
A call for awareness. To all citizens: Blue Lives Matter. Naturally the audience of this letter would start with the police officers. All of Law Enforcement throughout the United States of America. Local, State and Federal agencies. Families and friends would be included as well. I would like for all citizens to act on behalf of this important movement. Thant my not be likely, but I would want leaders of communities and others in authority to work on behalf of Blue Lives Matter. Families can act for change as well. Families can talk and learn from each other. I write this paper and think through this problem myself first and then to my fellow citizens and community leaders to do the same. So many other movements get more public media and social media time. But why? All lives matter...
The Crucible is a book based in the town of Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem witch trials. In this book, many people throughout the town of Salem believe a child is dealing with the devil and go hysterical over the thought. As the child is investigated, adults and children alike are accused of dealing with the devil and people end up losing their life for falsely confessing to dealing with the devil or refusing to give their life to lies. Unfortunately, in today’s society similar accusations are being given, just as in the Me Too movement, and an end needs to be put to that. “Uncle, the rumor of witchcraft is all about; I think you’d best go down and deny it yourself” (9-10). Just as the rumor of witchcraft was spreading through the town of Salem, the rumor of men sexually...
I read the novel, ‘The Crucible’, and it was about the Salem witch trials and more specifically, the inconsistencies of the trials. The story focuses on the discovery of several young girls and a slave playing in the woods, conjuring spirts from the dead. Rather than suffer severe and inevitable punishment for their actions, the girls accused the people of Salem for practicing witchcraft. Therefore, the girls avoided punishment by accusing others of the very things of which they were guilty. This desperate and perhaps childish finger-pointing resulted in mass paranoia and an atmosphere of fear in which everyone was a potential witch. As the number of arrests increased, so did the distrust within the Salem community. A self-perpetuating cycle of distrust, accusation, arrest, and...
Dear America, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people" If only that was 100% true. Yes, a human being pulls the trigger, but the bullet fires from the barrel of the gun. Please, stop looking at only one side of such serious issues going on in the world. We need to start taking action! We sit here and as soon as a tragedy happens, all that comes from our mouths is either poisonous venom or "Sending my prayers and thoughts" which isn't always sincere. We need to work on gun control. Why is it still so easy for many people to get a hold of a gun legally? We need to have more anti-bullying programs in place. We need to bring Mental Health Education into ALL of our schools. How about metal detectors in schools? How about rappers focusing on love and all the beautiful things? We...
Dear Slimming World, You have been present in my life for the past 14 years. You have been something I love, but also part of a mindset which almost killed me. I applaud your support of your members and the amazing achievements they make, however your 11-15 programme is something which must end. Please note I do not blame slimming world for the following, but merely feel it can be a negative influence if encouraging children to lose weight. As a twelve year old I was not a member of slimming world but I saw my mother join and thrive on the support and weight loss she achieved. Her many certificates, from slimmer of the week to milestones were taped in her cupboard to 'encourage' and 'support' her. These also became reminders of her set backs and a reminder of my own jealousy of...
Greetings all, As many of us here in the good ole United States of America, and undoubtedly around the world, have noticed, we have a serious issue in this country. Our children are killing each other, and it's out of control. Some people call this a gun issue while others will call it a mental health issue. I am going to go ahead and call this a respect and a discipline issue, if not also an anger issue. I will do my best not to make this political, and I will not disclose which side of the aisle I favor here. This is an issue that is facing us all, and ripping a divide between us further all the time. I have a few thoughts that have been floating around in my head on how to help resolve this issue and hopefully bring about some unity, and it all boils down to proper education,...
Iv heard lots of different things from lots of different women. Some women told me they were turned on visually by checking out a mans butt, abs etc. Some women told me they are not visually turned on. Some women told me they were not visually turned on but I noticed they turned bright red whenever they saw a man naked. I'm assuming they were turned on or something. I just wish more women were open and honest about if they are visually turned on. I'm curious if women are visually turned on but maybe they are just better at hiding it or if women really don't get visually turned on. Im not saying its impossible for a woman to be visually turned on, Im just saying id like to know if women really are visually turned on or not. It would be really cool if some open minded...
To the girl I used to be, You have made it so far. I'm so proud of the girl you have become. Listen, I know your life was rough and full of anxiety and panic attacks. I know every day was a struggle. You made it through the worst years. I bet you never imagined that you would not be shy anymore. Well guess what? That has changed. I know you had a few toxic friendships, but that is all behind you. You are better now because you cut those toxic people out of your life. I really wish you could understand how extremely proud of you. I am proud of all your accomplishments. I am proud of all the friendships you made. I am so happy you snapped back into reality and decided to live your best life. But let's be real. Why were you so shy? Why did you keep those toxic friendships? Why...
Dear fellow human who suffers from a mood disorder/mental illness, I know that’s a bit of a lengthy introduction, which is why I contemplated for a while how to concisely label the category of people that you and I fall under, as those who have been diagnosed with a variety of unseen illnesses. We deserve that lengthy introduction and more-- we deserve an introduction in general, in a world that may contribute more overwhelming noise in already chaotic minds, and make us feel just as invisible as our “disabilities” or “disorders”, whatever you choose to call it. This letter isn’t a “thank you” or an “apology”. It’s a consolation. A comforting, written equivalent to cracking open a cold one with a close friend, and for one brief moment-- hopefully even longer, you won’t feel so...
Здравейте, Съвсем случайно чух за противоречивата “Истамбулска Конвенция”. Живея в чужбина от 1990 година и чистосърдечно си признавам, че не съм много в час с политиката в България въпреки, че я посещавам почти всяка година. В момента живея в Канада, но съм живял и в САЩ, както и в Латинска Америка Имам дълги години лични наблюдения над това което се случва в почти всички западни държави, (и по света по принцип) и съвсем отговорно заявявам, че запада е един грандиозен “потъващ кораб”. Основните три причини са следните: ГЛОБАЛИЗМЪТ, който де факто е една много по-перверзна и извратена версия на Марксизма и Ленинизма. МУЛТИКУЛТУРАЛИЗМЪТ, който е главното оръжие на Глобалистите (Споменати по-горе). Мултикултурализмът е неуспешен социален експеримент, насилствено...
