Open Letter to the Trump Campaign

Subject: Open Letter to the Trump Campaign
From: Mrs. America
Date: 27 Sep 2016

Mrs. America Writes the Open Letter to the Trump Campaign
"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change."
Michael Jackson
Dear Mr. Trump,
Wake up from creating Trump nightmares and Pray! Make the change to the bright morning of allegiance to SLAM, the silent current of SpiritLit Americans flowing beneath all the noise in the media. SLAMS, regardless of their heritage or religion, give first allegiance to "In God We Trust". These spiritual patriots practice faith and sincere prayer in private for their loved ones, community, and country.
SLAMS also know that you are unqualified for the spiritual and moral leadership we need in 2016 to make us indivisible. Your actions and Tweets are unsuitable for American students who are disciplined at home and school for unacceptable conduct.
Your public behavior causes even nonspiritual Americans nightmares. Many of these voters toss and turn during the night, disturbed by the idea of another Republican entertainer aspiring for their greatest performance as our next President.
Well-informed SLAMS are also disturbed by the number of misguided American immigrants standing behind you at rallies. Some of your supporters must cheer for the bad guys in television shows and movies. You and those anti-heroes fade in comparison to our current magnanimous hero, President Obama.
Wake up from your Trump-rants, intensifying the anxiety caused by our cultural, religious, political, and economic differences.
My Granddad once said, "The emptiest wagon makes the most noise." You create a lot of partisan clatter that shakes and rattles the foundation of our diverse national history. Our current spiritual despair is already amplified by the bipartisan rancor in our dysfunctional Congress. Please do not join their ranks.
Surprise us, and replace your shouts with SLAMS against our flaws. Reverse Godless racism, injustice, and excessive police force. Protest the gun lobby and senseless laws permitting military weapons on our streets and schools. Persuade ill-advised voters from electing greedy leaders who refute global warming.
Wake up, from Tweet-peting indignities and intolerance toward fellow Americans of different cultures. These humiliations foster prejudice, mistrust, and unrest. To keep this nation of immigrants great, turn from your contradictory campaign slogan to 'make America great again'. Most of your statements do just the opposite...dishonoring women, Muslims, other minorities, and the disabled. Your bigotry is a wound festering in our nation that will leave an ugly scar on our world image. Your persona tarnishes our true American spirit of tolerance and respect which keeps America great. Wake up and Trump this fact: America is still great. But first, you must transform yourself, then declare yourself a SLAM...SpiritLit American. Make the change by releasing anger, intolerance, and contempt for other fellow Americans.
Consider this quote from Jim Loehr: "The ability to summon positive emotions during periods of intense stress lies at the heart of effective leadership."
Wake up and Pray with non-partisan and partisan SLAMs who believe in God rather would-be politicians and others in the media spotlight. These Americans pray for a united, spiritual democracy. You have the power to urge your Trump-pets to calm down and put our country in God's hands. Encourage them to arm themselves with prayer instead of weapons. Then, use your media influence to protect the rights of women, children, the poor, immigrants, and middle-class workers.
Who am I to ask you and Trump-pets to wake up? I am Mrs. America...a retired American history teacher and well-read senior citizen who experienced injustice and discrimination in Alabama in the turbulent 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's. As an avid fact-checker, and census worker, I resent politicians who mislead less-knowledgeable voters. I cringe from inaccurate statements about immigration, economy, labor, and healthcare.
But above all, I am the SLAM archetype who is married to my country. I embrace all of America's natural and human beauty with an armload of tolerance, justice, equality, and moral courage. I am committed to my civic vow to remain in this country regardless of the cowardice, greed, and immorality of some political leaders. No divorce plans for me. America and I are inseparable in spite of its flaws and imperfections.
This SLAM concept came to me as I was driving to Wal-Mart two days after five Dallas police officers were ambushed July 2016. When I stopped to fill the gas tank in my old Toyota Camry my, hands trembled, stomach got queasy, and chest tightened into peaked anxiety. I realized the incessant tuning-in to depressing local and election news broadcasts had climaxed to the brink of a mental breakdown. I banged the fuel nozzle back into the gas pump and sighed, "Enough! I've had enough."
Even worse, twenty-eight years ago I moved to gone-wild Texas and have watched it become governed by a few extreme yahoos in Austin. A change erupted in me to do something in protest to all this anguish and madness. I returned home to write this letter to you.
Mrs. America prays this letter will perform a miracle that transforms you and your followers from clown faces to serene faces. Those circus faces are disturbing our sleep and national spirit. Albert Einstein said, "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
Please do this country a big favor and free yourself from negative self-talk. Study, read more, and change into a SLAM. Join the millions of meditating and praying SLAMs who are keeping this country civilized, tolerant, progressive, and grand. To 'Make America Great Again': pray, trumpet a more patriotic American Spirit, and abandon politics.
We need a faith patriot to unite, heal & lead this multicultural country into the most successful democracy ever. Pray for and support this person to take the historic lead to a Spiritlit American Revival that surrenders our nation back to God. Then, we can continue as the great beacon shining on a hill for all the lost in the world to see and emulate.

Mrs. America,
SpiritLit AMerican

P.S. President Barack Obama is already Making America Great.
