
I recently engaged in a discussion with a (former) pastor who thought it wise to encourage his fellow pastors on social media to not use the pulpit to sway their people to vote for their preferred candidate. “Just point people to Jesus because that’s all that matters.” The implication was to steer clear of political discussion. Period. That sounds great. Very spiritual. Very righteous. I admit, if we were approaching a presidential election decades ago, that advice may be fitting. Not so today where one party’s slogan is “Battle for the soul of a nation.” That is extremely telling. Long gone are the days where an election is primarily about the economy and raising taxes. (For any non-Christians reading this letter, let me quickly denounce the absurd accusation that we believe Trump-or...
There are 18.8 million Veterans living in the United States today. We represent 500+ of them. We have served in World War II, the Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq (OEF/OIF), and with the military’s anti-drug cultivation efforts in South America. We, like the rest of the country, never thought the day would come that our biggest battle would be within our own borders. There are over 76,518 Veterans who have been infected with COVID-19 and 4,017 have needlessly died. The list of challenges plaguing Veterans, our families, and the American people - continues to grow with increases in suicides, drug abuse, hate crimes, unemployment, homelessness, bankruptcies, and climate change. We can and MUST do better...
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA used to be a country with great leadership respected and admired for the strength of its economy and its democracy. Now everything built is at high risk of deterioration. How did we get here? One of the more evident applications of the Yin and Yang concept is the ideological polarization between people’s ideas and beliefs. The first Europeans that populated and founded the United States of America canalized their more fundamental differences through two main political parties which interaction, dynamic and evolution contributed to build a great country. Tracking the history of the position about slavery and discrimination in the American people is a good example of this dualism. Even though George Washington had abolitionist ideas and the declaration of...
"I will shoot you and nothing will happen." A statement that shows no concern to human lives. This statement has paralyzed people mentally. If people who are to protect our citizen are the one oppressing and killing the system, then our country isnt safe anymore. If our friend should say this, then we know our live is at stake and all we can do is to keep hoping. But, when we keep hoping with no result coming forth, then our hope becomes hopeless and we accept what we ought not to accept. Why should we be afraid of walking freely in our motherland? Why should we think that going to another country is the best for us? Why should our youth be afraid of the future? Why should we be scared of people they told us are our friend? Some citizens are not proud to be a citizen of this land...
I speaking for myself you voters should not let Donald Trump or his supporters intimidate you from casting your vote who ever you vote for you have a right to vote. Trump has put out poll watchers so it seems to watch or perhaps scare voters particular black voters in not casting their votes .voters should exercise their right to vote regardless who you vote for in the upcoming election . Donald Trump doesn't want to vote because if you vote he losses exercise your right to vote early mail in voting or voting day November 3, 2020 you should vote regardless who you vote for! If you want to vote by mail so be it because Donald TRUMP. and his administration vote by mail including Trump 's family and his supporters vote by mail so if you vote to avoid catching the coronavirus then you should...
As the United States’ presidential election approaches, I hope all voters reflect on the current state of America before casting their ballots. In doing so, I would ask them to also consider one simple question: Is America in better shape today than it was four years ago? Just look at where America is today: - Donald Trump’s hubris, anti-science mindset, and inaction have enabled a pandemic to take root and grow stronger daily. America leads the world in COVID cases and COVID-related deaths. Although much of the illness and death caused by COVID was preventable, Donald Trump instead chose inertia, leaving the fight against a pandemic to governors, mayors, and chance. - Under President Trump, the character and fundamental nature of our nation have been markedly sullied, as he has...
Vernon Jones for you to go on national television to support a racist bigot Donald Trump is perhaps the most disgusting thing that I have to watch !Just curious is Trump paying you for your support or perhaps Trump is blackmailing you to support either way you're a weak protheadic man to support or force to support Donald Trump of all people who have racist off the coup remarks towards African Americans . Trump don't respect black people icon like the late congressmen John Lewis didn't pay respect to Lewis at his funeral whining that John Lewis didn't come to his inauguration nor his state of the union addresses as well disrespecting Lewis 's constitutes in Georgia roach disinfectant etc!The thing that pisses me off that punk mutual fuckers giving him credit for black unemployment Trump...
I know that all of you registered voters out their isn't going to buy into Kayne West as a real protential president candidate 2020 . Kayne West perhaps have some mental health problems but, Kayne isn't serious about being president perhaps Kayne want some attention I don't know perhaps his last album didn't sale as good that he hope so I guess Kayne got in mind to run for president ..Kayne perhaps is a genius musician etc but a politician president candidate . People you know that Kayne is a supporter of Donald Trump the Republican party is trying to get him on the 2020 ballot Kayne isn't really serious this is joke Kayne is trying to get on the ballot just to help Trump plus Kayne perhaps has a business interest to help Trump get reelected for another term. At the end of the day you...
Congress you must pass the voting right bill that been sitting in McConnell's desk in the Senate more than ever in The Trump era . It clearly that the Republican s doesn't want Americans particular African Americans participate in the voting process. I'm so tired if D Of Donald Trump complaining about voter when it their none the election hasn't started and what I hear from reports that the Trump administration is blocking the postal service from delivering mailing not to mention protential mail in absentee ballot. This is a attack to stop blacks from voting when he keep talking about voter fraud . John Lewis fought for all American to vote he gave his life for black Americans to vote . If every member of Congress respect congressmen Lewis and his work pass the voting rights act bill !
Philosopher George Santayana is oft quoted as saying, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." You'd do well to ponder this truth today if you've ever: - Felt your race limits your opportunities, or - Told yourself you aren't racist. Racism has existed since the dawn of time, in every country around the world. Likewise for sexism. (Last I knew, there were no women memorialized on Mt. Rushmore...) However, those of us living in America now (female, male, black, white, cyan, etc.) have the freedom and opportunity to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Many of the 8+ billion people around the world will never know that freedom. If you want to thrive in the 21st Century, try investing your time and energy helping someone facing bigger challenges...
