
Dear Michigan Courts, Fathers play a major role in their childrens’ lives and their development. Jennifer E. Lansford, PhD, a research professor at Duke University with a focus on child development, states that “...children who have sensitive and supportive fathers have higher levels of social competence and better peer relationships. Children whose fathers provide them with learning materials and speak with them frequently perform better in school and have more advanced language skills.” There’s a clear positive correlation between paternal involvement in childrens’ lives and their childrens’ well-being. Thus, it’s worth talking about some of the hardships fathers face with custody rights after divorce. When parents get divorced, it’s your job to determine custody. You determine...
Mr. PUTIN Enoug! Have you got any idea what you have done?!?! I really doubt that you fully comprehend what your “special operation” caused. It is more than obvious that you do not understand the consequencies and the impact your war has had. And I am not talking only about lost lifes and destroyed cities, the highest price that is being paid by Ukraine people. Your war has created hate, anger, dislike and frustration that will last for many decates to come. The hate and dislike is aimed not only at your person, but also at your country and your people. By this decision you sentenced your people to hardship and affliction. You lead your country backwards, your country will find itself in Stalin’s era once again. You got stuck in time Mr....
#NYSWeDeserveBetter This document is being shared by #NYSWeDeserveBetter, employees of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) of the State of New York who care deeply about fulfilling RIOC’s mission. We are actively working in support of immediate changes that will benefit RIOC as a whole by improving the oversight of the island and the current workplace culture for everyone who serves there. We are presenting ourselves under the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, intimidation, and the maligning of our careers as public service professionals. Given the serious content of this letter, we demand the immediate resignation of the following employees of RIOC’s executive team: Shelton J. Haynes, President...
Any American over the age of 55 remembers what true freedom is. We remember when we could speak our minds without fear of retribution, and when corruption was exposed and punished. What we have today is a spineless and demented President who does not care that 70% of Americans what energy independence from AMERICAN oil and gas well. He ignores that 65% of Americans what a secure and scrutinized border. He ignores that 68% of Americans do not want, or cannot afford electric cars. Every single one of his executive orders have benefited China, Russia, or Iran directly or indirectly AT THE EXPENSE of WE THE PEOPLE. In short he has betrayed America to satisfy not only the radical left but BIG PHARMA and George Soros his two biggest campaign contributors. Biden knows that George Soros has...
Monday 28 February 2022 Dear Dr Spence We the undersigned are writing as and/or on behalf of colleagues and students who are significantly negatively impacted by UCL’s decision to align with the current Government’s policy to remove all public health protections against Covid. This negative impact arises from being clinically vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable due to a health care condition and/or medications for such a condition, living with people with such conditions, or being unable to work or study at home. “Living with Covid” should not mean ignoring the virus. The world is still in a pandemic, and we are in a local, national, and international situation of considerable health uncertainty and insecurity. Removing all public health provisions aimed at reducing...
I am writing to ask you to not pass one more penny for the Bidens newest request. The government, over the years, has passed mountains of frivolous requests that are funded by the people. It is time to go back and clean house. Go thru all of those items, put an end to each and put the money back into Ukranian funded assistance. Biden has been doing his best to completely destroy the United States. He has cut off our Keystone pipeline and buying it from Russia and now he's looking at Iran. It is time for the Senate and the house to put an end to this. You must find a way to illiminate purchases from foreign adversaries. The price of gas and all of the other items that are affected is strangling the people who are not in the Billionaire Club. It is time for the republicans to...
To the Soldiers of the Russian Federation: I am a private citizen of the United States of America. In my country there are few higher honors than answering the call of service for the defense of our nation and our freedom. I sincerely wish the same recognition for the soldiers of all peace and freedom-loving countries in these difficult times. Over the course of two decades, relations between our two nations have seriously deteriorated. Many difficult obstacles and challenges have plagued our fraught relationship since then. The current state of affairs was intended at all costs to be avoided and has been forced upon Ukraine and her allies. I am confident that the allied governments of Europe and North America feel this way as do all of our peoples. The relationship between...
All of you who have been watching the satellite imagery of the Ukraine invasion by Putin's Russian troops, see a 40 mile convoy of Russian troops and armored vehicles destined for Kiev, that could have been obliterated 3 days ago in less than one hour. Every Air Force pilot in the world knows that the Ukraine has 5 dozen well-trained fighter pilots. We also know that the U.S. and NATO allies have over 300 A10 Wart Hogs (The best tank killers in the world that shoot 4,000 30mm depleted uranium shells per minute) just taken out of service by the Air Force, and still in service with 9 NATO countries. Just 3-5 of these aircraft could have, and should have been gifted or loaned to the Ukrainian Air Force, and they would have stopped this convoy in its tracks within an hour of crossing into...
Dear Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, Fumio Kishida, Justin Trudeau, Scott Morrison, the world leaders, scientists, journalists and celebrities, American, European and Australian communities, we are grateful for all your support. Please stand steadfast! Your help is crucial for us. Please take all necessary measures in order to demand from Russia: 1) to stop Russian intervention, especially bombing of major cities and other inhabited settlements and 2) to withdraw Russian troops beyond internationally recognized borders. Perhaps, the political and economical complexities seem ambiguous from peaceful diplomatic districts of the world capitals – but when enormous burning objects are flying in front of one’s window, everything becomes pretty clear, trust...
I'll get to the point. The World Health Assembly (who ever they are) is currently working with the World Health Organization to develop a "Pandemic Preparedness and Response" treaty, which if passed, would be binding by international law, for all countries who participate and sign it. Basically, making the WHO the controlling entity in the case of a pandemic. The negotiations and drafting of the document starts next month. I STRONGLY APPOSE ANY SUCH GLOBAL PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS TREATY AND THE IDEA THAT SOME GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE United States, SHOULD BE GIVEN SUCH POWER. THE UNITED STATES SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF, AND SHOULD NOT SIGN, SUCH A TREATY. The WHO along with the CDC are worthless organizations, and their interests...
