To the boy I will never get over

Subject: To the boy I will never get over
Date: 19 Sep 2016

Before you I always thought missing someone was the worst pain a person could possibly feel. But after you left I realized missing someone hurts but knowing you're not being missed by someone you can barely breathe without kills you.
Do you want to know what you did by leaving me? I can no longer enter a relationship with innocence. I can no longer hope for love and feel those butterflies. Instead I'll enter cautiously, and kill myself worrying when I'll be left. I can't enjoy, I can't laugh, I cant be delicate. I cant love at all. You've taught me to worry, and not to trust. You've taught me a new perspective of the world. You've changed everything. You've changed me. I can never be the same delightful girl I once was. I can no longer be loveable and I guess after all these months I just cant believe you did this to me. I have nothing but unconditional love for you Dakota. I cant be judgmental and call you a monster because you weren't always one. It isn't your fault things didn't work out. I'm just so sorry someone made you a monster. I'm sorry someone made you as hard and cold as you made me. I'm sorry.
