
Dear The Kardashian Family, You might seem like peculiar idols for me to admire. On the face of it, our lives couldn’t be more different: mine, as a Conservative MP, living in England, yours steeped in unprecedented glamour and money, the quintessential American dream. You’re not particularly politically engaged, you haven’t produced ground-breaking science, literature or even music. Yet, for me, there’s one thing you represent that can’t be easily gained or replicated, something invaluable which we both possess: tenacity. Growing up, in Anfield, Liverpool, working hard was the foremost lesson I learned. My father, a bus driver, was often ill and my mother desperately tried to make ends meet as she trained to be a teacher. We hid from the rent man, skipped meals frequently. I...
Dear David: I first met you as a tiny girl. My eldest sister introduced us. She and I danced to your music pumping through the cassette deck in her room. We’ve been friends, your music and I, ever since. I was lying in bed last night, getting ready to finally turn off the lights and let sleep take me. I scrolled through my social media feed. I saw a post that you died. I scrambled to fact-check and the news feed brought a damning hammer down on me. He’s dead. Holy crap. David Bowie is dead. I sent a text to my friend Julie. “Bowie is dead… My heart is aching.” Last Friday I was celebrating your birthday and album release with my dear friend River. I superimposed their face on your Aladdin Sane cover. It feels like ages ago. I am an artist. This pulsing brain between my ears...
Dear Princess Leia Body-Shamers: Twitter is ablaze with angry troll tweets about how Carrie Fisher (a.k.a. Princess Leia in the new "Star Wars" movie) has aged in the decades since the first "Star Wars" movie was released in 1977. You say she looks fat and old now. I have this to say to you: Stop it, you stupid, ignorant young idiots. Carrie Fisher was in her 20s when she wore the Princess Leia sex-slave metal bikini in the original "Star Wars" movie. Most people will not have that body ever, and no one has that body three decades after they were in their 20s. So why express your disappointment at her appearance in the new "Star Wars" movie when she is close to 60 years old? Do you have any clue as to how you will look when you are close to 60 years old? Do you think you will...
Dear Gregorian Calendar, As your gift to us of 2015 is at its end I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything it has brought with it. You have been giving us these gifts since 1582, that's 433 gifts and I bet no one has ever thanked you for any. Until now... So, 2015...where to start. I could start with December but I know how fussy you are with the order of the months so let's look at January. January You named January after Janus, the Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings, or as he is known to his friends - Hugh. Janus (January) - a great big hole at the start of the year waiting to be filled by the pleasure and pain of what is yet to come. But Mr Gregorian, why before we can even embark on the year do you give us homework to do? As we lie...
Dear Kim, Marriage is difficult and every marriage presents challenges. In your marriage the stress of celebrity made the path even harder. Sadly, in our society there is no real marriage preparation. Why? Well, when the pre-marital hormones are running high, no one wants it. But, how can young people learn what it takes to make marriage work when all they have it the romantic fantasy the media provides? Your divorce may also turn out to be sadder than the average divorce. In longer marriages the partners have had a chance to emotionally detach and disconnect. Here you were in white one day and in the lawyer’s office the next. Oh, how I wish you had discussed your impending divorce with me prior to going public. We would have discussed marriage, timing, patience, and the feelings of...
It's the time of the year for us to welcome our Miss Universe 2015. Congratulations to Ms Pia Wortzback, she deserves it. As we all know this is the most memorable pageant. Steve Harvey announced the wrong name as the winner, then Colombia reigning for about 2 minutes. I pitied her at first. Of course it's heart breaking to know you actually did not win after doing the victory walk and waving your country's flag. HOWEVER! No matter how disappointing the result can be contestants of the said pageant should not show such rudeness! You ladies want to inspire everyone? Well you are inspiring them to be rude. A beauty queen should have beauty and brains, right? So where are your brains? This mistake from Steve Harvey is an eye opener. It only shows us that most beauty queens are...
Okay, I pretty much put it out there already, so may as well just put it all out there. Thank you so much everyone! Dear Taylor Swift: I am a professional artist. With years of work and support from customers, friends, and family, I have built a business around my designs and am (hopefully) adding my own small form of beauty to the world. I now have three shops in New Orleans and gratefully rely on people who demonstrate that art they love is worth paying for. I may "only" have 1239 followers on Instagram, but I believe my work has value. I believe there are many others out there like me. As a professional artist, I was astonished to see you use one of my most popular designs on all your official social media platforms as part of your promotions for 1989. While I wondered why no one...
He was a noted activist, poet and Native thinker, and on December 8, 2015 John Trudell left Turtle Island to join the spirit world. The influential Native philosopher touched many throughout Indian country and beyond. Today, Trudell’s family released the following statement: “We know all the people who love John want to know about plans and how to pay their respects. John left clear instructions for his passage and for what he wanted to happen after he crossed over. He did not want a funeral or any kind of single gathering. He also did not want his family to write a standard style obituary or ‘toot his horn.’ He didn’t want to tell people how to remember him. “His wishes are for people to celebrate life and love, pray and remember him in their own ways in their own communities...
December 3rd, 2015 is not the day Scott Weiland died. It is the official day the public will use to mourn him, and it was the last day he could be propped up in front of a microphone for the financial benefit or enjoyment of others. The outpouring of condolences and prayers offered to our children, Noah and Lucy, has been overwhelming, appreciated and even comforting. But the truth is, like so many other kids, they lost their father years ago. What they truly lost on December 3rd was hope. We don't want to downplay Scott's amazing talent, presence or his ability to light up any stage with brilliant electricity. So many people have been gracious enough to praise his gift. The music is here to stay. But at some point, someone needs to step up and point out that yes, this will happen...
A time and a place for everything An era now comes to an end Linda Ellerbie’s retiring Her time on TV is spent She made many a child smarter and more understanding in many ways Consumer-friendly like a mac computer she uncomplicated the news, day-by-day I bet many journalists have learned from her wits after all most of ‘em grew up with Nick News When they were still kids It´s time for them to fulfil your role The young ones get to take the lead I hope that many of them are women I, too, believe in an equal treat For both sexes Frank Ammerlaan Hi Linda, This poem needs a short explanation. I’m practicing my writing skills, looking to improve them. In my profession, I write mostly technical memos and reports. That’s why I picked writing poetry. I want...
