Open letter to my baby's grandparents

Subject: Open letter to my baby's grandparents
From: Proud new mom
Date: 21 Oct 2016

Dear grandparents of my one month old child,
Things were awesome at first. I couldn't have asked for a better support system than you. You guys may have been a little rough around the edges then but you only had good intentions. I appreciate everything you did for me and my daughter in that time. I'll say it again. Thank you so much.
But then shit hit the fan, now I'm a bad mom. I'm a bad mom because I co-bathe, I'm a bad mom because I moved out after you told me I was an unfit parent, I'm a bad mom because I won't take your advice that goes against doctor's orders, I'm starving my baby because I let her sleep until she cries for a feeding twice at night, and finally I'm an unfit parent because I have depression AND postpartum.
Now, you're withholding the only newborn pictures I have of my daughter because you had them taken. Now, you run my name through the dirt because I won't let you hold what you think you're entitled to. Now, I'm a terrible mom because I stayed with your son when he wasn't the best to me.
And even better, now, you tell everyone about how horrible I have to be to my child for her to not be "advancing as she should", how she isn't "bonding with me", and most importantly how pathetic I am for taking an extended unpaid maternity leave.
I don't know what you think you're entitled to in my life, but I'm going to just give you a quick run down on what you aren't entitled to.
You aren't entitled to see, watch, babysit, or even know how my child is doing.
You aren't entitled to holding her, feeding her, bathing her, or even touching her.
You aren't entitled to see her on holidays or weekends.
You aren't entitled to visit her.
And you most DEFINITELY aren't entitled to voicing your opinion of how terrible of a parent I am, to anyone. Because guess what, I'm the one that made her, I'm the one that carried her, I'm the one that gave birth to her, and now I'm the one that feeds her, I'm the one that bathes her, and I'm the one that clothes her.
If you think, even for a second that you're entitled to more than calling yourself a grandparent. You. Are. Wrong.
If you call me a bad mom. I'll cut you out. If you tell me that I'm not doing my job good enough. I'll cut you out. If you continuously give me advice I already told you I will not apply to her life. I. Will. Cut. You. Out.
I have nothing for someone that gossips about me. And I definitely don't have ANYTHING for someone that has the nerve to call me a bad mom.
The only person entitled to my daughter is me and her father. My daughter is happy, healthy, and advancing perfectly. The only thing that should concern you is keeping my name, her name, and her fathers name out of your mouth.
