
Dear ShroomEater, I wanted to personally send you a brief update on Four Sigma Foods (or as we call it FSF) matters at the end of our second full fiscal year. As you know, we founded FSF about 1.5 years ago. At the time we had, and still have, a few base values we believe in and decided not compromise with no matter what. Doing good. That’s why making our DIY charity projects in Cambodia and Russia. That’s why helping people with nutrition. They will not change the world, but it’s a start. Education. That’s why all the free educational material such as ebooks and videos. We want to help people with the holistic lifestyle change and not only push our own products. Green mindset. We want to be as ecological as possible, hence choosing the less wasteful means of production and...
Dear Alexandre, Can I call you Alexandre? I hope you don’t mind if I call you by your first name, I understand only your close friends and family members would lovingly call you Alexandre. I’m sure by the time we’re through this entire incident; you’d feel like we’ve known each other for years. As was the flight delay time, on one of your aircrafts I had the misfortune of flying. You know Alexandre, I seldom read and the only thing I've ever lamented online is the proliferation of religious ideologies. I don't believe in throwing brickbats on any passing subject but I do believe in the fact that writing needs a sense of purpose, which I've rarely come across until now. So you should feel special Alexandre, very special. The thing is I’ve started dreaming about Air...
Dear Airline Industry, The time has come for you to start listening to travelers’ concerns. Not just hearing, but actually listening. I have many years of personal and professional experience in the travel industry. My father was a pilot for a major U.S. carrier and my brother currently flies for another major U.S airline. I was raised around planes, understanding from a very young age about respecting other passengers, the flight crew, and airline representatives. Now a Certified Destination Specialist and the owner of a specialized travel company, I am very familiar with how air service was and what it has become. I have always been an advocate of the airline industry, but the time has come to really speak out about the mishandlings and sheer insolence. Let me also say that I...
Anyone who has ever met me can attest to my exceptionally laid back nature but there are some things that I feel cannot be ignored and it just so happens that one of your Thomson Holidays has become a prime example for me; bad customer service. After a difficult year my partner and I thought it was time for a break. We walked into our local Thomson Holidays store and booked an all inclusive platinum resort in Bulgaria, complete with ocean view, 24hr doctor and multiple hotel restaurants; a place highly recommended by the staff for its plethora of activities, local bars and restaurants as well as the wonderful views. This was key for us as we like to “do stuff” on holiday rather than sit by the pool and relax. 8 weeks later and we finally land at the Burgas Airport in Bulgaria around...
Dear Mr Branson It is with deep regret that I feel compelled to bring to your attention a formal complaint with regards to my most recent experience with Virgin Atlantic. As a man who always appears proud of the services his company provides I hope you will agree that the treatment we received did not meet the Virgin Company standard. In mid-October 2014 I booked direct return Virgin Atlantic tickets for myself, my partner and our 11 month old from LAX to London Heathrow to return to my home country for Christmas. Despite not being actual Virgin flights, they were operated by your strategic partner Delta, I paid the premium to take flights with a name that I trusted confident that the partnerships your company had formed would afford me the same quality of service I had come to...
Dear Jet Airways, We are waiting for your condolence call. We know that if you had personally known the deeply loved pet cat who passed away while she was under your care that you would have called already. Obituary for James Dean: James Dean was a beautiful grey striped Indian cat with beautiful eyes who belonged to a Japanese born Desi girl, Preeti Varma. The adorable tomboy was mistaken as a male kitten…hence the name…but the name stuck. James was a little daredevil trouble maker like her namesake. Preeti’s flatmate, Gigi Bedi, nicknamed her JarJar after the goofy Starwars movie alien character, and she certainly had a goofy side too. Before we took her for the cremation we were giggling about each precious memory we had of the little fur ball that stole our hearts...
