing option, and a seemingly quick solution to the atrocities that have occurred. On the other hand, sitting back and not getting involved is equally appealing. Having said this, my conscience and Christian faith informs me that these two options cannot be the only ways to see peace in the Middle East. Whilst I agree in part...
Dear Mr. Cameron, I am writing in regards to the UK Government response to ISIL. I have spent the last few weeks and months horrified at the unfolding tale of ISIL and their progress through Iraq and the surrounding countries. I have often pondered as to what the appropriate response to this should be, with many tears shed and prayers cried out. Military action is certainly an appealing option, and a seemingly quick solution to the atrocities that have occurred. On the other hand, sitting back and not getting involved is equally appealing. Having said this, my conscience and Christian faith informs me that these two options cannot be the only ways to see peace in the Middle East. Whilst I agree in part with your outlined actions against ISIL in terms of working with the Iraqi...
To whom it may concern My family and I have been supporters and donors to the 'Save the Children' charity for a number of years. We have donated generously and respect and appreciate the work that your charity does. As of today, we will be withdrawing all financial support to your charity due to the inflammatory and provocative full page advert posted in a UK paper titled "In memory of the 373 children killed in Gaza". This is not a decision we have made lightly as we understand that ultimately it is the children who suffer as a consequence. We will be directing our donations to other charities that support children. We are particularly upset with the manner in 'Save the 'Children' has chosen to politicise the deaths of these children and capitalise on the tidal wave of anti-...
My name is Dr. Edward Freeman. I am a philosopher and antifascist (the latter, by extension, makes me an anticommunist as well). I write this because someone has to. And if not a philosopher, then who? With this, I want you to know that there are some of us in this land of the free who are fully aware of what you really are – a fascist through-and-through, albeit of a closet variety. I say this not because of your penchant for black leather garbs, your tendency to wallow in your self-righteous moralizing, your morbid obsession with the conception of manhunt, though these certainly are some of the outward manifestations of a fascist nature, but because I have good grounds for believing this to be the case. You proclaim that you believe in the presumption of innocence (Ei...
My name is Dr. Edward Freeman. I am a philosopher and antifascist (the latter, by extension, makes me an anticommunist as well). I write this because someone has to. And if not a philosopher, then who? With this, I want you to know that there are some of us in this land of the free who are fully aware of what you really are – a fascist through-and-through, albeit of a closet variety. I say this not because of your penchant for black leather garbs, your tendency to wallow in your self-righteous moralizing, your morbid obsession with the conception of manhunt, though these certainly are some of the outward manifestations of a fascist nature, but because I have good grounds for believing this to be the case. You proclaim that you believe in the presumption of innocence (Ei incumbit...
Dear NRSC, I am so disgusted at your work in helping to re-elect Thad Cochran in Mississippi. As a conservative, a *true* republican and a true American, I am fed up with the Republican party establishment. We don't want Thad Cochran. We don't need Thad Cochran. We want true leaders who believe the same self-evident conservative truths as the likes of George Washington. We want new leadership like Chris McDaniel. I see your website header says "building a new senate". Is that supposed to be a joke? Reelecting Thad Cochran is not building a new senate. Thad Cochran has been in Washington for decades, and he has done nothing to stop the liberal agenda. Rather, he has helped to push it forward. Republicans do not want senators like Cochran, and that is why he had to use smear tactics...
