
Dear World Leaders, Cc: Everyone else There are moments in history that become turning points. In our view, 2015 will be such a moment. It is the most important year for global decision-making since the start of the new millennium. We believe it’s just possible that we could end 2015 with a new global compact – an agreed pathway to a better, safer future for people and planet that will inspire all the citizens of the world. We can choose the path of sustainable development. Or we might not – and regret it for generations to come. Which side of history will you be on? There are millions of voices you can’t afford to ignore – the voices of the people you represent. They are voices of all ages from every corner of the planet – the voice of a young girl currently deprived an...
Hi Russell I want to say something about voting. Wait…. WAIT!! Gimme a min before you go, OK?! I've heard a lot of anti-voting arguments from yourself and friends and they can be extremely compelling: our ridiculous first past the post system; that a centralised government can never work and we must take back control at community level; that by voting you are implicitly supporting a system that is totally fucked, where politicians are lying creeps who worship at the altar of money and seem to think that the Earth has infinite resources and that the poor and vulnerable are some sort of scourge on society that must be systematically eradicated. *aaaaaand breathe.* Politics is full of hateful people and we want nothing to do with them. I actually agree with these points. But...
Note: Originally published by theDepartment for Communities and Local Government By: Penny Mordaunt MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Further to my letter of 9 January, I would like to update you on a number of issues which I think will be of interest to you and the fire and rescue service generally. Partnership Working One of the recognised strengths of the fire and rescue service is the way it engages with its partners and utilises data. A major development in this field has been that the Chief Fire Officers Association has developed a National Older Persons Strategy, designed to put older people at the heart of fire and rescue service activities and interventions. They did this in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions, Age UK, RNIB and Action...
Dear Mr Abbott, We deplore all forms of school bullying. But we are deeply concerned about the controversial Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA) program, launched on 13 June 2014 for use by schools throughout Australia. This program claims to be an anti-bullying program, to make “schools safer and more inclusive”. However, it does not address the problems experienced by the vast majority of school children who are regularly bullied because of their body shape or size, school grades, race or ethnic background, religious beliefs or family income – as shown by a study of 105,000 students. The SSCA program focuses only on the small minority of “same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse young people”. It provides free resources, but only to help staff respond to “...
Dear Mr. Asif Ali Zardari Sahab. AoA. The reported death (due to the non availability of food and medicines) of more than 120 kids, in the draught stricken Tharparkar area of Sindh province, is an unpardonable crime, committed by the negligent officials of the PPP government in Sindh. Now, the CM Sindh government, has transferred and suspended some officials, for dereliction of their duties, in this sad saga of poor and hapless residents of Tharparkar, which is absolutely an insufficient punishment, compared with the magnitude of their crimes. As such, before the divine justice takes its course, necessary orders may be issued for registration of cases and arresting the responsible officials, who failed to stop this absolutely avoidable tragedy. Best regards. Syed Nayyar...
Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Greetings. Pakistan is extremely grateful for your visit, particularly for being the chief guest at our Independence Day celebrations, on 14th August 2013. As it may be already very well in your knowledge that UN has described the 8,00,000 Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world, being tortured, displaced, faced travel and trade limitations, murders, now Rohingya Muslims face child-limitation policies as well. Similarly, over 10 million Kashmiri Muslim population living since 1947 under Indian occupation forces, are the most persecuted MAJORITY in the world. The list of humanly unimaginable atrocities perpetrated for the last almost seven decades, is so long that its compilation will be more voluminous,...
Dear Prime Minister, We are writing to you today to ask for your help. It’s been just over a year since some of us first wrote to you to ask you to offer resettlement places to refugees fleeing Syria. We were delighted when you responded and the Government’s Vulnerable Person’s Relocation (VPR) scheme was established. You promised to resettle some of the most vulnerable people fleeing conflict in the region, a promise the UK is well placed to deliver, given our decade long programme of resettling 750 people in similar situations from around the world every year under our fantastic Gateway Protection Programme. Given your promise and the UK’s proud tradition of offering protection to those who desperately need it, we couldn’t have been more disappointed when we discovered...
We, a group of concerned citizens of Malaysia, would like to express how disturbed and deeply dismayed we are over the continuing unresolved disputes on the position and application of Islamic laws in this country. The ongoing debate over these matters displays a lack of clarity and understanding on the place of Islam within our constitutional democracy. Moreover, they reflect a serious breakdown of federal-state division of powers, both in the areas of civil and criminal jurisdictions. We refer specifically to the current situation where religious bodies seem to be asserting authority beyond their jurisdiction; where issuance of various fatwa violate the Federal Constitution and breach the democratic and consultative process of shura; where the rise of supremacist NGOs accusing...
Often, a man is only going to get what he thinks he deserves. Yammering is an easy task, that anyone could indulge in, but to truly act is another matter entirely. This is also applicable to the people of a nation bound in hopes of prosperity. Greenland, no not the island in the Arctic Circle but the country in the Western Region of Africa. It will only be as good as the populace think it should be. The polls are nigh and the nation is desperate, so desperate, we might actually swap a poorly cooked meal for cow dung as long as the cow dung appears to be a delectable meal from afar. For years over, we blame the government for all the excesses and ineptitude evinced in our nation's history, but very little a time do we point the same accusative fingers at ourselves. If the truth be...
Good day! I am not blaming the universal political history I am blaming the Nigerian political misery, reality has endorsed so much calamities on the masses living hopeless life full of burden and pain, seeing this occupying the society and re-generating in higher numeral number day-in day-out. This is so unfortunate and all this damages is been brought by the so called politics by the so called politicians in society, hear me out Yesterday just died-Tomorrow never cried don’t be deceived, am not compensating you the spiritual youth but I am only in essence saying nobody gives you a chance you’ve got to take chances, don’t stand still because they are not still, This gorillas in suite, hidden in their political suite, the anti-humanities selfish greedy hags of zero resolution, no...
