
Hi, I’m a middle school student. I recently read a very profound article concerning teacher salaries, by The Washington Post, and it inspired me to write this letter, in hopes that people would truly realize how little teachers earn, specifically in NC. The article’s author shared the same views with me, that teachers need fairer pay, and more funding. Although North Carolina teachers can be considered lucky compared to educators in other states, they all don’t earn much. In March, a News Observer article stated that the average NC teacher earns approximately $50,000 annually, although many earn less than that amount. It also said that this was the first time teachers’ pay exceeded $50,000. Teachers do so much for this mass population of people, who were once all kids, and had a...
To anti-vaccination activists, The technological advancements of the last 100 years are among the most important in history for supporting our modern lifestyle. It is only because of said modern lifestyle that this discussion is even happening. In fact, anti-vaccination movements continue over 130 years of rejecting scientific evidence in the face of an advancing society. Since the Leicester demonstrations of 1885, vaccination opponents have been denying the reduced mortality rates that modern medicine has brought. Regardless of minor setbacks and issues with the process that you insist are proof of malicious intent, over 20 million lives have been saved because of vaccines. It is impossible to deny this based on coincidences that occurred after vaccinations. Another point of...
This is an open letter addressed to the President of the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM). Attention those considering college: buyer beware! Most public university systems, especially in poor southern states where public funding has been cut, are designed to maximize profits at the expense of students. They will misinform you about the severity of taking out massive student loans in order to keep their overpaid positions and sports programs afloat. This letter addresses the moral and ethical concerns that I have regarding my personal experiences with higher education, as well as the economic implications of promoting degree programs that are not supported by one's local economy and, as such, no realistic way to repay the student loans. Sadly, to date I have received no word from...
Senior year is always a mixture of fun and stress, more so stress anymore. You worry constantly about getting accepted into the college your parents want/you want, paying for all sorts of fees, juggling classes all while trying to stay sane. I've been in that position so I definitely know how hard it can be. You never really think much of it till you're close to a mental breakdown. Schools force college on students and so do parents. It is every parents dream to see their child go on to college and graduate with a degree and likewise that is some of their child's dreams as well. HOWEVER, college does not have to come right after high school. I really feel like parents fail to realize that. My parents pushed college so hard on me so I attended community college, I was not happy and...
To Whom it May Concern: It has come to my attention recently that the Theatre and Cinema Arts Department at the University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL) has been recommended for “inactivation.” As a graduating senior in the department, this news came as great shock to me and led me to investigate why this was happening. The official reason given in the March 22nd, 2018 “University of Missouri - St. Louis Program Prioritization Committee” report is that the program is losing too much money per credit hour; poor margin data. There are at least seven other departments with a greater reported loss of money and poor margin data, but the decision recommended for those programs is “Further Review.” Interestingly, some of the programs being proposed for review are basic core programs...
Now that the dust has settled and a committee is being formed to implement our new Collective Agreement (CA), this open letter is being circulated in order to recognize the CUPE3902 Unit 1 Bargaining Team and their time and work to negotiate a collective agreement with significant and wide-reaching benefits. This agreement contains funding increases and healthcare benefits to communities on campus that have borne significant hardships, this includes students who are parents, students in the unfunded years, and students with mental health concerns. These benefits are invaluable and will change the way many graduate students experience their time at the University of Toronto. This CA provides a better future for graduate students at UofT. Please sign below to acknowledge the work of our...
I have to start by saying that my story is not that sad. By all regular standards, I live a good life. I understand that when looking at things from an outside perspective, I may come off as whiny and ungrateful. Maybe even lazy and entitled. However, I just got off the phone with my private student loan provider, and I am filled with both rage and a feeling of defeat. Which is pretty much how I feel every time I get off the phone with them. I have a both an undergraduate and graduate degree with a mountain of student loan debt (ringing in at about $150k.) I am in the field of social work and I don’t make a lot of money. I started my college career 12 years ago. While I was still in high school, my parents sought out as much federal financial aid as they could get for me. They didn’...
Dear Mr Kinnock, As you did not respond to my email of 12 March inviting you to join our picket, my colleagues and I are now writing to you collectively, as staff and students of the University of Kent. We were surprised and disappointed to learn that you are due to visit our School this coming Thursday 14 March to deliver a talk to our students as part of our public speaker programme. Under ordinary circumstances the visit by an elected representative to the School would be a highly welcome and exciting event. However the circumstances are far from ordinary. This week is the final week of a 14-day long cycle of industrial action currently being undertaken by the University College Union (UCU) in a dispute with our employers over a drastic attack on our pensions. The...
Dear Deans of Admissions, My future is based on a number. My intelligence is calculated based on a multiple choice exam. An exam that has been averaged across all demographics and academic capabilities to fit the baseline testing abilities for students, an exam that determines my future path as an educated individual. I am not a test taker. My academic abilities cannot be portrayed through a scantron. I have a creative mind, one that is eager to think beyond the answer - to investigate, research, and persevere until I am satisfied with my newfound knowledge. My ability to showcase my work ethic, my devotion to studies, my academic capabilities, my perseverance and my focus cannot simply be bubbled in on a scantron. Yet, this scantron and its score will be among the highest factors...
I do not know if you remember me, we were in the same class in sixth grade. I don’t know why I am doing this, but I guess I just want you to know everything that you added to what I considered the worst year of my life. This isn’t to make you feel bad about what you did, but mostly so that I have peace of mind that I told you how you made me feel all does days we sat across each other in Mrs. C’s class. Middle school was a very hard time for me, and you made it even harder for me. I guess the best way to tell you about it is from the beginning. When I started middle school I was in 5th grade. Some bullshit about not having enough space in the Elementary school for everyone. Anyway, apart from going to a new school, I was placed out of ESL (English as Second Language) classes for the...
