An Open Letter to my Younger Cousins

Subject: An Open Letter to my Younger Cousins
Date: 29 Apr 2016

Dear younger cousins,
Enjoy being little while you still can. I know you hate it so much, but we’ve all been there. You can’t just skip through the ‘too little to hang with the bigger kids’ phase so just enjoy it. I know that seems horrible and impossible but you will understand why the big kids don’t want you around when you become one. I know that’s hard to imagine but I was the same way.
Put down your electronics and go outside. It won’t kill you. My generation grew up playing outside everyday without cell phones and Xboxes so you can put them down for a little while. Besides, you will learn a lot more outside than you will on a gadget. You can’t climb a tree or catch a fish through a cell phone. And where will yelling at a tv screen because you couldn’t beat a level get ya?
You don’t know everything. I know that when you’re young you think you do, but trust me you don’t. When an adult tells you something you should listen to them and do what they say instead of ignoring them and doing whatever you want. And I know your parents are teaching you manners; use them. Disrespecting people, especially your elders, will get you nowhere. Be good. Be kind. Use your manners.
