California is to disclose the basis publicly. Why they believe in the single-perspective "comfort women" description in their education curriculum.

Subject: California is to disclose the basis publicly. Why they believe in the single-perspective "comfort women" description in their education curriculum.
From: Racn Kel
Date: 16 Jul 2016

California approved the new History-Social Science Curriculum. ( July 13, 14, 2016 )

The new one describes "comfort women" issue only with the single-perspective assertively. The description, "institutionalized sexual slavery....", "hundreds of thousands of women were forced into....", represents the assertion that was systematic criminality by the national policy of Japan. ( )
Actually speaking, the "comfort women" issue is still in dispute regarding the determination-of-facts.

But California ( California Department of Education and State Board of Education ) adopted that single-perspective description without publicly disclosing the concrete basis/evidence of that.

---- California Is To Disclose The Basis below PUBLICLY;

a). By what basis, they adopted only the single-perspective description assertively about this disputed issue.

b). By what basis, they dismissed another perspective and presented contradiction. ( )

c). By what reason, they didn't take the way of describing multiple-perspective together.


Due to their neglecting the disclosure, no one, especially students and teachers, can evaluate/verify the credibility and relevance of the curriculum.
Besides, to think that CDE is an organization for public, CDE has accountability to show the explanation publicly.

Does California refuse any verification/examination for that ? Doesn't it neglect students and tax-payers ?

