
"There Are No Gangsters in Chicago" ~ Al Capone Everybody Knows Where The Booze (Cash) Is So You Have to Ask Yourself, What Are You Willing to Do?" ~ Sean Connery, The Untouchables Dear Governor Rauner, I hope both you and your lovely wife Diana are looking forward to Springfield. According to Greg Hinz, Crain's Chicago Business, you all are going to restore the Governor's residence using your own funds. On behalf of The People of The Great State of Illinois, I thank you. I am looking forward to hearing the music flow from that Steinway which one or more of your predecessors left in ruins much like the state of our finances here in Illinois. You sir have an unprecedented, once in a lifetime opportunity to "Shake Up Springfield" and I believe that you are a man of your word...
MY LETTER OF ANGER TO THERESA MAY Dear Theresa May, I am absolutely disgusted by your policies concerning a "financial requirement" to sponsor a non-eu partner in this country. You are a complete hypocrite - Despite this vile draconian law splitting up partners/ families and causing untold anguish to thousands of hard working people you actively support it when you yourself were quoted as saying that your own husband was your "rock". You have smashed thousands of "rocks" and done so without a modicum of sympathy. You should be subjected to the same treatment and witness for yourself the painful isolation you and your government cause. You like to portray a pro - family image but this couldn't be further from the truth. A foreigner is simply someone whom has come a different...
Dear Theresa May, I am absolutely disgusted by your policies concerning a "financial requirement" to sponsor a non-EU partner in this country. You are a complete hypocrite – Despite this vile draconian law splitting up partners/families and causing untold anguish to thousands of hard working people you actively support it when you yourself were quoted as saying that your own husband was your "rock". You have smashed thousands of "rocks" and done so without a modicum of sympathy. You should be subjected to the same treatment and witness for yourself the painful isolation you and your government cause. You like to portray a pro - family image but this couldn't be further from the truth. A foreigner is simply someone whom has come a different part of the world. This idea of "...
To whom it may concern, I am a conservative and just received an email from the your group, passed through The Washington Times requesting donations. I was interested and clicked the link in the email but was taken aback by what I saw. By the way here is the link: https://www.joinheritage.org/stand-with-heritage/?utm_source=washingtontimes_house...
Dear Russell, First, how do I come to be reading your book, Revolution? I have spent the past 30 years arguing the point whenever and however I could, that world capitalism has to be ended. Not just in its most excessive manifestations, not just when it is run for private corporations and shareholders as opposed to state bureaucracies, but in every conceivable form it might take. How can you tell if the system in operation is capitalism? With a simple check-list. Employment – the exploitation of employees (French for the 'used') by employers (users) via the legalised robbery of the wages system. The market; in other words, the buying and selling of things which could instead now be created in such abundance that they could be taken freely by anyone in the global population, without...
Dear Russell, Hi. I'm Jo. You may remember me. You may even have filmed me. On Friday, you staged a publicity stunt at an RBS office, inconveniencing a hundred or so people. I was the lanky slouched guy with a lot less hair than you but (I flatter myself) a slightly better beard who complained to you that you, a multimillionaire, had caused my lunch to get cold. You started going on at me about public money and bankers' bonuses, but look, Russell, anyone who knows me will tell you that my food is important to me, and I hadn't had breakfast that morning, and I'd been standing in the freezing cold for half an hour on your whim. What mattered to me at the time wasn't bonuses; it was my lunch, so I said so. Which is a great shame, because I'd usually be well up for a proper barney with...
To the people and politicians of Australia, The siege at the Lindt Café in Martin Place, Sydney (15-16th December 2014) was a terrible and tragic event. Now that the last shot has been fired, each and every one of us has to decide where to go from here. We could say that this was a sorry one-off event and leave it behind us. Alternatively we could say it was too important for that, and there are lessons to be learned. This is the approach that most commentators and indeed the politicians are taking, but with a focus on urgency. In this mad scrambling for immediate answers, I am calling “time-out”. We need to take a moment to decide where we want to go from here before we finally look up and find ourselves lost, a long way down some unknown highway. I agree there are...
I was deeply impacted by yet another domestic violence death, almost two weeks ago. I have decided to not let this death go unnoticed. We at Inner City Women’s Group are making a small gesture to remember the women who lose their lives to domestic violence. If you share our sentiments, join us. Heidi Welman Scott was killed by her ex-husband on Thursday 27th November. She had a protection order against him. It could have been any woman, it could have been any Thursday, because this seems to be common place in our 100% pure New Zealand. Domestic violence is a social epidemic and is claiming lives of women on a regular basis. I wonder who can do something about this. Would there be a response from the World Health Organisation? Probably not, they can control spread of killer viruses...
Dear Emma, You are a classy lady and I have nothing but respect for you. Despite becoming a movie star at a very young age, you’ve avoided child star stereotypes, graduated from Brown University, and even got certified to teach yoga and meditation. So, it is not my intent to discredit you in any way, I just want to express my views about your speech as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. Hopefully, some constructive public discourse will come out of it. In that speech you declared yourself to be a feminist, because you believe that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Nothing to object here. Overall, you gave a good speech, and I’m all for giving rural African girls access to secondary education. But asking why feminism has become such an uncomfortable word,...
