Love Letters

Stefan Dearest, All I want you to do is to listen,take time to read. I won’t bother you for long.This ist the last! I believe in this life no words should be left unsaid, no work should be left undone and no negative/ ill feelings should linger to destroy our very soul.That gratitude should prevail over disappointment no matter how small. And that you will still believe that love and attraction requires no logic and apology. My opinion of you never change,I do still believe that you are a wonderful guy not even your horny ways can't change that. During our short chat, I notice more the Stefan who is down to earth, supportive and very considerate. You never made me feel that I am inferior to what you can and what you have. That count most and that makes you endearing to me. I wanted...
Hey You, Maybe what you’ve done is just a typical activity in a day in your life. But for me, it’s something. Something to treasure and indeed worth remembering. Yes, I still remember what you said last night. I cannot believe the words you said and how spontaneous they were. I don’t know if you and I will be able to talk again. Maybe that’s just it – it ended when you got all the details you needed and called it a night . I didn’t want it to end but you took the lead and left me curious. I don’t know if we’d say “hi” or “hello” when we pass by the narrow hallways or the elevator in the remaining days. But I know we won’t. Because we didn’t. But I know that you see what you’re doing to me. I wish we’ll be able to talk again. You’re interesting and I can’t forget how brave you...
To His New Girlfriend, You probably hate me. You probably saw nothing but his emaciated figure after weeks of turmoil and angst. You probably heard nothing but the pain in his voice, and the catch in his breath when he described the torture I put him through. I would hate me too. But I have nothing but hope in my heart for you. I hope he never lies to you. I hope you are never disappointed when something he has promised never comes true. I hope he never persuades you to move halfway across the country when your heart is still at home. I hope that you only ever move for your future, not for his. I hope that if you do move somewhere, and you struggle, he is always there for you. I hope he never leaves you night after night after night as you cry in your bed, wondering where he's...
To ... I have often heard it is hardest to write the beginning of a novel than it is to write the end. Well writing this letter is no different. How do I begin what are likely to be the last words I write to the only woman I have ever loved. How do I tell her the very things I need to without the fear of knowing that I very likely will never speak to her again. So this is my attempt to explain my feelings an actions so that one day she may know truly how I felt. I never expected to fall in love, I never wanted to nor felt that it would make my life happier. Years of laughing at the stupidity of romantic movies and novels I was not ready for when it hit me. Like a freight train. I still remember the moment I first saw her across the vast expansive room, waiting at the same crossroads...
1 Corinthians 13:8. Love NEVER fails! Real love, (and only real love) will never fail. But it must be accepted and reciprocated in a very real way, (between two people) for it truly not to fail. If real love exists for just one in a relationship, it will not be strong enough to sustain the hardships of life. This is proven in the love of Christ, in that to be saved by his love, you must accept his love(and the fact that he is the son of GOD) to be saved from your sins and be able to enter into to heaven. In both the case of Jesus' and the sinner, it is action and sacrifice(not just feelings) that triggers the kind of love that never fails. With Jesus dying on the cross as his action and sacrifice, and the sinners accepting Jesus and the Holy spirit into his own spirit, as well as...
Dear my, Penny Lover, I'm sorry for everything, i really am. Our relationship is like quicksand, the more we fight to better it, the more we sink, sadly. I respect your decision on taking a break, it's really hard to say that, even harder to do it, unbelievably painful to think we had to come to it. Believe it or not, i have always wanted to do right by you. Seems like i failed that one, huh? For that, I apologize. It was never my intentions, and I can say that a million and one times, but it will change nothing. Just forgive me if you can. Remember the good parts of me, and forget the bad, and always know that you have me in your heart, as I have you forever in mine. My true one desire, baby, our love has expired.. I want you to know, I was thinking about a certain...
To Dexter Ian Madrigal Garcia, hindi ko alam kung paano ko sisimulan ang sasabihin ko, sobrang dami ng gusto kong sabihin sayo ngayon. More than 3yrs na mula ng mag break tayo pero until now, ramdam ko parin ang sakit ng paghihiwalay natin. Alam mo lately napapasaya mo ako dahil sa halos araw araw natin pag uusap sa phone. Sabi mo gusto moko ligawan ulit, sobrang saya ko ng malaman ko yun, dahil hanggang ngayon sobra parin kita mahal. Pero bakit ganon kahit sinabi mo sakin yun bakit ngayon feeling ko isa lang yun sa mga jokes mo. Ayoko ng umasa dahil alam ko pag dumating na naman yung point na nakahanap ka na naman ng bagong mamahalin alam ko mawawala na naman ako sa buhay mo, isipin ko palang yun nasasaktan nako. At ngayon nandito ka sa pinas we are near yet so far dahil alam ko...
This is an open letter to the love of my life (a Marine). I've always been told that when I find the one for me, I'll know. When I met you, I knew. I knew I'd spend the rest of my life with you. I knew that out of the seven billion people in this world, you are the one I want and need to spend the rest of my life with. I knew I'd give up anything and everything to be with you. I also knew this was going to be hard; there'd be fights, longing to be together, months without intimate physical contact from anyone, tears, fear, and hurt. I [thought I] knew what I was signing up for. There's countless negative aspects of being with you, and everyone sees it. My friends ask how I'm holding up. Strangers whom I've never talked to in my life as my "how I do it." I cry, a lot. I...
Dear Friend, Thank you for introducing yourself to me on the schoolyard when I was new to the community. Had you not, I don't know if I would have extended a hand. When I first saw you in the neighborhood, I avoided eye contact. I couldn't see beyond the hijab. Your headscarf represented to me a religion of negativism and extremes, a culture of anti-Semitism, and a stifling of the modern woman. I passed judgment, was ignorant and afraid. I quickly concluded that we were from different worlds, and hence unable to find common ground; until we did. Our sons' fast friendship, much to my surprise, led to ours. Several conversations, a few workouts, and a shared hookah later, I learned some things. First, your commitment to Islam is rooted in a spirituality that transcends all...
My darling girl, First, a confession: I had you killed. I planned it and everything; asked the vet round and a nurse in a green uniform with white piping - all with the express intention of ending your life. Yes, I know. I know you had no idea, because I had been practicing for weeks how to keep it from you, and how – when that time came – I could stop my chest from bursting with the fear and horror and unbearable, unbearable pain of it all. I sat there, in your kitchen (it was always your kitchen), numb, and filled in a form about what to do with your remains. I ticked boxes as you lay wheezing in your sleep on the bed next door. I made a series of informed, clinical decisions on the whys and wherefores of that beautiful, familiar body that had started to so badly let you down. Then,...
