
If you are reading this post, surely or it is your first time in the search for professional cleaning companies, or is that you have had some bad experience, and you do not want to repeat it again. To help you, we aim with our article, give you some guidelines to know how to choose professional cleaning services and companies and not to make mistakes in the process. Before the start, I recommend the best service if you are in London and it is Domestic Cleaning London. The first thing we have to analyze is that if you are reading this, it is because you are doing searches related to professional cleaning companies through the internet. The network is a great place to find information of any kind, but beware, it is also a collection of companies whose appearance on the screen...
My boyfriend and myself have been together for almost four years and there is no doubt in my mind that I will be spending the rest of my life with him. We have made our intentions known to one another and currently are enjoying saving up, traveling and planning our future together. Maybe I am overreacting or maybe I am not, I'm not sure. So many people come up to us - friends, family, co-workers, etc. and always ask "When's the wedding?" or "When are you going to get married?". The thing is, it is not your decision to make nor is there a proper timeline we should be following. We want to save up to make sure we start our lives together on the right foot. We want to have the wedding of our dreams without financially stressing out/wanting to kill one another. We want to buy a house...
Would you look at how far we've come! I think we all collectively share this grandiose view of the future and all of the fascinating advancements that will come along with it. It seems as if being human means that our only true desire is to make things easier for ourselves. It can always be faster. More reliable. Less issues. The longer we live on this planet the more we figure out what works versus what doesn't. This is wisdom. But somewhere along the way we became entranced in this idea that in order for things to become easier, we must make life harder to ensure a positive outcome. In the name of progress, this makes sense. You have to struggle in order to achieve the results you want. But what if we're confusing our inherent struggle for betterment with drama? Perhaps because the...
I hear a voice in the distance… What are we to do with madness? What are we to tell the children, the youth, the future when all around is burning? When the very fabric of our moral fibre is torn apart? As a child, my heart would beat like thunder at the very possibility of diversity. Colour meant one thing… vitality. It represented the sheer beauty in all things. The idea of hating a colour was as alien to me as the many galaxies spinning light years away. I am by no means a very religious man. I walk to the beat of my own drum. I feel what I feel, I love what I love and I strive to be better than I was yesterday. I have been surrounded by love, possibility, hope and strength for as long as I can remember. I have witnessed hate, violence, horror and felt loss. I see the darkness...
Hello There, You constantly pester me asking ‘’ When are you getting married?’’ What I want to shot back with is ‘’ Excuse me, why do you even think it’s your business???’’. But I can’t say that. If I do, the image I’ve depicted in everybody’s mind is going to get tarnished. That nice, soft spoken, kind girl who wears her big smile 24/7, can’t be snappy at anybody even in the times she’s faking it! So I have to be nice and give you response that you’ll accept. How unfair life is? If I’m not nosy about your personal affairs, why can’t you leave me alone? Let me tell you, why am I not married yet. It’s because I haven’t met ( or met but for some reason we had to be aprt) that person, whom I want to spend the rest of my life with, whom I want to grow older with, who I can’t live without...
I was an addict. I was a drug addict. It took me a long time to utter those words in my own head, let alone speak them out loud or pen them down. Looking back on my past as a drug user, I can tell you that we, us ‘addicts,’ never intentionally set out to become that way; we never intended to hurt ourselves, but most of all, we never intended to hurt you. We are sorry. I am sorry. Here is how it works: something strikes our lives that is not emotionally or physically bearable, and we seek help. Oftentimes that ‘help’ results in medication. At first, the medication is a welcome reprieve from the pain and torment our bodies and minds endure each day. We are trying to medicate against sad things like the death of a loved one, a physical injury, a disease, or some other emotional...
I think that transgenders should be able to use the bathroom that they are turning into. I don't think its right for a guy that wants to turn into a girl should have to use the guys bathroom when she don't feel that she fits in their. I feel that they should be able to use the bathroom they feel the most conformable in than happing to use the bathroom that makes me feel not welcome because they want to be a girl and not a guy. Some transgenders don't even feel the need to use bathrooms at school or in public because they feel unwelcome but I think they should be welcomed any and everywhere they go because they are just like us just changing their body parts.
Seems to me the narcissists and abusers have several things working to their advantage (NOT), in their twisted diabolical plans. The worst is SILENCE and ISOLATION. Parents and families who want to keep things secret lie because of shame or worse, getting caught. People either can’t fathom that someone could do such a thing (Thank God!): Or that any parent could allow it to happen to a precious child. If such a horrible truth were to be acknowledged as the travesty it is…Then surely something must be done about it! As conscious beings we are forced to make a decision on where we stand and make a decision on what to do, or not do about sexual abuse. Unfortunately, taking a stand is just to hard for some people. Even well meaning friends and loved ones if they can’t grasp why their...
Dear Olivia Pinkney, As a vulnerable victim of police violence and abuse, and your force protecting my abusers by abusing me themselves, I am appalled at your lack of response to my concerns, you re-condemn me for my abusers and your force who think that they can brand me as mad, and as a result of branding me as mad, can keep coming after me at my abusers' behest, bruatlizing me and making me homeless. As Chief Constable, I would like you to respond to me properly and courteously and explain why I am living in fear and as a fugitive. I would like you and Michael Lane to explain why you have time to use abuse as a PR stunt in the press and media while you are failing to resolve a decade of your force's police violence, dishonesty, misconduct and harassment that has left me destroyed...
I would like to apologize for taking for granted the man you used to be. Grudges kept me from seeing that you really tried to be a good husband and father. I am sorry for pushing you away. I did not realize how great I had it with you. I feel like this is partially my fault,the person you have become. I knew meth was something you had done when I met you. But I was young and did not know much about it.
